Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

One hand washes the other boss, you will not go without while I’m dancing on the ground. Finding it was the hard part, the least I can do is hold your cuts. I can definitely make beans too, you just lmk what you need and we’ll figure it out.


Pressure Skunk 6-7 weeks. Treated with K booster and ready to flip. 1 stake for balance but definitely better structure here :+1:

Ready for flip tonight

CripXmas A2 female seed plants. Taller treated with K booster and ready to flip, also fresh compost to help the rapid yellowing. Shorter needs more time. A2 seed plant of A F3 expression Is the shorter. Notice the leaf ? It’s very distinct and the plant is ALWAYS the shortest of all expressions.

Before defoliated

After defoliation


Have you tried the Big Bud fertilizer from advanced yet? Interested to hear how you like it


Yes, I’ve been using INDIVIDUALLY and not in the tea. I use it to boost up the tea. The last plant harvests I’ve shown were done using that. I stop using it at 5 weeks and switch to the overdrive K


Well that’s not the normal direction :rofl::rofl::rofl:


TC A BX2 F5 White Diamonds FL popcorn Crippy

TC A never put out colors like this but it’s exactly the same terps. Even later doesn’t feel tiring. I’ve been working on it all day. Definitely more sativa to it, makes it more productive, still powerful, spacey and zoning. The seed though are completely UNIFORM, LARGE still low but all DARK shelled. Haven’t found one beige/light brown. Would need 3-4 plants for a decent production. All that needs to be done is for the reception to increase. Even 3/4’s would be enough to be considered normal ratio. Hope F6 has done that! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I think my gdp is going to triple after the cripxmas samples go out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just goes to show you the state of dispo weed these days. Even in California

Beautiful structure on that :clap: looks like you topped it? Almost the same structure on a few of the cripxmas a2’s , awesome job man. :raised_hands:

What’s the finish time on the pressure skunk?


Yeah I was gonna say, we’re gonna show 'em OG east coast old school style :sunglasses::yum:

Yeah, compared to original mother, it’s not a zig zag branching pattern opposite phyllotaxy. Definitely thicker too. I remember RKS being flimsy, like TC and I was like “CripXmas” can make this better, and it’s proving so. Yeah topped once, and definitely throws out. I believe that bush out affect is from PTK traits. The RKS is about 52-54, not quite 8 weeks without seed but it could be shorter with the A2. We shall see how it does soon. I think stretching will be reduced and keep them squatter. I’m interested to see what else CripXmas shows in the phenotype :thinking::smiley:


Keeping the community afloat! Personal amounts of bud ship really well. There was a solid few years my buddies were shipping me a zip at a time. Made a huge quality of life difference when I was broke af.


Hi folks, a couple pics of the two I have going.
Cripxmas A bx2



@Greenfingers That definitely looks eerily similar to the A bx2 plant I had done, especially all those single blades. She was definitely a nicer taste of Xmas Bud surprisingly. You definitely want to THIN out the inner foliage before it gets cooler or wetter. Otherwise looking good :+1:


Well at least 1/4 of submissions had to be removed because people decided to monkey and be contradicting with a poll so I can’t get a read on paying for credit card use. Some say cash app is enough of a payment option. Ok so if it’s enough why haven’t they bought :thinking: Or a few have said the economy isn’t their issue but they won’t buy either with more options and say cash app is enough. I don’t get why people do this… but I think the message is LOUD and CLEAR, and for the most part the economy is a deciding factor 80% currently. So on Sept 3rd the shop will enter pause mode. The cart/checkout will be disabled functions. Shop will essentially just become a web page and whoever does WANT to buy will need to email me to arrange it privately. Discounts no longer function on pause mode, price will be static set to 3, 6 or 12 seed pack options.


Unfortunately, everybody is broke out there. Groceries abd gas cost 2x as much as they did 4 years ago. Let’s keep that In mind come November. At least it becomes a static advertisement directed to your email and not nothing. Sounds like it’s easily reactivated too when things turn around for both you and this crap economy.


Yeah it’s easier to put it on a lowest cost plan to keep the page up and running. Oh I know, I see it all the time myself when shopping. Boss man showed me a frozen loaf of sour dough $2.99 from 22, then showed me a fresh loaf at $6.29 :flushed: So yeah EVERYTHING has doubled since then. Oh I have plenty to keep in mind for Nov that goes way back I don’t forget about. Happened twice economically, that’s all I’m sayin :smirk: I think there’s a bigger shyt show the stage is being set for after Nov.


@OhNo555 I sent your sticker, pinecone with 5
Pressure Skunk seed in it


My big brother works for D.O.D. and you have no idea… a real crap storm is coming our way and living off of SSDI it worries me big time.

Why I think now more then ever, we need to connect to loved ones, old friends etc.

No Regerts… hahaha


Thanks brother :sunglasses:, your are the best! WAHOO! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::blush::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Nice to see when I don’t think there’s much interest, it suddenly appears. Maybe 11th hour save, although paying for checkout that’s not being used enough doesn’t seem smart. A few orders before the 3rd COULD encourage me to keep things open…

Flowering tent

2 Chocolate Haze x Xmas
2 Corn
1 Pressure Skunk
5 CripXmas A2 3 cuts and 2 seed plants


Veg closet

3 A2 CripXmas 2 cuts and 1 seed plant
1 Pressure Skunk
3 B4 CripXmas
1 Dankmaster Crippy



CripXmas tester around 16 days

Dankmaster’s Crippy

This one is turning out lovely.

Her sister, not so much. She will become peanut butter cookies soon

CripXmas going into bloom tomorrow after I take some clones. Front center and front right are my two front runners so far


Well, well, start your engine in about 1 week to 10 days. You liking the odors coming from the tester, she looks more A with the sativa. Spice and pine is unmistakable to know it’s her :heart_eyes:

Yeah the BEST plants in the DM Crippy, thick stalk and beast fans, not so short of the nodes. The one plant I originally started as the germination test has become just like @MissinBissin plant. Definitely a meandering period for these plants but after 3-4 weeks they reveal themselves. I think the ones that stay in a funk aren’t “good” plants and the plants that can shake it off, are going to be the best to run for flip. One thing I do like is the node spacing isn’t as tight which keeps foliage looser for air flow, so all in all I believe it’s going to be a better version of the B

Two things for you to look out for. An extremely sticky branch rub early WILL tell you. That’s how I picked the A2 out as a potential good plant. And the 2nd is girth, really swollen woody base. So whichever of those have BOTH is probably your keeper mother