Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

What a schmuck! Probably some young kid. We went down to VA beach last year on vacation. There’s a big concert going on when we got there, so we got tickets and went to go see Offspring. My son sparks up a bowl like 20’ from security in line. They threw him out.

He’s says wtf it’s legal! It’s legal in new York dipshit.

The youth today didn’t grow up smoking behind the bushes, they don’t get it. I lost my kids for a month from growing weed. This shit won’t stop until the last of the staunch hold outs pass on. If they only knew that weed makes us not care that they are robbing us better than alcohol…


That’s so F’up! Sorry to hear it, @OriginalDankmaster96. Yeah there was a member got a few people here, including myself and LJ. I just had to forget a few hundred, PP took it from the account.
If there is any mention of Ganja, PP locks you out, also.
The only thing I might suggest doing is open another PP account, use your initials, or something. With a different email, of course.
Good luck


It won’t work. When you link your bank account, they’ll know it’s you and they’ll block you again before long.


Open a new checking account with a sign on bonus. Recoup some of your loss. Then you git a checking account just for da bidness


Dang man, that sucks.

I’m kinda old-school in that I prefer sending cash. It is a LOT easier now days with the folks who accept credit but then shit like this happens. No instant gratification in cash either. Gotta wait for it to ‘hopefully’ arrive at a said respectable seed vendor. Not many folks take cash now days… also weird hahaha.

I hope you get it resolved sooner than later, Dank.


I just called them had case escalated to their back office. I told the rep I don’t sell narcotics/drugs, I sell rare plant seeds. She was nice about it. I have a hold of up to 90 days than 180. Who knows, maybe they’ll reinstate. I’ve removed all references to the site. Maybe I should lock it with a pw so they can’t see the page if they look it up on search :thinking:


Even though I’ve more than likely lost my PP completely. I’ve taken alternate measures

  1. I’ve applied to Join Craft Breeders . I may apply for Seed Canary IF I’m allowed to use a W-9 tax form to submit the application, otherwise not viable.

  2. I’ve applied for payment processor called Payline that supports cannabis business, however that is $20 + commission fee of 0.79% So roughly $66 for $500 gross and $90 for $1000. IF I’m going to use this, it will be extremely important to meet a target of $500-1000, because at $100 I only get $75, it’s more costly the less it’s used per month. If I only sold $25, I get $5 so understand this is pointless for a few orders to accommodate credit cards.

All I have is the Cash App option, so those WHO REALLY WANT CripXmas, that is what YOU will have to sign up for to make payment. Frankly I’m not going to make options and go out of my way for something that’s so unique, strong and true old school once these reviews prove even more clout. Sorry to those who don’t want to use or sign up for Cash App to get the CripXmas, but it’s either that or BTC (5% more of total order splitting network fees) otherwise I can’t get it to you.

My talk with boss man made me realize I don’t have to make all these extra accommodations with what I HAVE and tbh I wouldn’t do all this for some average grade product. He said to me IF they WANT IT they’ll do it by Cash App to get it. And it made see I’m in the DRIVERS SEAT, so guess what, IM DRIVING, use or Cash App/pay extra BTC or lose out :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle: (this statement is primarily directed at outside readers of OG and there’s plenty)


I use seed canary is cheap per month, but the people who shop there are cheap too. Venmo is another payment option that a lot of people have. Boss is not wrong, but people are stupid, and very lazy. Keep that in mind. (That statement is aimed at the general public,because it’s true)


Yes, but it’s a subsidiary of PayPal. I’ve disassociated myself with PayPal and every subsidiary of theirs. I’ve deleted Venmo. I MAY use EBay at times, but PayPal is on my shit list for life! May it go bust as criminal racketeers they are :face_with_monocle::clown_face::poop:


Didn’t know that. Let’s t.p. their headquarters


You have no idea how many people want to SUE these bastards for disrupting their lives as a societal exclusion to pay, buy or sell. A dastardly monopoly. All these techs are a monopoly on society in its entirety


Hi folks, I hope you’re having a great weekend.
Cripxmas A bx2

Tampa Crippy indoor


Yup, that’s looks about what I get too. CripXmas far better yields though. Although it does have some from the BX2. So the potency can be better. The real Crippy is true popcorn, but ice glazed popcorn :face_with_monocle:


I can’t wait to try it out, most everything I had inside was long flowering sativas. I let this one go about 9 weeks because I didn’t keep track of this round, I went by tric color and we had a lot of amber trics, more than I usually let my plants get, I’m kinda cloudy with a little bit of amber. Should be plenty stoney weed this round.:peace_symbol:


Oh brother, 9 weeks for the BX2 is far too long. It’s really just sleep weed now. I would smoke that late only at night. I know this plant too well making seeds and it’s way heavy on the later side, almost too much for me. IF you can handle it then great, but I wouldn’t do it next time if it proves to be pass out every time. Unless for sleep.


It should be good for my friend, he’s an insomniac. He always tells me he gets no sleep. We’ll see if this helps him.:grin:


Keep your fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: Maybe, possibly this is a solution. I’m limited on what I can provide for documentation to get approved but maybe I won’t have to jump through hoops to get a payment gateway integrated to Shopify. For now, until I can get one, is Cash App.


That’s a reasonable request


Yes! And the next step was a questionnaire, so I filled it out and all of it was straightforward. All I needed was to upload processing statements from sales, and I took my May Cash App and June PP and sent those showing the transactions. So I’ve got to say applying for one doesn’t appear as difficult as I thought. Once connected to the network of providers I’ll get referred to what will suit individual product/business circumstances, and I’m pretty certain I’ll get a proper fit to process payments integrated into the Shopify cart, so I’m feeling positive and how it’s going. Tasker payment gateways is amazing to start and they seem committed to finding a solution.

The MALE. Take a look at what it is now :flushed:


That’s a pollen pumping pedigree! Good news on the payment system fron. Two steps foward, none back today