Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I don’t believe there were nanners on it. It was a stored pollination of the NL#2 3 rounds, which I also did for B3 and she has more seed like B4. It’s still that defect of pollen reception, the calyx doesn’t swell. It recedes in and turns color, but doesn’t puff up. I can only logically explain this as sterility :person_shrugging:

Dang that’s a bummer, man. Does that happen with the whole generation, as in you have to go back to hunt F2’s, or do you have to do a new F3 pheno hunt and hope that it doesn’t do the same thing?

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It could be this “particular” plant I used as a bearer for seed, which I chose another cut to be a new mother. I thought using my stored dust that had been sealed since collecting would make seed like the original plant did but that’s not the case. The cut was root bound and stalled out but I put in a 1/2 gall bag to flip and make seed from to replenish B’s

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The REVIEW is up.

First I WAS ROBBED last year Z Labs Reunion Cup unequivocally :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: This PROVES IT!

Next, I’ve underpriced seed for what it delivers and gives, LOL grace is OVER. I told em, don’t wait around…

The WHEELS now begin to turn


He said it was the best weed he’s ever tasted!
Congrats on getting your name out there. Great review video!


I’ve got to get MORE ready for other influencers, which I’ve got 3 cuts in and 3 fem seeds running. Gonna be busy in June. And THANKS I appreciate it, been long past time for my deserving rise


I forgot in all the excitement to show you all the seed is cracking from B4, and it’s a no tail too


I’ve been thinking about this seed issue and I’m leaning towards a pollen problem.
Have you detailed your collection and preservation protocols? I don’t recall seeing them.



It’s ‘possible’ but the B3 (NL2 pheno) took the same dust more than the B did

Ah yes, I broke it up into smaller collections.

I like to use a sheet of foil that’s been dulled down (smoothing) that prevents sticking and slides easier without the friction. I either like to use a business card (thin edged) or a box top edge as a scrapper. I start at the top and scrape down the sheet, once I see enough has piled up, I scoop up a bunch with stamen flowers on a cleaned and sterilized kief screen from grinder, run the blunt end of tweezers (sterilized) along the screen with another smaller folded square foil, once it’s cleaned (maybe a few stamens fall off to the side), so I run it again for little debris as possible before bagging. Once I have a cleaned pile of yellow dust, I make the vac bag, then place the opening over the corner, I then scrape that carefully towards that opening, and push it in. Once I have it mostly scraped into the bag, 2 rice grains into the bag, heat sealed the bag and label it with date of collection.


OK, I think I see a potential issue.

The best results I’ve seen involve a ‘drying box’ to get moisture content below 10% (I don’t know how much exactly as the cheap meters I’m using ‘tap out’ at 10%… :smile:)
I have academic papers detailing this process… and of course, they are on a ‘dead’ computer…

What I’m using is a cheap plastic ammo box (with a gasket) and renewable desiccant pack and those little RH meters.
Store in the ammo box until the RH is =< 10% (a couple days usually)
Then I vac/pac and store (fridge or freezer)… So far I’ve got viable pollen out to 2 years (long term ongoing side project… :vulcan_salute:)

Doug was using a similar setup.



If one plant took seeds and the other not so much then it would point to a issue with that female and not so much about the pollen viability?


Oh wait, I think I understand. The pollen that’s been collecting after I shake it loose, I do let that sit, the sun dries it out since the collection area is by the bathroom window. So I don’t immediately collect it. I shake it every few days until enough stamens are on the sheet, THEN I go to cleaning:bagging it, but I do make it well dried before doing so


Exactly! I keep circling back to this defect issue


It could very well be an issue with the female, that’s where my thought process started as well.
One problem is, we are dealing with small population numbers it is difficult to rule out potential scenarios…
Pollen viability drops quickly in normal RH environments, so possibly a timing issue.

I went digging and found my old link.



I collect pollen in a spare bedroom in a cabinet I made. A day or two before the flowers open up I cut off all the fan leaves and lean the plants over a clean mirror. Turn on the dehumidifier and let that baby run constant for the whole collection . Usually about 4 or 5 days. Rh in the room stays around %15. I go through the pike with the corner of a razor blade to remove debris, then into little baggies with some rice. Then into a mason jar with some rice, then into the freezer. Just used some from last year on one branch and wound up with 1200 beans.

I’d say the problem is most probably the mother. It’s hard to bek8wce that only 1 or 2 pollen spores would be viable out of millions. I’ve also definitely ran across that problem where I pollinated multiple strains with the same pollen. Some had big black beans falling out all over the tent floor at harvest, some had one or two with a bunch of immature white little mutant eggcorn junk.


DRY most times, except the summer. Most times it’s 25-30% Summer gets up to 50-60%. The NL2 was collected in winter time for reference.

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Right, it’s the Tampa Crippy and clearly it’s within the lineage it’s self. This is why the A2 and B4 makes better developed and more seed, it’s that phenotype expression exhibited, but this issue also ties to germination stalling as well


It’s time for a field test :face_with_monocle:

I ‘think’ RKS took on a harder shell that requires assistance in breaking

Here I show with a tip of the razor point at the tip of the seed to loosen it

After a few days the seal begins to break. It’s slow and gradual to push open to break the rest of the seam.

I’m going to do 24 hr soak. After the soak I will crack the tips, from there we will clock the seed to when the tail emerges to see IF that pre soak and slight crack hastens the germination speed

Dropping now


A2 fem seedlings. A couple deformed but I think they can grow out of this after a few sets. I’m watching to see if and how long it takes to return normal


RKS x A2 fem (pressure skunk)

I think one is quite strong and healthy, the other is younger but coming along. I like what I see starting


2 CripXmas A
1 A2 x TC A
1 Corn x NL2
1 TC A bx2


3 A2
1 NL2 x CripXmas
1 A BX1 like A
1 A BX similar to A1 TC
B3 and B4



Looking mighty fine brotha man. Steps to greatness are never the easy road.