Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

gotcha, it paraphrased that up pretty well ehh.

Did you work with Subcool on your project? Sounds like you worked closely with him for that phase? If that’s what’s trying to be said, make that more obvious in the paragraph.

I’m no writer and my grammar sucks. Just gonna copy paste things as an example.

For years, Dankmaster worked with G13xNL2, distributing it widely and eventually seeing it incorporated by Deep Ellum Seeds. In 1997, Subcool joined their IRC chat community. Dankmaster and Subcool began working closely together on their projects. While conducting research on the best Seedbanks to purchase their next breeding stock, Dankmaster concluded that Sensi and Serious were the best choices, Subcool agreed and proceeded select seeds from them at the Cannabis Cup. Super silver Haze was our top choice but many other wanter strains such as… (name strains) Subcool ended up getting XYZ and I got XYZ. Subcool was a big influence on (give small speech about subcool and his legacy and how it influenced you then move to next paragraph)

Obviously I don’t know your relationshio with him and I had to fill in blanks but hopefully it makes enough sense… to make sense lol.

Much love brother! everything looking great!


I sent a list of strains from Dutch seed banks I researched to bring back from A-dam, when he got back from the cup, he wanted me to call him and I didn’t expect it. Told me cup was all marketing hype, and the strains I picked out to bring back were the best he smoked while there. So it’s in that context of ‘recommendation’


heck what you wrote there is pretty good! It made more sense than the original.


I think it’s a great bio and would look good at the top of a seed bank page about yourself.

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Awesome! So NOW it should have proper context :face_with_monocle:

Dankmaster began growing cannabis in 1995/96, initially using low-quality seeds and several grower guides. He quickly advanced from basic setups to more sophisticated systems, experimenting with different strains and cultivation techniques.

Early in his growing career, Dankmaster joined the IRC chat room #Smokers_Lounge, where he connected with experienced growers like NCGA, who mentored him in breeding. His first successful cross, Bluwidow, became a popular medical strain in Northern California.

Dankmaster knew about G13 in Florida, reputed as the strongest strain at the time. He sought these seeds and eventually received G13xNL2 seeds from Blazzer in Kansas. Successfully growing a male and a female, Dankmaster used the male to pollinate a Blueberry plant, creating Blueberry x G13xNL2, enhancing Blueberry’s potency. However, he still desired pure G13.

He would settle for G13xNL2 for a number of years making sure it was passed out. That plant decades later ended up with Deep Ellum Seeds. Finally around 97 Subcool came on to chat. He decided to attend the Cannabis Cup.

Dankmaster did a exhaustive amount of researching Dutch banks and concluded Serious and Sensi Seeds were the best banks to go with. He gave a list of what to bring back. When Subcool got back he wanted Dankmaster to call him on the phone to he was right about the seeds to pick to bring back. It wasn’t something he expected Subcool’s voice to tell him discussing the cup, which was starting to become the monetary cup.

Dankmaster didn’t care about the cup anymore after the call except the Super Silver Haze. Many of the IRC growers wanted AK47, Kail Mist, Bubblegum, Chronic, Jack Herrer, NL5, Silver Haze. I believe Sub got the TH Seed Chocolate Chunk and Puna Budder. Dankmaster first grew the AK47 and Kali Mist. One pheno was a massive yielder of an Indica fruity phenotype and the other was a sativa phenotype that had a mega expanding hit, definitely a lot of old world Mexican spicy and earthy terps, he loved that cut! The Kali Mist was a braid of foxtails, and the spicy and sandalwood taste, soaring clear as crystal effects.

Dankmaster had Strainbase submissions for both of these AFTER he left growing. His posts were taken and formatted to Strainbase v1.1 compendium. Dankmaster has comments about Blueberry, Fig Widow and C88,but none are as prolific as the G13 data to come.

In 1998, Dankmaster acquired a genuine G13 cut from a grower named Airborne, confirming its unmatched potency. He continued to experiment, crossing G13 with Fig Widow to create the G13 x Fig Widow hybrid (GFW Omega G), which enhanced the original G13’s structure, yield, and flavor.

By December 1999, Dankmaster was distributing his hybrid seeds globally, eventually partnering with Heavens Stairway Seedbank in Canada. His work significantly influenced cannabis breeding, with his techniques and hybrids becoming well-known in the community.


That could be coming soon, taking some of the seed to retailer


Very cool! I would have someone who knows editing proof it but it seems to tell a more complete story. That one paragraph was strange :wink:


Yea, and just proved you can’t rely on AI to put a story into proper context. It still needs human editing discernment :rofl:


Reads great brother. Knocked it out of the park.


Appreciate it :pray::smiling_face: Don’t hesitate to let me know when something is ‘off’ so I can correct it. Smoking CripXmas has its hazards :rofl:


Man this is great. In my teens we smoked some insane hash and it was nothing but a huge hit of pine . Will never forget it. I don t think I ever tasted anything quite like it. Really good stuff.


Oh I betcha this, in time CripXmas will be KNOWN as a good concentrate/hasish producer. Smoking bubble hash is brutality :exploding_head:


Bobbi’s sample holographic stickers will be here tomorrow :grin::+1: I’m hoping there’s a sample puck too, but I’m not saying what design I chose. That’s a secret for when it’s all done and produced :shushing_face:


Man I fucking miss those good old days, Such a great memory . Pines actually a really good taste unless its Gin…That shits nasty. lol


Pine, the shit that literally reminds you of Christmas… I cannot wait! Looking forward to those turpentine possibilities as well

Have you had a chance to make any flower rosin?

Those a secret as well? Lots of cool stuff happening over here!


Not here, I don’t have that kind of equipment. I’ll be interested to see how that turns out by someone who’s crafted at it :yum:

Nah, I’ll show the stickers. It’s the puck design/shape I’m letting be a surprise until completion :star_struck:


I was thinking everyone wanted it too, and there it sits available on shop, even a budget mix at $25 for 10 beans … to me this is just :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: about the economy.


I missed the budget mix! Guess I need to go peruse the sale site again lol.


Had a little stoner mishap. Started punching out some A2 and opened the B4 container, and in 10 went. I decided to shuck from the buds and pack them now. Hopefully I don’t run out of flips, washers and printer labels trying to share everything done :sweat_smile:


Whoopsie. I usually grab a full baggie and hold it up to the light to admire all the beans. Then I hit my wrist on the shelf above me and I get disarmed like a karate instructor de-beaned me. Then I get to play 300 bean pick up all over the place.