Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Topped the cripXmas a2’s today. Put one into flower untopped.

The one with the gnome on it has a wrinkle leaf going on.

Here’s the one in flower

Two Dankmaster’s crippy

One is stacking nodes like crazy, the other topped itself and is bushing out


Here’s a Morning smile for You.
Southern Ontario. Fogs Lifted and the Heat is Dialing-Up, already

Check out your Pressure Skunk just basking in this Lite, btm right. Keeping check on 7’ Nefertiti beside her…

CRIPPY b4 had a big drink this Morning, below. Alls good at this end Boss

yesterday, btm right, next to another small punk; Super Diesel


I spent all day combing payment providers yesterday, each one at least an hour to fill their applications out that are part of Shopify. There’s few options available from what I’m finding out.

I tried signing up for Stripe, and was closed when I woke up. Tried to sign up for Payoneer, but need 20,000 in sales and a Hong Kong entity. I doubt Cash App is going to bring the volume I need and to pay 150 a month for gateway/processor, I don’t know what to do. The demand to pay for this has to be there and I’m not seeing it…

There’s not enough interest on OG to pay sponsorship monthly as I hoped. I paid the store bill this month, but nothing is going to sustain a few cheap orders like the mystery mix at 25 for 10 beans. Then there’s the economy which I think may bring this to a halt unfortunately, if I don’t get the volume coming in.

Google is trying to suppress my exposure as well as labeling my products not fit for their platform. I’m up against head winds here. If I’m to beat any of this it’s gonna take a lot of this community to keep me going otherwise there’s no point, I might as well pull out. Not going to put more money into it for a fun thing to have around. I’ll need to start inquiring seed banks who want to carry the gear instead… Wish I had great news to share, but the reality is a cold one to face at this point.

Anyway, I have the A2 x TC A rouge female dwarf at 45 days. A lot of lean to the weight for harvest. Early bud sample had mostly TC A terps to it. I would say it has a lot of the A2 but TC A potency/terps. I did like the sample taste at 42.


White Diamonds TC A BX2 46 days with F6 Sigma Crippy seed. I doubt it’s going to past 49 days, maybe a few over to make sure seed is fully mature

@TrichomesToStun Yes there was no temperature control, just estimate on a knob. Unless you have ESP that’s just lame :unamused: Like burnt popcorn ugh. 250.00 for the unit and no way to accurately gauge temperatures to get the proper vapor. I though for that kind of money it was going to be at a set temperature to use, but no just guess what temperature is on the knob. It’s why I’m hesitant to try anymore. Heard about the new Volcano 700.00 and I’m like WTH 🤦

@Cannabiscrusader LEFT DM Crippy starting to look like @MissinBissin outside. The rest of the A2 look great. I saw one with very jagged blades, which you may have an F3 expression.

@Fortman420 They have adjusted. I believe the seeds weren’t as FAST to start, but after time they kick out of the bizzare state. Both mine in cups look normal now. We all needed more patience than usual here. Almost like a delayed vigor that reemerges.

As always @MissinBissin your plants are the stars of this outdoor show run :clap:t2: You’ll be showing their full potential to everyone interested getting them if the rest of the grow proves resilient through flowering


I’m enjoying watching them step into there own and growing by the day and bushing out. All their stalks are quite beefy and everytime the wind blows just right by them you know they’re Dank all the way


Yup exaclty! My moms friend had cancer and she was only able to use the Volcano. It was really nice, from what i can remember but, the price was outrageous!

I had this one… probably the same one you had?

I loved it, when you nailed down the temp. But there was ALWAYS the risk of combustion. Then the whole whip would have to be cleaned cause it tasted like shit. It was a love hate.

The one I have now plugs into an enail PID. It has a dish for taking dabs or you can load it quickly with flower. Personally i don’t use the dish, and could have aved money, but it sounded ‘neat’. If I want extra kick, I just put the dab right on the flower, rather than the ‘double decker’ hit.

Mine is a less fancy version of this. I highly recommend these bad boys… minus the dab dish of course. that was a waste of money.


@Cannabiscrusader Brother, you need tell whoever the upper management there at RIU, not to have such an itchy finger on my posts. I posted some Corn x NL2 pics since someone started posting about the 808 Crippy, saying they have cuts they’re going to root and breed with it. I simply suggested to breed structure in the plant and let’s compare the seed plant to cut…DELETED. Never said anything about wanting or trading cuts.


I don’t have pull like that over there. They’ve been on a tare lately it seems. Driving people away.


Ah Sorry, my bad. Who is Sunni ? To post saying about continue using PM’s when I’ve never sent a single PM on RIU is audaciously presumptuous on their part… I sincerely hope I’ve made it clear that I’m NOT permitted to have anything sent and their concerns are unfounded. Definitely on a tear. May just frequent your thread only.


I would really not be too worried about RIU as that seems to be a dying web site and I for one am glad to be away from it. I only really miss Budzbuddha. :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Sunny is the head admin over there. They’re so worried about federale lawsuits. I don’t think anybody told them nobody gives a fuck anymore. They still operate like it’s 1995. The dispos popping up all over the country should have gave them their first clue. Maybe they don’t have a thinking chair?


Sunni is just a control freak and in charge of the click! :roll_eyes::laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


Yeah, in my opinion Sunni just mostly likes to yell at people, and doesn’t seem to get to yell at people enough so that person always goes overboard.


That’s EXACTLY the impression I get from their curt response and then they DELETED what I screen shot for ya all. Living in the past, they definitely are scared of their own shadow, how do I know this ? Because I live with someone who’s the same way :scream:


I’m slightly perturbed how some people expect this type of seed to be the equivalent of bird seed :rage: The sacrifice, the expense, the low ratio to even get it. Ignorance is bliss when you buy, and cannot see all the RISING costs associated. I almost decided to reactivate, but after being insulted $15 per fem seed is too high before a sale I’m definitely putting it on hold…$15 a pack so laughable. I’ll KEEP them before I ever do that. How about when I can’t grow anymore cause have to leave the house failing to meet target goals, guess what they’ll be then…Try $30 per !!

TC A BX2 at 53 days

Up close glands

Normally I trim close to outline, but sugar leaf too small and colorful to, so I left a lot on. Also getting close can knock seed out. It’s a nice pile once off the

And as I said I knocked one out, look at how healthy and even shelled it is. So much better than its predecessor


Beauty looking bean, plant is mighty lovely too!

I just had that same discussion on here about how much work it takes to make beans. Like actually breed, not just open pollinate. I’m just now tossing phenos from packs I ran last summer.


Thanks brother, you know this plant is about as close to a replica of the S1 Tampa Crippy. Here compare, you’ll see what I mean. Yup, no hook points or warped shell deformities. It’s perfectly developed. Hopefully increasing reception in F6 progeny


Be mindful of your audience. The tone on some of your comments seems antagonistic, you’ve got something special here be mindful before you anger your customers


Beautiful structure on that, nice and dense. Very healthy fade too. I leave a lot of sugar leaf on too if it looks nice. I’m not the sugarman for nothen.


I can get ornery at times due to stress and pressure building, but yeah I appreciate you saying to be mindful and step back :pray::+1: