Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Heres just a quick pic drop of the couple outdoor crippys.

Its goes in order of Dankmaster Crippy, Pressure Skunk, CripXmas A2 and Island crippy
The last 1 is Island Crippy male. The reason ive left it standing was to observe its growth structure and pattern and to see the similarities between it and the Dankmaster Crippy. These males are bloody smelly. Smells like wicked Dank green that everyone knows and loves the smell of


Seems as you knew I have a male sadly I can’t use it …and I can’t let it pollinate my auto…very unique smell musky earthy and mossy …kind of like a forest…idk…always appreciate finding new terps in males.

Fastest easiest plant I ever grew flipped in just a few days…every plant grown is a teacher and I kept it easy and it was no work at all…popped the 12th of last month already finished…33days later.


Yup, the musky is Xmas and the earthy and mossy is the Crippy. I do believe the male is good stock. Maybe you should try collecting for future use. I’m happy it was easy, fast and trouble free to grow. Anyway, I think I’ll send you 4 fems of the A2 so you don’t have to go through the sexing again and should get a good female to keep around :+1: Just help spread the word with whoever needs either Crippy or pine terps you come across


I looked at my seedlings and there was one weird one I keep seeing and I’m like what is that it’s so different than the rest

Top left corner triploid looking thing maybe I fried with nutes reusing coco, but I don’t think I did. I think this coco was clean.

Cripxmas b x bx2

Is weird

Which is good - I like weird

16 different strains others probably related one way or another, this one maybe not

it’s something different

this one actually should be protected and not diluted - you’re onto something.

How do you like the corn crosses compared to the earlier versions maui and backcrosses etc?


I appreciate that i figure that might of been the case that the Xmas bud/crippy was shinning through…ide of liked to smoke but it’s ok.nextime I will.its crazy how you knew from the beginning what the sex was you can tell you’ve been working those plants along time and really know your genetics…


The double Xmas run definitely revealed some interesting plants to say the least. I’m thinking the B x BX2 is a sleeper. Definitely don’t want that. It was a lucky break to get them to start. I’ve always said keeping this lineage within the family will maintain the preservation, once it starts getting crossed to lineages that deviate will start to drift and dilute. That seedling looks whorled, usually the tri-cotyledons indicate it. Never had a seedling whorled that was male, they’ve all been female btw :+1:


good sign thank you dank I have a small tampa that looks female also, but I want to veg out a big bush, I’m going to keep popping them and rotating them in. I’m patient soon I will have a mom of this soon enough. I won’t cross anything. what’s the best habits for veg for the B?


Thinning it back. The vegetation gets too dense left unchecked, which then becomes shaded out, dies off and turns brown at lower sections. It’s why I had to replace A2, grew too much being cut back multiple times for cuts that all the lower growth got shaded out and died off from lack of light.


What light intensity is best? I think this is what might be slowing my veg maybe basic mistake. Thank you for the tips


Interesting Q! Well I think my 100 watt starts to diminish intensity after 3 ft of height, because when plants get to 4ft the first foot of growth at the base is nearly dead. So I’m going with 3 ft distance before diminishing factors in. NP, brother, always happy to guide when I can :facepunch::+1::pray:


Ive decided im going to work the cripxmas and the meltdown this winter, and enter it into the new york growers cup next year. Lets get people talking about the crpXmas


You have a link to the event. You can dm if you don’t want to publicly post.
Good idea!


Yup! CripXmas needs redemption. I know for certain I was robbed last year for another OG variation entry (how many do we need) It should definitely be impressionable to older veteran heads over what’s out there considered “pine” The only one I bought I could even say had discernible pine, was Pine OG, and even I consider it weak taste/terps. I’m ready to see the table flipped over :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Let’s hope once I sign the application for underwriting this one is APPROVED. I’m F’n sick of LOOKING since late July

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Here it is. I went to the growers cup winners pop up last december. Their weed was trash. I didnt even buy any. All dry and straight garbage. The growers were all on their phones acting like it was a chore. Like 2 things on the table, some with no table… just standing there like you’re supposed to know who they are. Chumps. Soy boy wanna be weed barons. Time to topple the empire with dankmasters crippy crosses.

The hard part will be coming up with a crossover logo. Im thinking sassy on a park bench next to dankmaster with a lap full of sample jars.

Kind of like this, but better. This was the first thing i attempted to doodle back in march.


Libby Vevers would be a good band name

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Nice thank you. I saw a competition in Amsterdam ny also. Think it was January.

The events I’ve been to I’ve seen a ton of work weed being sold. Some are selling what they’re actually growing


We’ll think of something to incorporate a crossover. Actually I just thought of something, a slight play on the SSSC. Old School Seed Club :thinking:




i think I have something (landrace) to enter in this too for rare category - I hope cripxmas wins, if I was tasting you know it would


CripXMas :evergreen_tree: :fire: