Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I appreciate you letting me run your work Dank
she speaks for herself honestly. :100:
If she tastes even remotely close to how she looks I’ll be running her in the DWC again. :trophy:


OK, so I finally got all the envelopes mailed out. I tried to put slaps in them, but I got caught. Slaps will be mailed out separately.

So I really wish I didn’t have to post this, but I must. I was informed today mortgage is paid this month for the last time(maybe Aug) UNLESS my seeds can start to make up the difference. The mortgage is $5500, but the difference that needs to come in is about $2000-$2500 each month to keep grow operation going.

Understand it’s what I NEED not want. In respects to WANT I would like double that. IF I can’t do this, I have to shut it all down because this house will be foreclosed on. It also means if I have to leave I may not even be able to grow my own stash having a nosy landlord, and to afford the shit dispos put out is ridiculously high priced and terrible quality. A disastrous chain of events awaits me if I can’t pull this off to stay where I am.

It’s PART of the reason for doing the seeds as a business. I honestly wouldn’t need to do seeds as a business if it wasn’t needed, but it is. For me this is DO or DIE time literally. Not that I like to ask for donations either, I may also need that kind of assistance from whoever wants to help me keep things going to meet the necessary monthly goal. Plenty of streamers ask and depend on donations/fundraising drives so I can’t feel like it’s wrong when absolutely necessary.

I want to do everything I can possibly to keep doing more breeding works but I’ll need YOU however you can help me to continue forward until the business is self sustaining on its own momentum. Even IF it’s just ‘word of mouth’ mention that brings a sale it means something to me. I believe the business CAN get to self sustaining revenue, especially once I have the reviews done for A2 by the influencers that should open the literal flood gates to providing enough each month that it won’t be a necessary reliance. Anyway, I’ve laid out the situation I’m facing soon and I can only hope for the community to rally behind to keep forward progress moving. Don’t let all this stop abruptly…


I’m in the same boat my man. I had to take put a second mortgage on my house to pay off medical bills and out of pocket prescription costs. Prescriptions I need to take so my new heart doesn’t reject. All while disability says there is nothing wrong with me. I should have been to work the day after I got the transplant, and I owe them $35,000. I have surgery scheduled in September to fix 2 hernias, and a third at a later date. I need them fixed to be able to go back to work. One is on my chest just below where the incision was about the size of a softball. The other 2 are in the groin. Insurance has denied the procedure twice already.

I used to be able to get rid of flower with no problem, but the market is flooded with cheap garbage that idiots love. Selling seeds has been helpful, but the next payment is due on the 10th and I’m short.

There’s a few threads on riu for people chasing old-school skunk. I’ll be posting there when I get to the pressure skunk next month. That should drum up some more intrest.

I keep clones of almost everything. I’m not even sure how many strains I have atm. And multiple phenos of some of them. Rest assured, if you need to start over somewhere new, you’d be starting with rooted clones of your creations. I also offer up space in my tents I’d you even need a bean run to keep up with demand if you need to shut down. I’ll mail a giant ziplock bag of whatever you need as soon as it’s done. And I’m positive I’m not the only one

One other observation would be to find an apartment, or sell the house and downgrade a bit. That’s a massive mortgage payment my man. With my mortgage, and the loan it’s only 1,700. That includes escrow too


A2 starting to cure for review with Integra Boost Pineine Terpene pack. It’s going to be sent in a 4oz spice jar presented in a wooden box


Well, that is what boss man wants to do, but we don’t get anything. Just hand it over to the holding company .The previous owner has a tax lien plus negative equity, so he’s upside down by a million. 1700?! It’s different world here in DC NOVA. Gets you a basement to 1 bedroom. Let’s just say we have a relationship but NOT to share a 1 bedroom square footage. We definitely need space to live together
. And that’s the thing moving to any rental means the end of growing/breeding most likely. So not as simple as selling and downsizing, if it was I would be all for it as owning the property. He’s far too paranoid in a rental. Well I can only hope for miracles :innocent:


You and me both man. All we can do is keep moving foward. I’m a big believer in the big man helping those who help themselves. You are definitely doing that.

