Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Very confused. Are you talking about inheriting a house or a mortgage on a house you bought with a loan?

Are you the sole owner of your online business? As in no partners to deal with?


Right, I can understand. Yes I would say inheriting through a marriage.

Yes. When I say boss man, I’m talking about someone I’ve been with for 40 years now who been like a dad to me since 18. They only print my envelopes and labels, that’s it. I handle everything else

You don’t need someone to print envelopes and labels. You can do that yourself. Take 100% ownership of your venture. Partnerships on any level are usually a terrible idea. Just my opinion.

I cannot follow your mortgage situation. Seek the opinion of a professional in your area. Don’t listen to people who are not licensed professionals. That will only cost you more in the long run.

That’s not a partnership in the seeds it’s just someone that has a printer downstairs on their computer. And particularly he doesn’t want me using it. I don’t have a desktop/lap top. I operate from the iPhone, so there’s no where to hook it up.

Right it’s complicated as I’ve said and I appreciate you wanting to help with advice. It’s a short fall that has to be made up to stay or hand it over to the holding company, I quit growing/seeds and move to a rental to live.

Got your letter today boss! I’ll be gentle this time


Good to hear! Sometimes luck of the draw but there’s enough to find a good one to use. I’m sure you’ll be dribbling water… Baby them :grin:


If possible you could consider bringing in a roommate to help out with the mortgage. Or expand the grow room, pick out some higher yielding plants and produce some extra buds. Seed business is a great side hustle but might need a little time to get going. You could also look into getting the house refinanced for better terms.


Get everything important out (your strains, tents, lights, ss card) then I’ll burn the fucker down for you.

This post will self destruct in 10 seconds


We have, and house isn’t updated and up to standards most listings have. We also have 4 cats, so it may be too much for most people to live with. One bedroom under my grow room. There is a basement but again outdated and deteriorating from age. We’d need someone desperate or just to sleep and gone most of the time. Someone hanging out all the time wouldn’t work well.

Actually believe it or not mortgage was set to a lower rate than what’s normal, so even though it’s 5500, it was fixed through a settlement agreement after bankruptcy so the critic could stay in his home. I wasn’t living here at the time. Someone I knew got me a condo in DC for 2 years from 2016-2018, after that I had to move in to the upstairs, but it was during this time financial restructuring after bankruptcy happened.

Ah yes, but seriously I don’t know anyone to buy it. Penalties for selling in Virginia are harsher now that it’s quasi legal. Trust me, the only thing boss man cares about in all this with growing plants and making seed is SECURITY and SAFETY. Everything else is meaningless to him…


Got your slap today buddy, looking sick!


Thanks, I’m happy with how it all turned out and makes feel good everyone else does too. I have yet to unveil the pucks but soon come :grin::ok_hand:

TC A BX2 is up on deck for dusting shortly. I like to use a halogen flashlight to see the particles in darkness when doing it, so got it charging up. Still no sign of the hermie sacks, and I’m surprised as I got this plant well exposed to stressors but that’s good if it’s stronger to susceptibility of appearaing. Slowly I think it gain more stability


Tampa Crippy. I’m guessing at 7 weeks flower.


Yup, you’re just about done :+1::ok_hand: It’s around 49 days with BX2. That definitely looks like a bigger cola than the original plant. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Can’t wait to make this one more available. Strong, mentholated, pine creeper :grin:


Nice crippie @Greenfingers that reminds me I need to pop more and try again. What a fast flower amazing


I agree, very cool sticker!

That BX2 of yours looks INTENSE @OriginalDankmaster96 and mentholated pine sounds so awesome. it has been far too long for me.

Excellent grwo and captures @Greenfingers!


Thank folks for the kind words. I’ll be chopping some plants soon.




All the plants are coming along nicely.


My Cripxmas A BX topped herself we had some wicked wind come through evidently. She’s becoming a nice bush, I don’t think that will have anything but a good effect on her.

Maui in the garden is becoming a nice bush.


Trying to be respectful here - is this what it’s supposed to say?