Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I’m not very good with actual people. I’m more of a cartoon guy.


The thought counts brother :relaxed:

Now it’s finally down :crazy_face: Get READY


Way better then I could ever draw lol I wouldn’t even attempt that


Ok I did a little ChatGPT formatting of my history and there’s a shit ton I could add, including the conspiracy hatched against me but I think THIS tells anyone who I am

Who is Dankmaster ?

Dankmaster began growing cannabis in 1995/96, initially using low-quality seeds and several grower guides. He quickly advanced from basic setups to more sophisticated systems, experimenting with different strains and cultivation techniques.

Early in his growing career, Dankmaster joined the IRC chat room #Smokers_Lounge, where he connected with experienced growers like NCGA, who mentored him in breeding. His first successful cross, Bluwidow, became a popular medical strain in Northern California.

Dankmaster knew about G13 in Florida, reputed as the strongest strain at the time. He sought these seeds and eventually received G13xNL2 seeds from Blazzer in Kansas. Successfully growing a male and a female, Dankmaster used the male to pollinate a Blueberry plant, creating Blueberry x G13xNL2, enhancing Blueberry’s potency. However, he still desired pure G13.

For years, Dankmaster worked with G13xNL2, distributing it widely and eventually seeing it incorporated by Deep Ellum Seeds. In 1997, Subcool joined their IRC chat community and attended the Cannabis Cup. After researching Dutch seed banks, Dankmaster recommended Serious and Sensi Seeds, which Subcool confirmed were the top choices.

Driven by a desire for potency, Dankmaster sought out G13, a renowned infamous strain . He created several hybrids, including Blueberry x G13xNL2, which improved upon the original Blueberry’s potency. He also developed a micro steam drying technique for quick testing of cannabis potency and terpenes, which became widely recognized.

In 1998, Dankmaster acquired a genuine G13 cut from a grower named Airborne, confirming its unmatched potency. He continued to experiment, crossing G13 with Fig Widow to create the G13 x Fig Widow hybrid (GFW Omega G), which enhanced the original G13’s structure, yield, and flavor.

By December 1999, Dankmaster was distributing his hybrid seeds globally, eventually partnering with Heavens Stairway Seedbank in Canada. His work significantly influenced cannabis breeding, with his techniques and hybrids becoming well-known in the community.


This is how much I am hated!


That recent? I thought you had a broskie homie?

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Yeah it’s really recent, cause I posted my biography write up before I passed out at 7am

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I do, but they didn’t post either today. There’s more than meets the eye, Reditt is no place of free expression. They’re authoritarian in disguise :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Fuck em. They will fold eventually


Oh yeah, a person can only do so much to inform those looking to get Crippy seed, but to me it’s not a great loss. I’m just glad I didn’t spend months trying to build content there. Anyway, we are…


It’s as I thought with RKS. Soak and slight crack on tip

B4 (Dankmaster’s Crippy)

As soon as it’s dry enough I’m gonna start popping out enough seed to get it all sent out by next week :wink::+1::sweat_smile:


How you doing Danks? Got sticky fingers hopefully

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Slowly coming along. Have to conserve wraps, until my order arrives so I’m not smoking as much for the moment. Still not dry enough, but almost there. Yeah it’s ooey gooey to touch wet and punch seeds out Thumb nails are caked at times… I think what ill do is get Northern latitude members sent off first, so I’m going to try to get everything arranged over the holiday weekend. I hope to have everything sent off to everyone in the critical time window by Wed. At the very latest end of the week :grinning:


Who else am I missing :thinking:


Take your time, just checking in


Right on, Dank! One GIANT leap!


The only critique I’d give this biography is it talks about the blueberry cross in the same way in the 3rd and 5th paragraphs. Other than that it’s awesome. Some real weight there.

Good pop on the RKS!

I’m assuming your sending those folks test seeds. Good luck on the runs y’all!


I’ll have to go in Chat GPT reformat that part over and edit it. Again, helpful to know how this sounds to other people. So appreciate the critique

Yup the great OD grow group between OG and X, so we can see if the resistance to wetter conditions is resilient.


Who is Dankmaster ? Revised

Dankmaster began growing cannabis in 1995/96, initially using low-quality seeds and several grower guides. He quickly advanced from basic setups to more sophisticated systems, experimenting with different strains and cultivation techniques.

Early in his growing career, Dankmaster joined the IRC chat room #Smokers_Lounge, where he connected with experienced growers like NCGA, who mentored him in breeding. His first successful cross, Bluwidow, became a popular medical strain in Northern California.

Dankmaster knew about G13 in Florida, reputed as the strongest strain at the time. He sought these seeds and eventually received G13xNL2 seeds from Blazzer in Kansas. Successfully growing a male and a female, Dankmaster used the male to pollinate a Blueberry plant, creating Blueberry x G13xNL2, enhancing Blueberry’s potency. However, he still desired pure G13.

For years, Dankmaster worked with G13xNL2, distributing it widely and eventually seeing it incorporated by Deep Ellum Seeds. In 1997, Subcool joined their IRC chat community and attended the Cannabis Cup. After researching Dutch seed banks, Dankmaster recommended Serious and Sensi Seeds, which Subcool confirmed were the top choice

In 1998, Dankmaster acquired a genuine G13 cut from a grower named Airborne, confirming its unmatched potency. He continued to experiment, crossing G13 with Fig Widow to create the G13 x Fig Widow hybrid (GFW Omega G), which enhanced the original G13’s structure, yield, and flavor.

By December 1999, Dankmaster was distributing his hybrid seeds globally, eventually partnering with Heavens Stairway Seedbank in Canada. His work significantly influenced cannabis breeding, with his techniques and hybrids becoming well-known in the community.

@Gadarien sound better ?


In this paragraph, what is the AI trying to covey? It reads that you worked with a plant for a long time, but then Subcool joined the same mIRC channel. When he joined you recommend two dutch seedbanks that he agreed were good.

But what did you recommend and what was good about them? It’s a little confusing


Ah, I see what you’re saying, and I wrote that in. It’s funny how the AI formats text differently than how its written, omitting context


See here’s what I wrote from how the AI formatted it to be concise, which is definitely not a strong suit of mine…

I would settle for G13xNL2 for a number of years making sure it was passed out. That plant ended up with Deep Ellum Seeds. Finally around 97 Subcool came on to chat. He decided to attend the Cannabis Cup. I did a massive amount of researching of Dutch banks and I concluded Serious and Sensi Seeds were the best banks to go with. When he got back he called me to tell me I was right about the seeds to pick to bring back. It wasn’t something I expected his voice to tell me discussing the cup, which was starting to become the monetary cup. I think I really didn’t care about the cup after the call except the Super Silver Haze. Many of us wanted AK47, Kail Mist, Bubblegum, Chronic, Jack Herrer, NL5, Silver Haze. I believe Sub got the TH Seed Chocolate Chunk and Puna Budder. I first grew the AK47 and Kali Mist. One pheno was a massive yielder of an Indica fruity phenotype and the other was a sativa phenotype that had a mega expanding hit, definitely a lot of old world Mexican spicy and earthy, I loved that cut! The Kali Mist was a braid of foxtails, and the spicy and sandalwood taste, soaring clear as crystal effects.

Speaking of I have Strainbase submissions for both of these AFTER I left growing. My posts were taken and formatted to Strainbase v1.1 compendium. I believe Blueberry, Fig Widow and C88 have comments taken from posts I made, but none are as prolific as G13 data.