Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That’s an enhancer, it certainly doesn’t make terpenes, only amplifies exsisting.

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That should be plenty of time. Just do a couple coats and make sure there’s good air flow around it while it sets till time to use it.

Edit. I would probably do the outside of the box, but not the inside just to be safe. You don’t want there to be any exchange of scent to the flower.


Polyethylene has a high volatile organic content You need 2-3 months for it to stablish or the weed will pick up the smell


Thanks, just saved me money I don’t need to spend :+1::facepunch::relaxed:


If you want the grain to pop wipe with mineral oil.


I’m glad you know that. I would’ve fucked @OriginalDankmaster96 over on accident!


Actually you wouldn’t have, I’m going to use boxes that fit these jars, so I’ve moved up to a 3" depth

Very nice! That’ll look really good!

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Hey @OriginalDankmaster96 the letter you sent me just arrived today, all safe and sound. Thank you again my friend. :smiley: :+1:


Awesome brother, I’ve wanted to get you these for the longest. I truly hope you like it and think it’s better than the predecessor :+1::wink::relaxed:


I am positive that they will be better than the predecessor. I know your seeds will not hit me with the Herm hammer.


Do you know what it said on your Crippie pack that went herm on you? He’s been selling a few different Bx and Ix labels. Trying to figure out which ones are bad


So far (knock on wood) no sacks from TC A BX2, hitting that end of 2nd week. If it’s clear by Mon or Tues, dusting is on for the F6 :smiley:


Tampa Crippie IX is the name. I know the grower has some other flavors of crippie, but the only one I would kinda trust is the clone he is selling. But I have already spent enough money on his seeds and I do not plan to get anything else from him anytime soon.


Good luck on that pack, my pack only had 1 stable female.


I have that one and another called Crippie S3. I think the clone would probably be better but I can’t see spending that kind of money


You might have better luck with the S3. The grower is most likely cloning and reversing his stable female for that.


For me the ix and self did show intersex, lasted 3 generations of cuts until the TC A hermed as I reported in March. The last pair of Bs ended up being clear. It’s why I finished them with BX2 isolated. It’s extremely possible you get a few nanners within but they’ll be dried out when you find them. I’ve found them in dried bud breaking it up…


If you want some real finances analysis and breakdown and to formulate a possible plan out of what sounds like a mess dm me and maybe I can help you. Would ask you questions like what is total amount paid on house, still owed? Monthly total household income? Total existing debts? How in the world did you end up with a mortgage monthly bill that high?! Etc. The only real way out of this mess is to do some math and formulate a real plan cause selling seeds, especially with a new website that isn’t a year old yet, is probably not gonna make you $2500 a month man. Maybe I can help ya.


That’s the thing of it, not me or boss man. It was the critic and well let’s just say he got snookered by a young smooth talker to take equity out for a business when he didn’t need to do it. The critic had money but he was terrible at management and didn’t realize what he was doing most times half drugged up on Oxy. Didn’t report his taxes either earning 300k annually. He had a few peg him as a sucker unfortunately to bankrupting him. He luckily had a pension and SS to retire off of which he was extremely fortunate to have boss man manage it so he could live in his home to his dying day back in Dec of 23. Last time I saw the statement it said roughly about 1.1 million . Not very encouraging to hear the seeds can’t make up some difference…

I only hope other things can work out to keep going. I’ll try for as long as I can go but maybe it’s not meant to be and I’ll just have to accept it. The only thing I can do is make sure the A and B cuts are preserved to stewards that will care for them before shutting down. Boss man before I met him in FL was on the CME in Chicago so he’s a financial planner, that’s in his blood from working on the exchange. He’s had random people ask about buying this house and told them around 2 million to clear it of the tax lien and upside down mortgage. So you see it’s a mess that was bequeathed to him as the executor of the house. I can ask, nothing ventured nothing gained if he chooses not to tell me. Our credit is tied together so debt owed is low 3% of total credit 135k. I’ve been in a disciplined spending habit since 2022. Just finished paying 6k on 20 month balance transfer and never running up a balance again. Roughly off hand it’s 3100 in SS and about 6k total expenses. I may have to go back to something I used to do in this town before the pandemic hit as the oldest profession.