Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So I’ve done it! The real powerful old time Crippy is back. It’s that super bright green and incredibly sticky to the touch. Unlike A, that is classic sativa odor, those who want ODOR get it in B. In fact you’ll want to take the smaller nugget and plug up your nose…ahhhhhh so crisp, fresh and tingly. I’ll have to admit the right odors, does drive the senses wild to just keep smelling it. It’s HERE. Moving on… upon rolling up, and hitting its that DEEP pine-menthol-gas and funk notes so fully body of flavor you taste all of it through your nose as the mega expansion hits, and your laid to waste in a brutal hacking fit of spit, snot and drool. Eyes bursting in water. I kept toking and the effects were militant to saying how much more punishment can I take before I tap out. Incredibly difficult to finish the entire roll.

Now that’s Crippy I remember well. The effects started immediately being super spacey eyes bugging out, gripping and intense, I feel incredibly flush while trancing back and forth, yet it’s clear but ridiculously powerful all over the body. Mouth so parched, lips staring glue together to chap. I akin to feeling physical paralysis while conscious. A different kind of ‘couch lock’ that’s not tiring or restless. I’ve had couch lock that’s restless and I hate it and want that gone quickly, but thankfully it’s the glued immobile type here, so that’s a plus in my book as I’m not fan of most couch locks being unable to relax on the effects. About 10:30 I rolled and it’s now 11:26 and still going intensely strong. Let’s see how much longer it goes. Most of the nug below has been smoked. This was just enough to really test it.

I clocked in about 1:30 to be fully down, so 3 hrs. B definitely differs in odor, yield and flavor from A, both have similar effects from trancing and spacey periods, though differ as A is soaring trippy and B is body couch lock melt


Potency 9
Odor 10
Flavor 10
Appearance 9
Yield/size/ density 9
Effects 9

Here’s a size comparison

CripXmas B to TC B

@Rabeats2093 SOON you won’t have to imagine and will be stoked you joined in. It really takes time to do something from scratch, unlike taking a true breeding established clone and simply crossing an F1 seed counterpart to get a hybrid BOTH parents had to be grown and crossed together to even begin the path, so yeah it’s so much more involved this way, but feels rewarding to make the progress toward the results I hoped for as I knew it was never certain or guaranteed to happen as I want :relaxed:

@DrGonzo13 I’m glad you have been here since I started w the incidental hazards of having males while trying to get stash and the best is yet to come. Just consider it right place and time, just like when I was on IRC little did I know the space would become an elite crew of growers and breeders as a co-op family. Who knows where it all can go from here, but the one thing I can count on is both you @Greenfingers are reliable and trustworthy at test runs and I’m thankful to know both of you and have trust :grinning::+1::wink:


Just because they both sound so damn good. Is it possible to get both A and B? I’ll resort to shameless begging if needed :joy:


This I have to see for a bag of beans.


Yes, I said the first sign ups get choice of either or both :+1:


@darkillusion @OriginalDankmaster96
Please please please please


Damn it how did I not have this on watch? @OriginalDankmaster96 that is a hell of a nice smoke report and it looks fantastic. I need to smell it, I need to grow it my friend.


For begging like that you deserve a reward…If you are in the US or Canada I will send you a few beans of my Tampa Crippy cross. Tampa Crippy IX X SFV OG BX3 F2 = Coastal Crippy. @OriginalDankmaster96 has been working with TC to bring out the pine flavor. I have been working on making the strain more stable.


Fantastic bonus! Hard to take those by yourself :joy:
That sounds like a great cross also
Hope I made you smile!


:rofl: It is just like being at work when my minions want me to feed them. PM me your address, I can have them in my mail drop box tonight.


Damn you got minions!


I am a chef in the Orlando area…I work for a mouse.


I forgot to show the weight of B


That made me laugh out loud!

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This is very exciting and it’s a good day to see how much it’s paying off and dammit smell-o-vision now LoL but @Emeraldgreen that’s cracking me up thanks for the laugh and I have yet to find some crippy and look forward to seeing what both have to offer plus I have a couple CG x Xmas Bud seeds and it’ll be interesting to see the difference between them and I can already tell it’s gonna be night and day difference so stoked for you @OriginalDankmaster96 to see the results of a & bimagemy begging technique … Goonies never say die!


The comparison grows are going to be very cool to see.
It looks like B is 50 percent heavier also!
Next we will have to check extracts for it.
Dabs and hash


Or make a double batch of brownies with one cut in each and see which one knocks you on your butt the hardest.


I’m voting B from the report :joy:
We can do it your way also!


I cant be one only one making brownies around here :crazy_face:


The last batch I made was 4 grams of dry sift per batch.
Have a couple of friends with severe pain management issues

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The last batch I did before what I have in the oven right now I used 1.25ozs. in a 8 inch by 8 inch brownie pan. this time I showed some restraint…only .75 oz.