Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Oh yeah that’s about average. I’ve had it linger up to 6 hrs without needing to refresh. Getting strong terpinolene ? Like G said, ‘mentholated pine’ :evergreen_tree: :thinking:


Yes, I got the menthol pine, and prob cudda stretched it to 5 or 6, but 4 was good enuff. Hit my other stuff b4 dinner, but smoked the tca b4 bed, no linger when I popped up this am, so let’s smoke some more😉


Well we have a preview of what the Pressure Skunk tops could be like. RKS automatically triggered flowering as a mother plant and I had to trim back the jungle growth but the RKS had a massive stalk past the top of the lights on the side. Can you imagine baseball bats with CripXmas terps. I TOLD YA ALL this one is going to the sleeper :face_with_monocle:


Such a awesome bat. Looking forward to the eventual smoke report for it


It’s polling time again…the previous theme had payment gateway compatibility issues. I’ve been given 2 choices to use. I’ll decide based off consensus

Dawn - https://lnhh5guk6na9ndwt-69282496770.shopifypreview.com/

Maxmin - https://fidq97fvr4khx7ga-69282496770.shopifypreview.com/

Choose the theme to publish
  • Dawn
  • Maxmin
0 voters

Dawn has a better look. I like how I don’t have to click on each one for the description

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Helpful to know that functionality is preferable, Thanks brother. Also what happened on number starts, I see you have 5 of 9 starts on RIU, but I thought I sent around 13-15 beans a flip, you still have more if needed ?

I started with 12.
3 wouldn’t Crack, even with the razor blade trick

Left me with 9

2 damped off early

Down to 7

2 shot out of the shell like a trick snake in a peanut can. Weirdest thing, they were on the side of the cup like they erupted right out of the dirt.

5 left

One more couldn’t hold on long enough to clear the deformities, and 2 came up with no grow tip.

That’s leaves 2. A series of misfortunes. Could be my recycled soil maybe? The A2 didn’t seem to mind it at all


Damm, Xmas Bud/TC are full of surprises and tricks here.

Well the 3 that didn’t crack, you know it’s the TC defect there.

The snake shot is weird. I’ve seen sprouts do that in the paper towel but not from the cup when planted

I’ve seen a few not recover from their deformities as well. Weaker :thinking:

The one that I started, that was good lost its growing tip, but its now splitting off. So it may be the self splitting trait I saw in the IC BX2. Don’t be too hasty

I’ve lost one to damping off as well.

Definitely a few concerns

I would like to get you more unless it’s too late to start them


I’ve seen a couple of those before.
When I looked at them it seemed to me the tap root was throwing out lots of side rootlets and instead of the tip growing down the side rootlets grabbed the soil and pushed the plant up. The second one was OK after I put a little more soil on top.
I think some strains need to be planted a little deeper… or maybe the phase of the moon? :wink:


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Oh yes, I’ve had to plant at the very bottom of the cup to fit the length of the tap root at times. The ones that do S curves are tricky to get in without breaking :+1:

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It’s definitely too late to get them outside, short growing season up here in the mountains of New York. I’m only an hour or 2 from Canada.

We probably got a female in the group, enough to get one outside. Luckily, I can clone way better than i can pop seeds, so we only need one. Every now and then I do a real shit job, or run into some bad luck. Then it’s smooth sailing for the next 5 or 6 packs, then whammy!


I won’t turn down a few more tho.

I have a new open spot outside too (pineapple express that turned out to be an auto) would you like me to put one of the A2’s out there as well?

I’ll go with that. No little feelers on the tap root. It had a smoother tap with a little hook on the end, no chute whatsoever. Bean was empty. Just a taproot then booiiiinnnng!!!


There was no grow tip, just the cotyledens. They stayed tiny for a few days, ate its leaves, then died


So weird, but maybe it’s not going to work so well as I had hoped. Anyway 23 packed up and 9 Super NL2. Going out the door later


You da man, I’ll keep the whammy away. I have some freezeland ibl fully seeded and almost done. Want a flip?


Reserve one, and I’ll tell you when it’s the opportune time to send it :wink:


I have to say @OriginalDankmaster96, the Plan B Crippy (b4), it just might be a Mutant to some degree.

There are 3 other versions of the same strain that look completely different. Granted they are 5 days older.

Here is the ?

Here’s how the other 3 look

It is a little different


Yeah I believe the mutations are a bigger concern, but watch if growth is diverted to split off at the nodes. The weird thing about IC BX2 plants was a self splitting shoot. This may be what’s happening to seedlings that get past deformities.


CripXmas A :snowflake: :evergreen_tree: Flwr Wk 4.5


Simply insane how frosty you’re getting them at 4.5 weeks and green you’re keeping them. I suspect some yellowing will increase but in DWC it appears minimal. That 1st pic looks like @420noob one he did. I’ll bet it’s the one like A :fire::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::evergreen_tree:

I think you’re on your way to having your grow as the featured A2 listing :trophy: