Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Glad you got it sorted out. In our house we just take a scoop of Peanut butter and squirt of maple syrup. Tastes very similar minus the chocolate


I kinds do as well. Lol I grew up with my mom making home-made jam so peanut butter and jam sandwiches became and still are a mainstay of my diet. The real problem is getting good jam without all the bs fake shit in it!:rofl::wink:


I love peanut butter. True story, George Washington Carver is one of my childhood heroes. And peanut butter cups are one of the finest foods on the planet imo. Too bad I’m on the keto diet. Can’t drink beer either. :peanuts:


Definitely scary to experience choking and coughing for that long. That’s probably the worst wrong way swallow in my life. I remember an episode on Six Feet Under where this woman was eating her dinner and all of a sudden she choked but fell backwards and couldn’t get water in time, she croaked before the episode started :pleading_face:


When I was 12 I swallowed a piece of orange and it got stuck in my throat and I started choking to death. I was just able to catch a piece of it between my two longest fingers and pull it out, but for a minute or so I thought I was a goner.


Yeah the more solid foods not chewed and swallowed opps can feel lodged inside for a few mins. Glad to hear you got it popped out in time, so crazy how this happens. An imperfect mechanism to life could lead to death


Dude Im so glad your ok. I choked pretty bag once, that shit is no joke. Be thankful you’re alive


Strain : CripXMas A F4

Bred by : @OriginalDankmaster96

Grown by : Me

Style of growing : DWC

Buds : Nice strawberry shaped nugs
super frosty
Dry Weight : 2 Oz per plant
Great response on Lst , barely stretches during flower. Excellent for small time growers or commercial.
Pine and menthol for smells and taste and on the exhale. Starts smooth at first but a quarter of the way into the joint the potency kicks in . Sweats begin and pores open up. Cough comes from stomache just the way I like it. Was described also as Heavy type smoke from a friend.

Blissful starts channeling and an everything is gonna be ok feeling. Real sharp sativa definitely makes your day brighter…hard to finish after halfway point.
80 percent eyes head high 20 percent body
2-4 hr high :fire: :evergreen_tree: 9.7 / 10

I am extremely thankful to have grown this great strain and will definitely run her again and again :call_me_hand:t2:thank you for the opportunity hope this report does this beautiful strain some justice. :pray:t2:


Great review write-up @OnePassionateGrower!


Beautiful review! Was this your “highest” score so far?


dang dude… I looked at the picture and read the description but i failed to read the last paragraph. I’m happy you’re better now. I can only image how scary that may have been. I hope you heal up soon!

1 Like

Yes it was :raised_hands:t2: :fire:


Sick! I’m already sold, and I already knew the answer. I just like to hear it wash over me


The cripxmas A was a favorite of mine. The f4 sounds like all the good qualities @originaldankmaster96 was going for and locked in!


Great review and fantastic frosty :cold_face::snowflake::cool: nugs!


CripXmas a2

They get their own 1/2 cabinet now. I’ll top and transplant at the end of the week. Then we are making an armada of clones!

If you’ll notice the cat tail…

He keeps knocking over the little ones, but not the dm crippy.

Exhibit A

He did this as I took a pic



Yeah that’s very spot on and well said in every detail :ok_hand::clap:t2::+1:It would be extremely helpful to take this write up over to A2 listing and paste it under a review. I’ve made it so only 2 initials of a name show. Would also be helpful for @420noob to post a short one. I’m very happy to hear it’s one of the best. I’ve always said she’s hard to beat, especially as a sativa style high and potency. I can smoke 2 rolls before I need to stop otherwise I’m too high. Thank you for doing her a lot of justice


I can’t top @OnePassionateGrower break down but mine would be quite similar. I had a few that had a fruity smell once cured but still had the menthol taste and very cooling on the exhale. Even if the pine wasn’t dominate smell from the bud the taste was there.

After 36 hour soak 1 of 4 cripxmas A bx1 x cripxmas A seeds have popped so into wet paper towel they go.


That’s ok brother, it’s not about topping, it’s about someone seeing the listing and reading these experiences to decide on buying the beans. I’m pretty sure reading these will be hard to ignore and pass up

Excellent, I suspect the others will pop shortly. Seems to be an average of 72 hours


Brother you’re one of the most informative people I know on OG and to be honest I think you’re just as passionate about these special plants if not more.
Thanks for being you 420 :100:
In 1 of the phenos it did have that fruit punch type of smell early on but as it cured it went full pine on smell and taste. It’s definitely special ,phenomenal job @OriginalDankmaster96 the hard work truly shows in your work. Looking forward to the next strain. :call_me_hand:t2: