Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Not them not even understanding that it’s the TERPENES enhancing the cannabinoids that are so volatile that over consumption can make you sick. It’s like every part of the equation is important. Let the pure pine express roll em all over!!


Put down 2 cripxmas mystery seeds. Both popped in 36hrs. Just wet paper towel.


:rofl:this is hilarious. They grew it and complained about it being too strong and how did you add terps to their product they grew? Maybe they should have read my post about it putting me in a chair for the day and I’m no lightweight when it comes to smoking weed, been smoking since 1975. It’s just that good plain and simple. Thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 , I continue to enjoy your work.


I grew it brother, and yes I infused with the Terpenez oil intensifier during grow and Integra Boost pineine terpene infusion during cure. Yeah they initially complained it conflicted them and not really their “preference” I saw a clip of him smoking Gelato like it was a cigarette. He’s a candy ass. I’m learning QUICKLY what a proper influencer is. Several are facade and no substance. Only Oktodie is my benchmark of standards for a review :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Oh ok I think I remember you trying that infusion thing. But still, it’s not the terps that make you high or should I say too high and make you nauseous. They must be youngsters and not as hardcore as us overgrowers. Hahaha part timers. Still I wouldn’t smoke it for wake n bake if I wanted to get anything done.:+1:t2:


Yup, I’ve told everybody my finishing trio. Let’s show it, and @Cannabiscrusader I’ll be furnishing these items to you when the time comes to finish. Nothing else than these 3 and the curing packs. Remember it doesn’t change anything, it INTESIFIES what exist naturally. I also think @Sodapop is right, cannabinoids are volatile mixing terpenes and potency strength :+1:


Thats awesome of you man! Appreciate everything you do, seriously. Im supposed to get discharged today, cant wait to see the plants. My wife showed me in a video, but i bet its way more awesome in person. Cripxmas i put into bloom last week looks like they are on week 3 already, fucking amazing man.

Save the names of all these clowns. When the time comes that dankmasters crippy crosses rise to the top, then i will make an account on their platform. They might have to get actual jobs by the time im done with them :rofl:


It’s GOOD you haven’t seen the plant, because when you do, the speed will easily be noticed. I’m always astonished. I have another that’s closing on finish AFTER I just harvested one that nearly dry. The amount of harvests with all this faster flowering trait is like double and triple what’s standard 2 months. Scaling every strain to be faster flowering could be like a gold mine for us. They would come begging :smiling_imp: I’m already thinking of bigger ideas to come. I REFUSE to let this go IF I can’t do it myself. I was looking at several “possible” partner successors but I know YOU are IT! I KNOW you would continue to build this brand higher and we can collaborate ideas on new gear to offer and build a library of the best conceived by long time veterans heads. Launch into bigger influencers backing the brand, and watch it go bananas. I BELIEVE all the potential is THERE :+1::green_heart::facepunch::fire::face_holding_back_tears::money_mouth_face:


Im truely humbled. Wow

Not just the flower time, but increased potency to every strain to boot! Good thing she flowers fast because i do believe my door bell is going to be worn out!

I need to get you a cutting of my meltdown. This plant makes huge black beans, %100 germ rate no matter what i cross it with. Brings the purple and the crazy frost.


That outdoor pic was from a month and a half ago. Not a spot on her right now and shes about 7’ tall and just as wide. Lmk when big man takes a trip


There we go, we have OUR first collab to work. Reverse the Meltdown to CripXmas A. Yup, I’ll take it if I don’t have to shut down. IF I do that’s your 1st project to put out. I’m going to get a business credit card and get all the expenses on there 0% 18 mo intro. Get the store sub paid for year, marketing funnel started and merchant account expense and fees. Making credit cards available can be compensated by a convenience fee, which I think I’ll symbolically put at $4.20 :smiling_face:


You got it mang! Ill scoop up some reversal spray when i get home. I have 4 clones about 3 weeks away from flower. Did i also mention this pheno is an 8 week flower? Potency was almost there, but i know the cripXmas will send it over the top.

This one will be fun to watch for sure.

Give me some time to get rolling again, and ill be helping with that company card payment


@OriginalDankmaster96 beautiful stuff happening here in this thread !! Best of luck to both of you gentlemen :saluting_face:


Gave the Dankmaster Crippy a good ole stem rub and low and behold a faint hint of pine was detected. Nice, loving the look of this plant. Its every part of 7’ now


6 week, crossed with an 8 week. Lime slurpee terps


What do we have here :yum:

Yup, I’m doing a sample of the Chocolate Haze Xmas. Putting on more weight. The taller plant with the bigger cola is leaning 1/2 way to the side.

Initial impressions to come shortly :lemon:‍:green_square: :evergreen_tree: :fire:


Tasty little morsels of delicious dank puffage by the looks of things

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Yup! We got a LIME/PINE/GAS/DIRTY LOCKER FUNK old school plastering STONE. I’m IN and OUT of the zoning, mouth hanging open, bobbling head, doped out narcotic moments hitting in waves. I freaking LOVE this plant. She’s a WINNER and I know ALL the seed from the male is too. It was the one Chocolate Haze stubborn to root but so glad the Xmas C male got her. I always said Xmas C was AMAZING and that shows in all the plants it’s touched so far to date. The fact it’s this potent now tells me it’s close, so yeah 6-7 weeks

Oh yeah before I forget, the fruity I smelled is now gone in Pressure Skunk, it’s a slightly sour gassy pine now.


It’s going down again…

Pressure Skunk time. Let me just say it’s already stickier than predecessor :yum::fire:


Yup, right AGAIN :yum: It’s that sour, rubber sulfur RKS and way more pine on the back side. The PINE really complements the exhale nicely. Strong and racey, with the creeper effect building. RKS made my head thump a bit, this doesn’t. Definitely more sativa style but with boosted strength. I’m a little jittery, so if that’s early it can be stronger. Clear as a bell though, and I tend like those over muddled effects to think better. Has some zoning moments. Definitely the more productive type. Overall I believe it achieved what we want, enhancing structure, reduced stretching,faster finish, boosted the pine way up while keeping the original “skunky” terps :+1:


Beautiful work! Cant wait to see how my doodles come out when im finally back in the zone. I know it was just a tester, and i see the white hairs still, did you scope triches on either one?

Btw. My cripXmas keeper is full, lush, green, and beautiful. Ill toss up a pic when the lights come on. Same with the dm crippy. I found some very unfussy phenos