One thing I learned being in the hospital for a year is this. Don’t dwell on things for too long


In some weird way I’ve been “watched” over my entire life. I can’t explain it, it’s like the 11th hour save scenario, so who knows, I just wonder when I run out. I believe the big man gifted us CripXmas too :pray::innocent:


Same here. We got an understanding, me and the big guy. I don’t ask for shit, and I have everything I need. Last month I was $200 short with a day left. A dude from Australia sent me $200 for 8 flips. I sent 4 bonus flips and 6 doodles, transferred my venmo and lived to worry for another month!


Oh man, talk about living on a wire :sweat_smile: I think I have the same understanding too, or I’d be long dead :dizzy_face:

Anyway, got the 2nd A2 ready for chop later, some for me and some for the 2nd set of reviews later in the month. I’m already planning more and it was smart, an IG influencer contacted me to get ahead of the rush.

I’m thinking of having both my COA and this terpene charts as laminated cards to read off of

TC A BX2 almost ready for dusting by next week I think


Unidentified visitor has come to my Chocolate Haze x Xmas male. Damm thing looks like a baby cicada but it’s latched to the stem when I pull it down. I don’t know if it’s sucking the juices from the steam or what

Appears to be a plant hopper from what I’m hearing and definitely not good for cannabis. It knew I was coming for it, so it’s rotated on the stem on opposite direction, then it fell off trying to grab it to the bottom. I gave the plant a hard shake on its side over the floor a few times to dislodge it. Hopefully the last time I see it


Got the photo cards ordered. Will give enough time to cure while I wait for delivery


Got my 11th hour save this month. Flower order, and a big bean order. Hope you get yours!


Very possible! Previous owner as I said was movie critic and he knew some people very well off, well the boss man went to a remembrance dinner last month (complicated but boss man married the guy for reasons of protection from someone else the critic was involved with since college. He did get the SS payments) So he’s connecting with people from marrying the critic as a ‘widower’ and someone wanted all the records and DVDs he collected. Gave 5000, said he’d give more for what’s really valuable (Andy Warhol record in there) and from what I understand showed this person the mortgage and there seems to be empathy about the situation. So I don’t know if he has someone who’s going to help. Great if so, I still need to produce regardless and make things more comfortable. Making harder for him to ignore another generating stream of income that’s not small. The better the situation, the less concern about him turning tail I have to worry about. I just need enough to time to get the reviews done for the influencer effect to do its mojo, then I think it’s :rocket: to the :full_moon:


I hope all works out well for you, Dankmaster!

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That sounds like it would be the beginning of an awesome episode of Archer!

Takes the kettle off the flame for a minute, hopefully just long enough to get the train rolling.

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As person that has grown up and somehow involved with the affluent, it’s a LIVING show, no joke. That’s why reality shows have gotten so popular, because before that was produced it’s life the public had NO CLUE about.

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Send with or without spice jar ?
  • With spice jar
  • Without spice jar

0 voters

With the bigger jar the box lid doesn’t close all the way

Smaller jar ALMOST closes

I almost don’t think it makes much difference in if it needs to close all the way. These are pine boxes :wink:

Without jar

I’ve decided I’m returning these, and get something 3" deep to finally fit. I’ll get linseed oil to make the boxes pop out.


I said without since it looks like the lid won’t close with. Looks cool though.

I don’t know how long you have before it has to ship, but if you have enough time for it to “cure” you could hit that box with some polyurethane. It’ll make the grain of the wood pop. Could also use linseed oil. Big emphasis on the need for time. You’ll ruin the bud with the smell and taste pretty easy.

Edit. Add pics. You can see the difference on this plaque.


How much time is needed to dry ? Sounds like polyurethane spray is will be fast enough to make it. I want to start to get things out when the photo cards are delivered around 16th

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I guess you really found the “Pine” after all. :rofl:

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