Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yup, I found a few amber heads already, but the fact inadvertent seed are nearly done is another indicator. In fact when I was cutting it up I hit the shell and it was completely dark already. So yeah it’s definitely finished by end of this week or latest Mon next week. Happy to hear you’ve found some strong pheno’s that are more recessive to the variegated expression :muscle:t2::seedling:


Found this on my Island crippy

The I/C on the opposite side of the earth box doesnt have this so it caught my eye.


Yup, I know what that is


Whoa very interesting trait. How much does this trait tend to express itself through out the plant!? Pigment is quite dark!


Well the “test plant” I grew out had it. @firehead grew 2, and don’t remember seeing them in his plants. Clearly it’s reoccurring. I would have to say 1 in 5 will probably shows this curly Q leaf at the node junction. This is IC that inadvertently made IC BX2 C so it’s also in the Dankmaster Crippy. I think I heard someone mention something about Ancient OG having this trait as well.


Corn NL2 x Chocolate Haze Xmas finally ready, although I’m not thrilled with how the seed look, the viability is still there


Corn NL 2 harvest. Plant looked rough so only trimmed harvest pics


Whats the nose on that Corn NL 2 bud.? OG should invent a terp diffuser. Give users the smell along with pictures. :fist: :joy:


Herbal/pine/gas, I’m actually not smelling the lemon strong like I did parent plant


So I just got downstairs today, forgot my phone of course… :crazy_face: this is the way of my kind. Im checking the clones, and they have an afro explosion of roots!! :open_mouth:

The ones off the solid pheno i found! I took 9 clones off that bad boy umm girl sorry. So we wrap up in 6 weeks, clones explode in 5 days. They definately look like they are going to veg a lot more vigerously from clone. They would have to with the ammount of roots shes throwing out in such a short time.

Truely greatful and blessed to have crossed your path. Thank’s again Mang!

I’ll get back down there, with my phone this time, after i rest up a bit. Still sore as fuck


CripXmas, only been in flower for 10 days :open_mouth:

Got a mushroom growing in the dirt, hey buddy. Roots on that clone. 6 days. I wish i healed that fast.

Dm crippy. Shes getting ready to be cloned and bloomed next time i drag my ass downstairs


I know, LOOKS more like 2 weeks instead :grin: Just remember to keep those sites from being shaded out too much by leaf. She can lose a few. I can see that growth in the center has got denser. Yes, I can see DM Crippy split off into nice leader branches to form a slightly denser bush. Yeah cloning is always fast and easy, anything crossed with CripXmas IS faster and easier hands down. I simply don’t see HOW it gets better, like chasing the end of a rainbow for a figment of imagination of a mythical plant. I think CripXmas A IS about as close to a mythical sativa unicorn realistically :face_with_monocle::unicorn:


Im slowly getting there buddy. Its taking all i got right now to get downstairs and do the bare minimum. Healing a little every day.

While laying in bed wide awake i had a thought

Meltdown x CripXmas = Nuclear Winter

What do you think?


Oh yeah, I definitely didn’t mean while your laid up. In about 10 more days is where it’s more important, but for the first 3 weeks doesn’t matter as much. She can wait until you’re recovered :+1::facepunch:

Yeah it does sound “dangerous” :joy: and catchy. I got Armageddon Skunk when I bought, which was a G13 hybrid but I had no idea it was G13, just the name drew me in as “devastating” So names alone can be alluring to buy :+1::money_mouth_face:

Look on the bright side, you’ve got GREAT entertainment to look forward to tonight :smirk::joy::circus_tent:


Took a couple pictures for you @OriginalDankmaster96
Cripxmas bx2 getting frosty

Maui, I hit her with Maui Wowie pollen you sent me.


Yup :+1: The buds I had were very similar. It’s a funky looking sativa top but incredibly sugary. I liked this taste of Xmas best. More of a minty funk that had alternating effects :arrow_up::arrow_down: Wild ride from what I remember.


Lights out pic. It’s stuffed FULL. Corn in the front looking like :poop: as usual. Full of the CHX dust

Pressure Skunk on the other hand, swelling up and getting larger. Exploding with glands towards the finish. I told ya all, and I’m starting to see my projections. I haven’t exceeded 600 ppm, so that’s about the threshold



CripXmas clones. I found another good pheno, this one has the leaf wrinkle. Saved one. All others are off the other keeper

Starting to roll now!


Well I HIT another dead end :face_exhaling:

However I see someone else familiar got an account, so I’ve applied here. I can’t see why I won’t get it here… called Pay Rio

Corn NL2 is nice but the seed is mostly immature soft. Disappointing. Taste exactly like I said from odors. See, still issues, even Corn shows underdeveloped seed, so not exclusive to the TC


That one looks promising! Dead ends are just detours.