Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I’m not one to give up on plants! Actually I don’t even like culling males. When I take them out of the grow I still leave them by the door for up to a week just to be sure is 100% male and still hurts me inside to cull. I give every seed as much time as needed, especially since the first couple weeks is when I lose most of my plants!:rofl::person_facepalming:.
Thanks for the words @OnePassionateGrower


I’ve taken the write up and submitted as OPG. If anyone else would rather me do that instead, just let me know I can put it up that way.

@Cannabiscrusader All looking great. I’m pretty convinced this plant was best to self. I’ve seen exact A pheno’s in a few. The tail swipe, I’ve had a few cups get split over with that bush. They know I don’t like em walking around when I’m trimming on the floor, don’t need tail swipes into the buds :scream:

@420noob Yup, I feel the same. Every seedling/plant has a chance to show its potential, including males. You’ve come a long way, globe trotting landraces. I swear If I ever have to go back to buying it that’s all I’m getting, flower I know I can trust.


Well everyone says how hard they are to grow. So I figured if I can figure these out I should be learning something!


Awesome review!


I think he was pissed that they were in his napping spot. When I was figuring how much room I would need to veg for 3 tents, I never figured in the cat spot and light. My bad. He just smacks them out of the way. In his defense, that cabinet is where I blow my bong rips so the exhaust sucks it outside. It’s his smoke chamber. Who am I to take that away from fluffy pants?

Posted your review on rollitup @OnePassionateGrower

The juices are flowing, but everything moves at a snails pace over there. I got 5 signed up for the community grow, that number will expand when I put these into flower I’m sure.


Did I get it :thinking:

Yup, I was too late last plant dusted. I’ve gone for a final dusting with what’s live. Should be a decent amount to replenish thankfully :sweat_smile:


Morning OriginalDankmaster, here is a quick update


Well I put the Corn x NL2 in the bathroom, maybe I was just in time, guess what…

It’s DONE! Corn x NL2 x Chocolate Haze (chocolope pheno) x Xmas Bud C There’s gonna be plenty so whoever wants to give this a run once it’s dried and shucked, let me know and I’ll get em out so we can see what’s here. Although I’m stumped on what to call this… start thinking of potential names to use. The male is going gang busters now. A fat Xmas tree top. The whole sheet is yellow now. I’m just about to collect for 1st round of storage. Next I’m putting in one of the A2 in tge bathroom to for a full dusting of this

See what I mean :flushed:


Chocolate Santa. I still got flips of yours to go through, but I’ll make room


Hell yes! Cholocolate thai is up there on my list as well. teenage favorite!


IM ON-BOARD as well. I will have room for it by the time they’re ready. The earth boxes are getting inoculation and ready for planting here very soon. 1 of them are getting some of the present Crippys planted and we’ll see what this system can do with your strains. I can see some epic growth in the coming weeks and months


So 3 of the first round of seeds didn’t pop yet so I scraped the edge with my nail. Also dropped 3 cripxmas Ax Bx2 just in case.


@420noob They can be stubborn but most seem to pop after that 72 hr mark. Yeah that’s a good idea, help break the seal so water gets in and shell splits easier.

@Fortman420 Great to hear things are going well and adapting to conditions. We might say later it all turned out better than we thought :smiley:

I’ve got the same 1/20oz lacons Romulan seeds came in ordered in green


Everything is justing into over drive right now in the rasied beds and are putting on size and branching quickly. CripXmas is a squat little thing but is still visually growing each day.

Of all the plants the Island Crippy has the most powerful smell. Just a powerhouse of pungency compared to everything else but this said my nose right now is most attracted to the Pressure Skunk. I can’t place the smell or what it is but I find it very pleasing and find I’m drawn to smell it the most.


I have bad news, PayPal has just frozen my business accoun and transferring fundst. I don’t know if someone has filed a dispute or what but I’m gonna have to cancel sponsorship to cut expenses immediately.


Hey ask @JohnnyPotseed he dealt with an ahole doing just that he might be able to help. :crossed_fingers:


Oh yes, I know who you’re talking about (Dr.G) and he took off with all the seed I gave him so it would be enough to stop collecting but no it wasn’t enough. I would welcome @JohnnyPotseed advice how to resolve the situation. From everything I’ve read it’s forever and not undone…just get the money in 90 days and that’s it. It’s not useable anymore. I may just relent, and work a deal with distributors after I get the reviews if I don’t see the business coming in.


Sometimes people write something about seeds or cannabis on the notes and that does it too. Usually have to get another account once they close it like that


On a lighter note I kindly asked for permission from LJ to leave link in my profile so I can still get people who see the thread from outside, can get the work. I’m hopeful the link can stay, I just won’t be posting in the thread or sponsor forum after the 9th of Aug


Crap I noticed an idiot did that!!! How stupid are people to do that ?!?:triumph: