Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Feels like a 1/2 lb :flushed:


I was going to request a sober video, just to eliminate suspicion of underlying Parkinsons or tourrets lol


Sober ? What’s that :rofl: Actually my equilibrium goes out of whack once THC has left my bloodstream…


Mine too. I look like a dump truck driven by an elderly Korean woman


dude i need to get in on this, every time i check in i see progress. i just PMed you about beans but my internet is shit. hopefully you got it


Thanks I welcome it! Unfortunately no PM came though 🫤


i tried again! love your work and want to support you. i wont be able to run anything until the winter as im fixing the house but didnt want to miss out on the chance to sample some of these epic pine terps


Ok so if anyone has interesting content/stories to contribute feel free to share it. I have gone ahead and hired a manger to keep things fresh every day

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What is your expected outline for them in terms of building awareness and focus to the cripy line?

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2-3 posts a day on Reddit and X, providing the content , although I’ve told them I can’t give plant progress content ahead of time :smirk: Like when Gpaw finishes I’ll take the report and pictures then tie that to the Double CripXmas listing link for them to use effectively

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They can read your previous content to build up their education on your line. The process continues :slight_smile:

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Absolutely they should be able to do that…good idea! I’m definitely gonna imply plenty to learn

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There’s no easy road to this learning curve and anyone with a above recreational investment of time would have a well founded education to begin with weeding out just key phrase imput to hype. Moving forward multi point forum reviews of your line would be helpful straddling the web sphere would aid with brand building/recognition . I personally think this. This said I’m not a professional in this field so imo my input doesn’t carry any weight just an opinion is all. Just care that support is provided to those deserving of it.


Oh yes, I’ve given them to the opportunity show me what they can do, hopefully they can produce

Oh yeah, getting some more reviews added will be helpful for sure. I think the most significant move I can make is getting the A2 done for influencers to do on video, where 1000s watch

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It will be interesting to see others review the flower as well. Post the link of the reviewers once you get them squared up. I’ll definitely be pulling up a chair and :popcorn:

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I already have one that’s getting A2 so we will get to see it later this week I think

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Right on, looking forward to it. I’ll be back in a bit here need to get a couple more hrs of sleep. If this screen is on I’m up indefinitely. Been like this since a young kid. Barely slept then and still the case now. Just need to rest as its suppose to be nicer out tomorrow so it’s working on the greenhouse build all day

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We’re definitely alike in this respect, my afternoon naps make me stay up later a night. It’s the fatigue issue dealing with autistm

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Is this the only platform they review on or is there a YouTube as well? I’m not on Twitter or Facebook. Trying to keep my direct environment have a more positive outlook and feel from the day to day life.