Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Definitely getting the spicey pine on the tester. Very peppery. Took a clone just in case.

I have to put them in now, because I have surgery this week. But after I recover, I’ll be in full production mode in tent #2 with an army of rooted clones.

After we send the samples through our in house qc, we can select a cut to seed for the community grow.


Smart asf!! :+1::fire: That IS HER! That must be the ONE I spotted during veg. I might not have to send you the cut after all, USE that one as an F4 replica


Got it. I’ll scribble down f4 on the clone tag


Working your double crippyXmas now I only got 1 plant super excited.thanks again for making them available to us all.


21 days in, and we got pistils turning already.

CripXmas in tent #2


Looking good @Cannabiscrusader :+1: As those who’ve grown her, can attest “strap in” it’s only getting “started”

@louisellis13353 You’re most welcome :pray: That’s a nice one btw. Could be a good stud. Fat TC A blades. I had one that looked like that but I chopped since I wasn’t doing seed. The short stubby ones are the dwarf phenotypes

I’ve put the store into pause mode. Doesn’t mean whoever is interested can’t order, it’s by email or DM. Paying for a checkout function that few are using presently doesn’t make sense. I’m going to fixed price packs 3/6/12, the more someone buys, the cheaper per seed it is! The MORE extras and bounses that come with it. Until I’m shown by email requests sent that a payment processor for credit cards will be used and pay for itself, I’m operating on private sales basis!

2 boxes have been received for review so we have more perspectives and impressions to look forward to.

I got mixed up. A plant I thought was A2, is actually Pressure Skunk. I’m getting a sour bubblegum like odor, sweet but sharp. She’s in her 4th week just about. Good structure plant wise. Definitely the OD plant is showing us it’s beefed up from original parent. I’m kinda anxious to try this one :grin:

Chocolate Haze x Xmas or I’m gonna say Choco Haze Xmas, this has excellent SOG potential. Didn’t stretch crazily and stays like a drawf too. So Xmas Bud tamed unruly stretching I saw in the Chocolate Haze pheno’s. Has a lime and pine, strong and pungent. Chunky buds. I’m not sure about the time, but this Xmas C is definitely responsible for the faster flowering time. There’s going to incidental F2’s so if you’re interested in running let me know but there’s more with the Choco Haze Xmas, there will be CripXmas B Choco Haze Xmas, CripXmas A2 Choco Haze Xmas and soon Corn Choco Haze AND Corn NL2 Choco Haze. So we’ve got another BX2 round to go through. I’m planning on doing A

with this male as well.

Getting wild in the veg space

Bottom plants still adjusting to ‘hot’ mix


Looking tasty over there dankness!


Chocolate haze Xmas :yum: sounds like a great combination


Dropped 2 of these this evening. Looking forward to my next run!


Here we grow again… CripXMas A F4:evergreen_tree: :fire:


All the Crippy are switching over to flower finally. I have 1 Island Crippy male 2 Island Crippy females. Aside from the CripXmas A2 staying short the Pressure Skunk and Dankmaster Crippy are 4’ tall. Side branching are starting to grow out. The stalks on these branches and main stem are ridiculously thick. We’ve been pretty windy here the last week and they’ve all handled it like a boss across the board. The smells have near disappeared at this point other then a constant Dank weed smell. Im looking forward to the weeks to come where they all start to reveal there true smells.

I GIVE 2 THUMBS UP for all the CRIPPY LINES!!!. When the wife says, “You have to do something about these, Holy Fuck, they STINK!!!”

Thats a great sign for things to come. I’ve had zero issues with these growing outdoor and they just grow. The last 2 weeks they’ve grown about 18" in height the Dankmaster Crippy being the tallest. The fan leave are obnoxiously large which will eventually find its way into a picture frame for the canna wall.


This is exactly what I wanted. You couldn’t have put any finer point than what’s above. Incredibly well put and I’m thrilled you love how it’s still going. I do feel more confident the objectives will be met, primarily the mold/rot experienced by B. Growth doesn’t appear too dense in these and B4 is still pretty dense. So we do have a looser structure. Once the hurdle is cleared, then it’s how the terps and effects meld from all 3. Yes, that thickness is an excellent indicator of a good plant. Thanks, I appreciate it immensely :pray::green_heart::+1::fire::evergreen_tree:


I’m surprised at the different flowering response I’m getting on the three clones I planted outside, in respect to the indoor response.
The indoor girls marched along at a brisk pace to the end, the outdoor clones are all mañana. :laughing: :+1:
Granted, they are in ‘sub-optimal’ locations in the garden but the difference in response is notable.
The largest (4’) landed on the ground after a summer storm and needed assistance to stand up but they are all weeks behind the indoor progression.
I’m at Lat 43.75N (13 Hrs sunlight today) for reference.



Well this is an INTERESTING observation. Do you think the plants are more adaptable to indoors than outdoors :thinking: Meaning the conditions bred in suited them for indoor acclimation rather than outdoor ? I’ve had this nagging feeling they really aren’t “outdoor” types based on results last year reported, but I like to give it another try to see if defoliation is key to prevent getting mold/rot before ruling it out. It is interesting they aren’t synchronized to the speed you got running inside, maybe as fall solstice hits they’ll speed up. I’m interested to know the total days to finish so we can compare how much more time it took. Thanks, appreciate it :+1:


I’m impressed with your genetics.it has a peppery minty almost baby poo smell too it.cant wait to see how it turns out .I wish ide of run dla#9 x nl#2(kush#4 x g1388hp)x now…pagoda seeds made that line


I think they are very responsive to their environment and therefore well adapted to either indoors or outdoors.

We are approaching the Autumnal equinox (Sep 21) so 12/12 & maximum rate of change; if I’m guessing correctly, that should move them along through flower.



I weep for cannabis terpenes…if it turns to complete sweet candy shit I’m throwing in the towel :sob:


Cripxmas A bx2


Morning @OriginalDankmaster96 here are a couple updates on CRIPPY B4

And the P Skunk, swaying in the Breeze

Both plants are easily 6’ tall


Ok, this is rich :rofl: Well folks you know now NOT everyone can handle CripXmas. If this is a product reviewer, sorry excuse for one. Not only that, what a dumb ass for not reading the sheet that I sent him, TELLING him NOT to smoke too much. Well far as I’m concerned the person GOT beat by the CripXmas, so there’s the review, tapped out by PINE and Crippy!