Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yep, this will be the ‘official’ one from the same reviewer


I hope he calles you his homey again.


Cure folks, cure… it’s starting to shut off the saliva glands now. Potency has increased substantially… I STOPPED smoking for the meantime, it’s getting too much. Trying to casually smoke this through the day, by nightfall you’ll be tapping out :scream:


Cripxmas A2

Dm crippy


@Cannabiscrusader Very nice! I love seeing each A2 is nearly identical with little variation to it :ok_hand::trophy:

DM Crippy was a slow start, but it definitely seems to be coming into its own. @MissinBissin definitely showing us what’s there :clap:t2:

I thought your spidey senses led you here :thinking: I think everyone when I first reported about the A was like "ok, yeah right :roll_eyes: but NOW they know far a different story

The Chocolate Haze D x Xmas male was a sleepy one

Decided to hit the Corn x NL2

CripXmas A F3

Idk…what do you all think :thinking:

A2 x TC A

NL2 x CripXmas

TCA BX2 F6 definitely ON

The 4 DM Crippy about a month now. Almost ready for the cups


My spidey senses haven’t led me astray yet. They warned me about my x wife, and they pulled me from the ether to this thread. It might be something else tingling the closer I get to putting these into flower.

Plants are looking perky and bouncy, just like I like them!


@OriginalDankmaster96 which of the crosses would you suggest or prefer me to drop? I can only drop on strain ATM but gonna drop 3-5 to make sure get a few fems. Can’t wait to get these running again. Sorry about the delay but like I said I’ll get your stuff in lol.


Hey there, long time no see brother. Happy to see you’re still here :slightly_smiling_face: Seems to be a great pine-menthol pheno with the CripXmas B BX2, let’s see if you get one. I might need to start hunting these myself. You could consider the B4 x CripXmas A, the one that made the NLC you liked, it’s why I dusted the B4 as the better version of B and combine them. Then you have the actual CripXmas A BX2. That was my 2nd best choice of the BX2 group. It was a nice taste of the Xmas Bud primarily. Decisions…decisions :thinking::grin:


Right! Ok so thanks for the descriptions since you don’t have a preference this makes it a bit harder lol was hoping you’d pick one. I might have to drop 3 of both the 2 you suggested. Once tailed and above ground will start journaling and sharing.
Damn just noticed you mentioned 3 lol will probably drop that last 2 you pointed out. I haven’t looked in a bit but I know you sent a lot of choices.


That’s hard to do, but I want you to pick what interests you most to grow/smoke and show OG. I did send a few special branch dustings only you, humblepie and Greenfingers got for doing previous run, especially that B4 crossed to the A pheno on the male side. That was just a handful beans, with a few for me leftover.

So this CH D x Xmas male has exploded out of nowhere. What I originally thought of as lackluster has done a complete 180. Serious, this male is a sleeper. Most males give some indication, not this one. Just that it thrived at 4.0 ph and continue to grow regardless. Even after moving it to a bag by the window, I still didn’t see IT, but after it flipped in about 2 weeks it has revealed to me hints, that smooth Xmas smoke and sativa buzz, I can make out some pine-menthol 1/2 way into it. I’ve noticed over the last few night the pollen drop has increased noticeably. I can guarantee I’m doing some A2 crossed to this male, so Chocolate Haze CripXmas is scheduled next


Just a quick update

This are where the little ones are at as of yesterday. The Island crippy is double the height of everything else. The Dankmaster crippy in the 4th photo in next and the CripXmas A2 and Pressue Skunk are following along at about 9-10"


@Fortman420 They seem to be adjusting well to your planter boxes :+1: :smiley:

I’ve made changes again to layout with what’s called a Shopify community expert. So let me know if it’s even better and easier to use. Person wants to implement a bunch of marketing tools for 100 bucks… I’ve made them prove to me they have a profile on the community to verify first before I send. Anyone in Scamgeria (Nigeria) makes my hairs stand on end asking money :scream:


Lookin’ good over here on the computer! Keep up the great work, man!

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Ok so I dropped 4 cripxmas A bx1 x cripxmas A. Does that make it a bx2? Will keep updated.


Yes, cause that’s the BX1 TC burn your nose gas pheno I first had, although it consistently made little seed I couldn’t keep it around, so keep mind you won’t be able to get it again if there’s a plant you like.


Awesome! Clones are something I don’t have an issue making root thankfully.


Keep the crippy alive!!¡!!


NL2 x CripXmas A F3

Has a light fruity/pine/spice to it. A bit fussy on nutrients, but I took more notice during 2nd half. Does have the BX CripXmas seed. Might be interested in a few trial runners to see what’s here :wink:

I was supposed to harvest this yesterday but I took a huge bite of Reese’s peanut butter cup and swallowed the wrong way, I then aspirated for nearly 7 hours which I finally went to ER cause I couldn’t stop choking and coughing. This has to be the WORST food you can accidentally swallow wrong. Instantly your airways are restricted, closing as you gasp to get liquid down, but it burns the throat afterwards. I’m injured, not smoking like a dragon, diaphragm is sore but solidering on 🫡


And yet it’s so delicious when you have the munchies.


Yeah I have an addiction to the peanut butter, also gives energy when I need it, but damm I wouldn’t recommend anyone eat a whole one in one bite with what CAN happen. Choke on anything else but that