Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Morning @OriginalDankmaster96 !
An early morning visit to OG Row caught these two looking just Fine, even b4 the Sun hit them


PRESSURE SKUNK has been Really busy

Over the cage she goes… quite a week of growth for P Skunk


I’m running long term tests on that, so far, 2 years for sure.
I have mine stored in a freezer though.



I’m out of likes but hot damn that puck!

Once I get this run done I’ll be dropping my mystery mix as long as I get my keeper set up working.

And once I get my funds back in order I’ll be getting one of those pucks for sure.

Great job all around and he did a really good job in the review. I’m hoping for you to get flooded with orders. :crossed_fingers:


Oh wow. Two years is much longer than I thought. I don’t know why I was thinking more like 2 weeks. I’ll store the vials in the freezer for sure.


The trick is to get it bone dry ASAP.
I use a gasketed ammo box and desiccant then vac pack.
easy peasy :+1:



And a dehumidifier in the room. I bring the rh to like %15 when the flowers start to open


Good point!



Awesome! thanks for the tips, folks. I have one of the metal boxes from harbor freight and the humidity where i live is currently 6%. Dry shouldn’t be a problem lol.

When you flower them out; I understand real breeders would go all the way to check for addition hidden traits at the end, but do you need to do that if my primary goal is to collect pollen for simple chucks?


I don’t think so, especially if you have grown the plants previously.
Actually the last quarter of the pollen collection has decreasing germination rates.
The doc for that is on a ‘dead computer’ so I can’t ref. it though. :roll_eyes:



Oh I could tell he’s right where I get at times. I’ve always said it keeps getting higher as you smoke through the day. You see he even had to stop, because anymore smoked wouldn’t have allowed him to do the NL2. That’s what I’ve been saying, no tolerance build. Most strains you keep needing more but never with CripXmas

Yes the Pinecone @OhNo555 that was brilliant to suggest and I never said anything after but that’s all :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

And I loved it the moment I saw it, so unique and different it fits where “pine” comes from with a logo sticker on the back. It works and fits great. Small hiccup, but @Bobgrows made them snap together perfectly. I’m looking forward to getting orders out in those now

As for pollen I let it dry on the foil sheet as I keep shaking branches/tops, usually at night or in the morning to dry on the sheet during the day and keep building it up for a 2 weeks. I put all the stamens is a kief sifter under another piece foil folded as a square, use the blunt end of tweezers to press on the screen and stir, viola clean dust from sticking to stamens, then I take what’s left on the foil running a edge along scraping the stuck dust down to the center and all that gets run with left over stamens.

Pollen that’s dried properly runs silky smooth, so that assures it’s dry enough and won’t clup. Pollen that isn’t dried enough, cakes up and I had that with the PTK trying to get it in time for the Romulan flowering seed run. Oh I tend to collect dust at night with a flashlight, simply because it’s easier to see and how much you’re kicking up moving things. Not as apparent during the daylight.


Yup, you’ll get something interesting, I’m pretty sure it’s the TC A with all the other BX2 bearers, and even though it wants to do seed late, taste and potency are there. Pay close attention to the TC A BX2 review coming.

Yeah he knows how to show a product to the younger crowd. It’s a really interesting persona. Makes me intrigued to watch to the end. Hopefully he can start to discern flavors/terpenes more, but I think those who don’t grow find it difficult. When he says natural weed, I’m thinking he’s referring to the pineine/terpinolene that’s more prominent in the TC A profile.

Awesome, and I’ll have plenty of bonuses to add in when ready :fire: :+1: :smiley:


You can try to smoke the stamen flowers to get an idea, rolling them up, because it’s harsh at first but mid way you can start to get ideas of the terps/potency strength as it resinates. If male is smooth at the end and gives me a buzz, I consider that to have met criteria to use it


It’s really starting to develop and definitely not as dense, good to see spacing and that might be better for air flow to keep it drier. Doing fantastic brother, you’ve definitely got the best plant of the group going. Let’s hope the flowering isn’t as dense either during wetter periods. Thanks for the update. By the end of this we’ll know if the Dankmaster Crippy is worth putting out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Y’all are freaking awesome. Sorry to hijack your thread but, when I seen you pollen, I realized this is probably a good place to ask. Y’all hooked me up! That gives me a much better time frame to work by and now that I know it can last a long time in the freezer, that should give me more than enough to do fun things with it.

Thank you very much for the tip on smoking the stamen as well. I will do that. My personally smoking device is actually a dry herb vaporizer. The desktop plug in kind. This may sound weird but, when doing pheno hunts, I can snag some buds from each plant a week or two early. An overnight dry is enough to pop them in the dry vape and get a really good idea of the terpene profiles.


Like fine wine. When I first started smoking there were only a FEW flavors I could taste in herbs. Blueberry was obvious as was the Pine… gawd forget the ammonia brick weed flavor. I think that was about all. Then there were the strain you remember purely from the highs like chocolate thai and ‘chronic’.

When I got my first dryvape whip, a Cannon Bros aka. Vapor Brothers, it changed everything! Suddenly each herb had it’s own flavor, if it was grown well. It was pretty neat. I have a different vape now but I probably won’t combust herbs again if I can help it.


Oh I’m sure those are fine to vape as well. Definitely not a bong or bowl thing, too harsh to tell.


I get curious about vaporizer tech innovation , however (personal perception) it doesn’t seem to matter how advanced it goes, there’s one aspect I encounter using vape, it’s a roast similar to coffee I can’t get around. I have a Silver Surfer glass on glass, used it for a week and was like even glass from a brass dish and stem and globe from Graffix, one of the primitive vaporizers in 97’ and they all just collected dust, so it’s really interesting how we don’t all get the same perspective. I also didn’t get strong enough hits, and inhaling more air, left a lot of gas. Not a good choice with stomach issues.


Insta reel, I’ve finally figured this out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


crap, I’m sorry, I thought I replied to your last comment. I wasn’t trying to ignore you :sweat_smile:

I agree with ya. It does come down to preference. If you don’t have the temps on the vape dialed in, you can get funky popcorn like flavor, very light hits, or worse it’ll combust. I feel like mine it setup perfect for my liking but my cousin doesn’t like the flavor.

I remember the good ol’ days of the gravity bong in the pool. No way in heck I could do that anymore, although those were some of the most trying hits :man_facepalming:

I dig you IG. I could only view a few things before it pestered me to create an account. It looks like you quite the chef as well? That stuff look TASTY!


The little crippys are all coming along and earning they’re strides as each day passes. Left to right: Island Crippy, Pressure Skunk, CripXmas A2, DankMaster Crippy. They’re all starting to thickened up nicely