Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Wow what 2-3 weeks time elapse difference makes

They do look very good :+1: Are you picking up a light bubblegum/pine/mint odor ? This is very synonymous in B. How late was the finish on the taller ? Yeild smaller than CXA or about same ?

That’s really positive to hear. Sounds like I should plan more later based on this. Did a lot of your lowers start blowing up near the finish ? Get a spicy/pepper notes ? That would indicate an A2 pheno if so. What was the average on yeild ?

The Maui A is definitely the minty one. PTK can make this a bit floral/cedar/apple bouquet from the one I grew, but Im hoping Xmas and TC terps can complement the Maui. I’ll look foward to hear what you get and impressions

Yup, you now know the size difference from TC A and CripXmas heights. I was waiting on yours and Gpaw to complete before I decided on making the F6. Well it’s a definitely ON. The mostly dominant TC A will have pine and terpinolene, less of the others

:star_struck: That’s incredibly dense and packed tight. You can see why I recognized this as unusual and immediately had my attention. You definitely did the gland shots justice I can’t even get :clap:t2::facepunch::fire:

Sounds like the best are CXA2, TC A, Maui A and CXB, is this about right ?

At any rate, I am happy you enjoyed testing these out. You did fantastic. I had concerns there were going to be herms, based on my experience but I don’t think it’s much of a worry now. Are you keeping any cuts just in case something is really special ? Several have made the mistake after realizing it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Kept no cuts kept no pollen, pleased enough to have enjoyed them, …


Awesome! I’ll run the pressure skunk in a few weeks. Need to have to pollen room free. I’ll be fanning the flames and stoking the coles over on roll it up


I let the B3 dry for weeks now and I thought it would crumble into dust, no way this is pure goo to break up. This one is ALL pine nothing else. Definitely the stronger NL2 smoke👍

I’m getting moderate amounts of beans but enough to put a listing of this shortly. I’ve got to start working through it though :grin:

I’m thinking Super NL2 :thinking:


Couple more in the garden.
Maui bx2

Cripxmas A bx2


She’s looking good. Short stature too. I think the Maui will be great with the TC and Xmas terps. I didn’t get it but I think it’s there to be found

A BX2 well she looks normal. Not like the growth I saw from it. The ones a little more Xmas bud are definitely tasty. Both A2 and A were fastest to go. Kinda miss that one a bit

Great updates as a always :+1::facepunch::fire::pray:


Nice work!


Thank you very much for that. Have a great day :wave:


Talk about a cool piece of Mail.

So stoked by your Doodle !! And Thanks for asking. Would be nice to see somebody touch on that series; Johnny Quest

Thank You so Much helping to get this Testing going. Nothing has been a Meltdown, till now !!! And That’s appreciated !

Cheers to You and Yours Sir !


Redesign is done! Go check it out and give me your thoughts/feedback. Let me know if you see any revisions to be made.


Don’t forget Bandit!! :+1: :wink:



Awesome! The new homepage looks so much better. Maybe it’s just me but all the images look more crisp now too?

One thing to look at, though(you know me… so sorry) are that the filters in each category are redundant. Regardless of which filter I chose, it showed the same items.

Great work to your web designer!


It’s been passed along. Thanks I appreciate it. I believe this was well worth it We’re using a free theme for now, maybe later I’ll pay a one time cost for an even better premium theme.


Glad they found the way to you safely. I couldn’t send the crippy alone, it was lonely


Very nice homepage @OriginalDankmaster96 !
Love the design :ok_hand:


Thanks! I’ve passed on your comment to designer so they know everyone is is digging what they see. Maybe a little more reorganized category like @TrichomesToStun said but I don’t see much else, but happy to hear suggestions offered. I’m thinking of having a featured corner for you once the pucks are revealed. Anyone interested can contact you about getting their puck design/slaps made. If you like that, I’ll have the designer do it :wink:


I agree. Damn I’ve never really checked; on-line ! I Might be surprised.

In the meantime, Can’t wait for Roadhouse 3

@OriginalDankmaster96 the site looks comfy, sharp looking images…

I’ll turn the lens on these Seedlings here shortly. Have a great weekend !!


I forgot I had a B F3 drying since Feb. She was a mess getting too soggy in a cloth pot. I took the whole plant and stuffed into a compartment of the drying tent, mainly to wash with trim. Cleaning out the closet I take a closer look, and the bud isn’t crumbling and it’s very pliable. It’s so incredibly smooth, may need a bit of moisture brought back from the center. CripXmas never dries out…crazy!


Site looks great @OriginalDankmaster96 I think it should lead to some more interest from folks who don’t know you or what you’ve done to create the seeds you are selling.

I like your idea for @Bobgrows too!


Thank you! Yes please!
I would appreciate it greatly!