Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Greetings @OriginalDankmaster96, not sure how I forgot to share this with you… just the other day Bro
CRIPPY B4 is 6’ tall with Solid nuggets hapnin top to btm

Plate-sized Fan leaves for a reference; 6:00


Yup it’s solid plunk sounding style rocks, but of course that was adverse to wetter conditions. I truly wonder if there’s increased resistance now opposed to last year :thinking:


Since my grow-partner decided to install a 36’ long raised bed for OG Row, we have not been vulnerable to any of last years issues. ie: wet field during Soy bean crop

The Corn rules ! And the Plants have their own protected strip… its a first for sure, for Us! We high-five every visit!


Great ingenuity for mother natures nasty periods :smile: Smart on his part. Have you noticed rapid speed of budding getting progressively faster ? Based on that pic, it looks around 5th week but I could be off. Make sure to loupe watch around 43-49. Just remember the more amber you want will be the heavier knockout :melting_face::sleeping:


We are on Alert already for the Durban Poison and A Gold. Both are down to Cloudy / Clear. Show me an Amber and the days are limited, especially with ~ 47-day stuff floating around :blush:

Thanks for the reminder. Today’s day 28 in bloom! eta b4 month end !!*!


Yeah I think you’re right, after I filled their e commerce application and sent the documents, shortly after I get a follow from the agent on IG, and none of the other places did that, so it’s a promising sign🥹


Good morning @OriginalDankmaster96 and my OG friends! Still following along in the back round and I see :eyes: you got a new project :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: in the works. Sorry to hear about the troubles as I am sure you will get them all worked out. Been limited to getting on here as my wife is in the hospital :hospital:, but is much better and should be home :house: soon. I know you will all understand. All your grows are looking :eyes: good as usually! TTYL :v:! :+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


How many weeks between pollination and harvest?



Yesterday was living HELL. Woke up 8am to leave for gastric emptying test at a hospital 45 mins from here at 10am. Eat hard boiled egg with isotope and toast. Then pics every 30 mins. I did fine until about 12, then my energy crashed. Thought I was going home to recharge by 2pm.

Nope, boss man wanted to get his brakes checked close where we used to live at and that took another 45 mins. Then the drive back as the rush hour starts.

Then he wanted to get coffee at Harris Teeter, and I needed some food but I’m running on fumes at this point. Finally 5pm in the driveway, drag myself upstairs and everything needs water just about.

Didn’t smoke anything before the test and didn’t bring anything with me. After I refreshed, knew it was a matter of time before I pass out fast.

Dragged myself to the room to get all the watering done so don’t wake up to severe wilt, ate since I had nothing but the test food, then laid back and 10 mins later blacked out until almost 9

My head was spinning when I woke up I was so tired still. Of course that nap made me stay up for awhile but too tired to reply, I was like “tomorrow” I’ll get to it all

@OhNo555 Im sorry to hear about your troubles as well, but glad it’s turning the corner. Not a new project, just exploring what this particular combination with Chocolate Haze and Xmas could offer. The possibility is there as I like the results it’s giving. I assume you got the pinecone and sticker ?

Started flip around end of May, then I believe it was 2nd to 3rd week of June I stuck it in the bathroom with the male. The heat wave didn’t make it fare so well in the tent so I decided to let the male fully pollinate. By my estimates it’s 84 days at 12 weeks. Flowering this particular plant was just way too long…cutting that by HALF would be more reasonable to use. I believe there’s fully developed shelled seed but ratio is low just from the few buds I’ve picked through


That’s a shit day. Very unattentive bossman… he could of at least brought a dug out for you.

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It’s been ages since I’ve heard of a dug out, with the little bat hitter. I should’ve asked to bring me enough to roll but thought I’d be home quicker. Won’t forget if there’s another “test” He did open the tent for me so everything didn’t get cooked up when light came on sitting at the hospital. So at least that was less of a worry for me until I got back. Hard to go anywhere before the flap is open to the tent :sweat_smile:


I always forget that you are down south. Tent flap crack season is over here in upstate NY. That fear is real though, i felt it.

It was very nerve racking being in the hospital. I just envisioned mite webs and crusty droopy plants as far as the eye can see. Opened the tents with my eyes closed when i got home.


Oh it’s not just the outside temp, it’s the AMOUNT of lighting 2-3x coverage really builds up fast. Gets to 100 45 mins after it comes on all closed up. I’m fine with 45 mins then it can drop to 87-88 with the evap air coolers blowing in, although don’t work as well as they used to. The calcified water has slowly gunked them over years. I’ll be glad when I get crisp cold air from outside to draw in. It’s a nice spring day in the room :grin:

Oh yes, even going out for awhile (more than 2-3 hours) has me on edge. Have no idea what plant might be wilting or fallen off its riser from change in weight distribution to balance on, how the heat is building without the room door fully open to exchange air out. Even so, it does take a lot for longer period to really damage or “kill”

A2 Mother plant I’ve had for close to a year in 6" bonsai pot had enough and became too root bound to continue growing out more cuts. I’ve noticed the more a plant gets bound over time and drainage slows, the harder it gets to water them without rot starting up. Anyway, new mother is growing in pre-veg, but I took 10 cuts off the old one, using an empty med bottle like a vase wrapped in foil to block out light and 10 in the cloner, 4 rooted, so plenty on hand until the new one can give cuts.


For what it’s worth - the Tampa crippie can be surprisingly tough - five or six of my other OG plants just got wiped out from fungus gnats and humidity. This seedling seems to have found its second life, once I got the tent clean

Might be nice hit with Durban poison pollen or vice versa as an experiment


Ive been known to trim a rootball or two while the new mommy branches out. But im a strain horder. I just threw away another 12 strains i had for over 2 years now. Sick of looking at them.

On to better things


:slight_smile: looking forward to your grow of this


Here’s the doublecrippyXmas A
It has a unique terp…not piney…or minty…all keep you all posted more as time goes by …thanks again dankmaster.


Oh that’s right. I ALMOST forgot… @Bobgrows my decision for the Puna Budder cut goes to @Cannabiscrusader :yum::+1::green_heart:

Chocolate Haze Xmas at 49 days. IF it weren’t for late seed maturity, these would be done but there’s seed that still is finishing, other than that LOVE the results showing

@louisellis13353 Def could be the Xmas terps, they’re quite unique. If you’re getting any kind of funky-almost mold smelling, that’s Xmas

Pressure Skunk 49 days. This too would be done IF it weren’t for late seed finishing. Large cola sticks. Significant size increase and higher gland ratio. Def a winner in my mind :fire::+1:


At this time she is in full flower. I have some I’m trying to reveg.
If you would like snips of her in full flower to reveg, i can do that now. Or wait until she reveges for me. Your call @Cannabiscrusader

My cloner took a shit and i lost what i had.


I’ll definately wait. You take your time and get everything sorted. Lmk if i can help in any way