Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Send me a pm next time. We can have a bitch fit together


It is always good to type a response @OriginalDankmaster96 and wait reread and then think :face_with_monocle: about send it later. Don’t let them negative comments get your train :steam_locomotive: off the tracks, you have worked way to hard and come a long way. You 🫵 are the bigger person! :blush::partying_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::v:


Thanks, brother, I appreciate reminding me, there’s going to be MORE cracks made as popularity gets traction, and IT IS going to continue getting high marks, so I need to keep in mind those remarks will also come with the rise and not to let them get to me. I’ll be getting that pinecone WITH Pressure skunk seed in it shortly.


Brotha man you just keep doing what you do best. Pushing and building your work the only way you know how. With integrity and fact. Can’t wait to see this spin your side and bloom.


Just got home and had to Check on the Crippy. I can finally identify the sex of the 3 outdoor.
• Island Crippy = Male
• Pressure Skunk = Female
• Dankmaster Crippy = Female

The fan leaves on the Pressure Skunk are obnoxiously large, I love it!!! Following right behind is the Dankmaster Crippy and Island Crippy in 3rd.

All plants are stretching and enjoying the warm weather but the signs are happening they are heading into Flowering stage. I bought a few bags of Sheep manure and has spread it around the base to assist in the next stage of growth.

Side branching is starting to take place so will make sure sun will catch them with little blockage.


Wait, didn’t you know Pressure Skunk and Dankmaster Crippy are fem seeds ?

It seems as if both are (so far) are suited for outdoor growing. This run seems to be going better. Yes I can tell the A2 made the RKS a beast, much thicker. The Dankmaster Crippy has the girth of the B, the PTK has huge sun leaf, so that’s probably what you’re seeing there

They love a top dress. I clear up lack of N to top dress mothers with neem seed meal and castings. Everything looks great. Thanks for updating


Keep stacking 10’s for A2 CripXmas

First reviewer to pick out the Caryophyllene (pepper) terpene

He also could tell the pine but wasn’t completely certain

Showed some to neighbors to try, now they want to grow it!


@OriginalDankmaster96 I never caught that they were fem seed but no matter if fem of reg. I’m still appreciative all the same.
The excitement is in the journey and what’s learnt from the experience. I’m looking forward to seeing the P.Sk, D.C, IC and Xmas flower, resin and the terpine develop.

I can see the complexities of these plants scent. I found the nose from these plants to be much louder then I had anticipated and they carry a depth if you can sift through its initial first sniff.

On the forefront across the board they all share a pungent quality but after that the scent thins out and I’m finding subtle smells I can’t place to something that I’m familiar with. This part I’m especially curious on. I’m hopeful that over the next weeks with the top dressing and compost tea’s will further enhance the oil production so i can better disect the more masked terpines which I catch on the backend of its scent expression.

I hope I can add something thru my experience of your crosses of this plant to help your customer base and pique some extra interest.


So here’s a picture of my earthbox.

2 outside plants are Island Crippy and the center is Dankmaster Crippy. Minor differences of the leaves for the IC 1 leaning a bit more sativa with the narrower leaves.

I didn’t notice my cat Phobe’s aka “Pudge” was in the photo


Would you accept if people are willing to mail you cash? Just tryin to make sure you don’t close easy options.


Thank you for the package you sent. @OriginalDankmaster96
Some of these will be in my next grow. If they do well for me, they will go outside.

Much appreciated!


Great to hear they landed @Bobgrows. Someone who bought regularly had their bonus beans stolen. I decided to give them 5 of the TC A BX2 F5 too. Certainly don’t have lots those to waste… Anyway, your very welcome and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed how they do :relaxed:

Very interesting box @Fortman420 They all look happy in it. And NP, I’m glad you’re enjoying the experience like it would be with regular sex beans.

@420noob It is an idea, however I don’t know if I can mask my real name to use as the DBA, then to cash money orders I would need to open a business bank account.

