Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Heck yeah! Congratulations, @OriginalDankmaster96. All the puzzle pieces are coming together!


I’m not home now. But when I return I will check out the "Punna Budder " and see if she is ready to take some snips of her.

@OriginalDankmaster96 since it was here that the " Punna Budder " has been talked about… I would like you to pick whom to send to, please…
If you follow , Rinobuddy’s thread on the envelope method. That’s how they will be sent.
If it’s too much to ask…I understand. :v:
Enjoy your day!


Very well, but after reading the thread and seeing the heatwave coming to the EC, might be best to wait for the pattern to ease up :wink:


Took a little sneak peak in the germ chamber as I’m Impatiently waiting on the @OriginalDankmaster96 tester grow to commence.

Well I’ll be Gob Smacked. Only 1 tap root barely showing from my last post 16 hrs ago and now there’s 5 roots spread across the from Island crippy f1, CripXmas A2 fem, Pressure Skunk. I didn’t see anything just yet with Dankmaster crippy but I will assume it’s only hours away from any action. Will clean the tools and will provide a little assistance before I have to leave back for work in a few hours.

The ones that have popped are growing with excellent vigor so far. Honestly I was shocked when I had just peeked last. :heart:


Very nice to hear germination has increased speed from the testing stage. Yes, sometimes up to 72 hrs on average but also some seed will have the defect unfortunately. I believe the majority of the batch is fine :+1:


Just had a conversation with my social media manager. They are going to upgrade functionality/navigation of store page to a more expensive (200-300)premium theme at a special rate under 100. Trying it for a month to see how this increases performance. So stay tuned! DMOSG is about to get totally redesigned w features to make interacting even better and easier to do.


Keep climbing that ladder 🪜 to succeed bro :sunglasses:, @OriginalDankmaster96 your perseverance will carry you a long way in this world :earth_africa:! Just look :eyes: how far you have taken this already. :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::blush::peace_symbol:


These seeds are literal tough nuts. I’ve resorted to seed cracking about 5 of them to help out the germinating. @OriginalDankmaster96 I appreciate your seed crack show N’ tell in a older post. The Pressure Skunk seeds have been the toughest so far


Yup I had a feeling some would need cracking. Glad I did the demo. I do think this helped break the seal on the harder shells. Guess the harder shelled trait is still a pesky menace :thinking:


@OriginalDankmaster96, the seeds were swelling up quite nicely just couldn’t break that seal. Should see some progress in the next bit :eyes:


I’m not having any problems so far. Everything is cracking nicely.

Cripxmas A2

Dm crippy

So tiny.

I just use a tsp of h202 and enough water to soak 3 paper towels. Soak the paper towels, then drain the excess. Lid goes on and it sits on top of my furnace with some mason jar lids for spacers.

Sounds like the real challenge will be the pressure skunk.


I just went and checked on the seeds. 1st I placed all these seeds that hadn’t sprouted into distilled water for a soak while sitting atop of the water tank after I cracked them.

All seeds now starting to have tap root peaking but still in the shell or poking out of the shell. So they want to grow, but DAMN, that seal on those little nuts are damn tough. :heart:

So a recap.

5 sprouted (cups with castings)
• 2 x Island Crippy
• 3 x CripXmas A2 fem


I think I just didn’t have the worm casting soaked enough for the germinating process so I soaked it quite heavily for the 2nd stage of the popping


Tampa Crippy 4 weeks in flower?


Hi there :wave: I’m all fiinished up with the run. I’ve got pics from 2 wks b 4 harvest, and day of chop. Will follow up with bud shots and some trike shots too.

For now, let’s look at 2 wks prior to chop, prob wk5ish of 12/12

CXB - 4pcs
One tall late finisher, three beautiful shrubs, one hungry hippo of the three same heights,
All resinous and pungent


CXA - 5 pcs
3 similar height, two of them hungries
other two a little taller
all thick with weed and trike covered.
frankly, they were very heavy compared to most other plants their size I harvested this year. Very impressive for my first real led finish.

maui = 2 pcs
sticky tuff to place smell, very nice
looking forward to sampling some of this too :wink:


TCA - 2 pcs
taller beasts, and wanted to spread out, so i wire tied them tight to the stem to conserve space.
nice plants for sure, asked for nothing but water

free hand macro’s from the same day, lots of clear here a couple weeks b 4 harvest
just rolled in sugar :wink:

Thanks again Dank, for including me in your project, and quest for the perfect bean. Back with chop day, then a dried budshot and taste preview.


Digital High-Five @OriginalDankmaster96, Germination begins


Dam @Cartwright you are crushing it with the grows and them pictures! Way to rock 🪨 them plants and put @OriginalDankmaster96 work on display! Nice to see him get that due justice! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Right on, thanks bro, hope all’s well with you. I think I will drop the chop day too right now :open_mouth:

First day in a few weeks I’ve been chased ‘in’ by the weather, so let’s do grow stuff :+1:


Excellent to hear/see more beans popping, although the pressure skunk has sporadic difficulty without the crack. Definitely not every DM Crippy either. I’m seeing a few with no action. The one good seedling didn’t like the soggier soil but after a slight loss of tugor it decided to recover. If it failed then I’d be questioning if these are weaker to stress/mistakes than I want, but I think it’s 1st good indicator passed.

So the A BX that’s sorta like A is OUT! Didn’t hardly make seed (just a few) and this one is an excessive faster yellower. I really haven’t been feed this one heavy either. Smells like the bubblegum mostly, but I can’t get any pine detection. Something to smoke, but too much against it to keep

I also did the other A BX to see if this pollination infertility is consistent. This seems to be a major issue going on. As I said last year the A BX3 did barely any (well one but it was a dud) A BX females are pointless to keep if they can’t make seed. It’s basically for stash

There is an NL x CripXmas C and I decided to try the same pollen on it. This one does have pine odors. Smaller plant though. I see the singed tips but I await the swollen/hard calyx to confirm it successful.

Moving on I have TC A BX2 just added in. I’ve decided I’ll completely dust this one with the BX2 dust.

I have a Corn x NL2. A bit tall so I had to bend its main stalk at 90 degrees horizontally to fit in. She is a bit taller than I like but who knows

A2 Cripxmas x TC A fem

A2 fems

These are just doing GREAT overall. I’m not seeing any issues of concern. Very satisfied how this fem seed turned out

Pressure Skunk

Despite the tougher germination, these are doing GREAT as well. Quickest to snap out of the deformities. I am satisfied with how both reversals are turning out :+1::fire::grin:

DM Crippy

As said chugging along and then I have the new sprout coming up. I’m curious to see if any don’t start out with deformities

@Cannabiscrusader Got that dust and your pack of pressure skunk dropped off. Good to see your beans aren’t giving the trouble a few of us are getting :+1::grin:


Chop day shots


5 - cxa

4 - cxb

2 - maui

2 - tca

Back with bud shots and smoke reports soon, be well all :wave: