Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

CripXmas A BX

You can see the difference from the NL, as the leaf left on dried up. Sometimes it falls off, but most times it shrivels up while the buds continue to go. Plants can look meh, but later turn around. Unlike NL2, I’ve found undeveloped seed, some look to be maturing but it’s still got that issue. Sorta funky musty pine, I can almost get hints of B3 in it.


You got about as many strains stuffed into a cubby as i do my man lol.

I just transplanted my nl x romulan, picked out a couple nice males too.

Also just xplanted my cripxmas a2.


Speaking of…

The A2 fem whorled. I do think this may get the 1 gall cloth pot


Well I just found another surprise. The B4 first started just regained its full growing shoot back while the other has lost it, but then I noticed the one that regained switched to reverse phyllotaxy


Well one last surprise for the day

A2 CripXmas x TC A

Remember the DWARF…

IMG_5745 IMG_5746

Well I’m seeing a good solid cola structure

I think we may have something else here as I suspected vegging the seed plant but it truly takes longer to do it by cut.


Hey :wave: @OriginalDankmaster96 i see you are very busy as usual, grows are looking :eyes: stupendous as usual! Please keep growing and posting bro :sunglasses:! Love all the pictures and information you always give us! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::star_struck::blush::wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I have some seeds of Stinky from Next Generation Seeds.
Stinky is a Romulan x Grapefruit just a pungent smelling pheno. I was planning on popping some last this year to cross it with a Spencer’s Gift (Marc’s mistress x Chemo) x (White widow x Euphoria) Afghani leaning pheno male ive found. Smells of hash, a shorter squat plant with excellent structure to me. It reminds me of UBC Chemo I’ve consumed in the past and that was a stunning effect and high.


Indoor Tampa Crippy close up.


I got a bunch of Spencer’s stuff, just need time and space to run it. Seems like there’s some gold in them thaaar flips

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@Cannabiscrusader, I like the fact that there’s different pheno within the lines and most of the lines are unknown to most of us. Everything has been growing strong and excellent germination


@OhNo555 Appreciate it! Yes, I seem more busier these days but always have something coming up, like now.

Very nice @Greenfingers on magnification :clap:t2: That looks perfect, mostly milky to a few amber :ok_hand:

I was on the fence about this male CH Xmas I’ve had since Jan, but it’s starting to show me ‘something’ to it, however I’ve yet to test smoke stamen flowers to detect potency/terps. It survived a lot of stress, especially a period of low ph but it kept going

Anyway we got a nice string forming now. Still watching but looking more likely to be used on the A F3, which I just did the NL2 on. Full white hairs so we will know shortly, of course that doesn’t matter, it’s the hard mass that confirms it took. I seriously hope the cut isn’t going to reject, and it was timing on the last plant done. Those A F4’s I’ve told ya all, don’t take them for granted. There may NOT be more…

A F3 in the bathroom for the night

Let’s hope this isn’t a boondoggle :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That is freakin awesome! I love the smell of pure pine.


Wow…Bravo. :clap:t2: @OriginalDankmaster96
Might be my favorite strain yet…Detailed smoke report ina few days. CripXMas :evergreen_tree: all the way :100:



Can’t wait to hear. The meme is PERFECT and so unexpected :laughing: :scream:


My spidey senses are tingling


Can’t wait to see how these plants turn out in the months to come!!!

The 4 I planted into the raised beds they seem to be loving their new shoes. Of the 1 Island crippy and Dankmaster crippy seem to be loving life the most and are growing 1/2"-1" a day right now. Pressure skunk and CripXmas A2 fem is lagging behind only slightly. Just not wanting to stretch like the other 2 but sure this will change shortly :slight_smile:

These are some happy planters :slight_smile:


This is normal. There is no stretching in CripXmas or it’s very minimal. The Island Crippy BX2 C did have some so that why I’ve added it to the B4 to give sons more space. It’s tighter than A, but the difference between A is Sativa and B is more Indica. Happy to hear you’re enjoying how it’s going and excited for what’s to come. I do still think I’m gonna get enough data to know how density resists getting mold/rot to higher humidity


We’ve had excellent heat 84-96° and sporadic rain fall every other day for the last 1-1/2 weeks. Humidity has been between 30-55% way more humid then normal for us but the plants are really loving it


Review buds are about ready…


Are we expecting another Crippy video?