I’ve been told in order to go through with a merchant account, I have to get a few more buys through cash app. I’ve made the decision if there’s going to be refusal to use cash app to buy, if no orders are placed by Sept 2nd I’m deactivating the store, the checkout will be then disabled. The store will be visible to see listings. Anyone interested after the 2nd will have to contact me by email directly to put in their order manually. The store will go into what’s known as “plan and build” mode for a lower cost to maintain. So it’s either the orders start coming in using cash app, and I can get more options or remain stubborn to use what I can take now and I have no choice but put the store into more of a manual mode instead. At that point I’m moreless done HANDING beans out, because more aren’t going to be made. I’m going to have to prepare to shut my growing down in Oct-Nov as house goes into foreclosure, so for the rest of time I have I’ll be doing my OWN STASH to stock up. I’m sorry, wish I didn’t have to say this but its the reality of the situation :confused:


I hope things turn around quick man. :pray:
I mentioned your pressure skunk on riu, someone replied and said it was more fruity than skunk? I’ll let you handle that one.

Got a quick update on the cripXmas

2 are looking fantastic

They’re throwing lowers, making clones

One is showing some light bleaching, and a little tip burn.

This one is showing some hardcore taco. I dimmed the lights down from %50 to %25. This is the one with the wrinkle leaf.

Last one was showing severe mag deficiency. Topped with a pinch of langbeinite, and I’ve been adding molasses every other watering. 1 tbsp/5gal
New growth is looking better.

I’ll be taking clones next week

Dankmaster’s crippy

One that can’t decide what it wants from life, and another that is thriving. I think my light at %50 gave it a solid cooking. Let’s see if she recovers. Lowers look good

Second one is the self topping model. Looking fly and bushing out


I said mail cash actual bills not money orders. Not sure if that’ll work but @johnnypotseed has a mail cash option. Just a thought wishing you the best of luck!


Actually don’t mistake Mg deficiency for the variegation trait, it still shows up from time to time. If that’s the A expression, it’s natural for the plant to do. I’ve said many time CripXmas A is a variegated dwarf mutant and I know this carried over to the A2.

All and all, even putting through the rigors they’re withstanding it, so good to see :+1:

Yes you’ll forget what you were doing or wanted to do on CripXmas. Too many times I’ve suddenly forgot what I was doing next for about 5-10 mins then I remembered “oh yeah that’s it” then I know I’m way high forgetting that fast :crazy_face::rofl:


It’s an idea, since it’s only cash through a business name. I’ve already discussed it, so I wasn’t told can’t be done. I think I’m getting hints of flexibility as there only needs to be a few orders made through cash app, simply because using a reputable merchant gateway is lesser risk to potential identity theft, which Tasker is. So all I need is to show 2-3 orders for there to be willingness to pay for the merchant account at $145 a month. If I can’t get that, I’m not sure I see a point in paying $39 for next month. If spending is drying up, I don’t see much choice but put the store on a pause setting Sept 2nd.

Oh dude. That’s serious. My condolences. You should absolutely cut all bills immediately and come back to this project when you’re in a better position. Life takes precedent to bud


It’s not a prospect I want to face but unless this business pulls together, I don’t think there is coming back to the project. The B and A F3 are cuts only, so it means losing the original plants once I cut em down unless I have a steward that will keep them alive and going. Even then my situation may be different where growing isn’t possible so I may be back to buying after I’ve run out of my stored stock but I may just stop entirely, hate the modern :poop:, the high prices and poor finished quality. Sometimes I got decent other times horrible over fertilized, felt like I’m wasting money half the time. Maybe something else will work out where I don’t have to deal with the buying racket, but if not, maybe it’s my time to let go…


You just lmk where you end up. I send flower in the mail from NY to California every week. You will not go without. Always room in the inn to hold anything for you until you’re ready. Wish there was more I could do, but my boat is barely afloat.


You rock brother :facepunch::fire::raised_hands::relaxed: Yes, when the time comes I’ll get rooted clones to you of the A and B, RKS, TC A BX2 so I’m thankful these special plants will continue to live on. I don’t know maybe we can work out something to keep the seed going if that’s of interest turn the thing into an LLC partnership. I really appreciate including me, now I won’t have to freak out that I can’t enjoy my CripXmas not growing it. I suspect you’ll be ready to go for full production after you’ve smoked it.