Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

For those who want to watch the younger generation take everything out of context, here it is! This influencer thing is teaching me, they don’t have a clue and for the most part can’t accurately review and score something “older” trying to compare to this new garbage.

I mean watch how he says where’s the terps but mentions pine and earthy, but where’s the FRUIT :clown_face: Non stop complaints about the hair, takes my emergency drying method as I sent him bud that way. Acts like he knows what finishing products are or do. I’m sorry but I’m not sorry, (not all) but enough have their heads up their asses about real cannabis.

@Cannabiscrusader It’s definitely past time to TOPPLE this empire of garbage candy and desserts and revitalize the order of things :man_facepalming: I don’t like the “direction” this is all headed in. I see :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::stop_sign:


Well said. That counter review came with a stiff backhand slap to a snot nose toddler of a toker.

The golden ticket for me isnt winning over the new generation, they’ll fall in line eventually. Or they will hug close their fruity puff candy vape nerd rope dry ass junk they love so much. The best feeling will be giving samples to all my old school buddies.

I know im going to get a bunch of texts that contain only one word… DUDE!

P.s. its not homegrown unless it has some kind of pet hair. Everyone needs a kitty or 2. They keep the squirrels from pissing in the plants. -Ricky


Dude looks like a 25yr old hill-billy that lost half his teeth already… and he smokes weed with a butane torch. Need I say more :joy:

The last reviewer I saw was like 18 and barely knows what weed is.

Need a better vetting process or something :sweat_smile:


You’re right, I made the assumption the younger generation would be more appreciative of old school weed after receiving requests to “review” but after 3 times I know now that’s an error on my part. Now it will be abundantly clear or I won’t bother with that individual.


It’s drama day :performing_arts:

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Well, math is not his ‘strong suit’… :wink:



“I dont get free shit to do reviews”

“Your free shit i got was the best free shit”

Kids just love to argue. Especially after you trample their credibility. He probably has been using the phrase " back in the day " since he was 7.


Well enough with the kids games. Pressure Skunk is DONE. I was right when I first said 4-5 days ago. The amber is FAR more higher, than previous. So seeing that tells me, she is definitely 50 days maybe 52, but NOT 54. So 48-52 is the window with 50-51 being peak. I might try to take pics before I trim but all the rain/wind here is playing havoc with the internet connection. The pics may have to wait until it moves through.


Pressure Skunk 53 days

@GregOG :eyes:

You can definitely see its denser coverage of glands from regular RKS. I’m really satisfied how this has turned out overall :+1::fire:

I’ll probably chop the 2 Chocolate Haze Xmas later today as well as most of the seed will be done.


Looking :eyes: good my friend @OriginalDankmaster96, always happy to see things going well for you bro :sunglasses:! :facepunch::+1::wink::blush::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


The night gets away from me… Anyway, I’m chopping at 53 here. Again same time window as pressure skunk 48-52. I’ll say this, the bud is DEFINITELY chunkier than CripXmas is, but of course she’s more sativa dom hence thinner, but the 2 together hmmmmm :thinking: Because there’s going to be plenty of the CripXmas A2 x Chocolate Haze Xmas to see what happens next. Also F2’s of this female

@OhNo555 Yes, I’m on the verge of getting the MA approval so I’ll be happy to get things running again with new stock to add to the line up


Looking killer! I got 10 of 13 pressure skunk in cups, some sprouted and green already.

CripXmas clones are taking off quick!

No roots on the dankmasters crippy clones yet

CripXmas is looking sweet

Finally feel good enough to do some defoliation. Almost healed up already.

dankmasters crippy also super happy


So the Crippys in the Backyard grow are going well. The Dankmaster Crippy is the furthest along stacking flowers on very quickly now and the stretch has stopped.
Thou she is large 6-1/2’-7’ tall i find her strong well spaced structure something that i find im staring at a lot. She gets the first hit of sunlight due to location and nearly all day so this is definitely why she looks this way. Now followed by the Island Crippy male which has been looking majestic as hell. The way its stacking the clusters is quite attractive with tight nodal spacing as the ends of all upper branching. It has a NOSE that would make any canna head want, ABSOLUTE dank AF.

The CripXmas is starting to pick up speed with it’s flower production but i do need to pin back a few branches from my Kush4 so more light can get to her. What im very impressed with about this pheno is its stacking. Its side branching on the upper 2/3 has barely any stretch (even with reduced lighting) so just tight spacing flower starting to stack. I honestly really appreciate what this little plant is doing. Something I want to work with more and put it into the right location next year for maximum grow season.

Now about Pressure Skunk, its the lagging behind from the others I feel about a week too 10 days. This said i noticed the stretching is slowing down and the flower is starting to show. I worry for this plant as i dont think she will finish intime before the unfavorable weather settles in next month well were getting a kiss of it tomorrow as overnight shes dipping down to 3°. The P/S has a few minor attributes I’ve noticed that’s bit different from the others. Her stem is the largest of the 3 large Crippy plants approximately 20% larger over the others. It also has deeper groove that run along the main stem and side branching. At this time any it doesnt have much for smell aside from the typical cannabis plant smell. Will pay closer attention once the resin glands start to form and express intself.

These have all been very easy to grow once past the initial germination seed crack.


That is cool :sunglasses:, you know I am always happy for your projects to succeed and I am always so happy when I see them envelopes :email: coming in the mail. Plants are looking :eyes: really GR8. I like the way the colas stack up and are nice and frosted! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::partying_face::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Speaking of the DM Crippy, here is mine still going, I just topped it 3rd time, once those shoots push up about 6" I’m flipping it

@Cannabiscrusader Looking great man :+1::facepunch: Definitely can get bigger in larger pots from SOG but either way still works and produces fast, consistent and well. I see you’re skunk hunting. The pheno I just did produces a monster thick stick. It’s barely shrunk in 2 days :flushed: I’m looking forward to hearing your personal impressions, not to mention the old school buddies

@Fortman420 Well done progress report. TY. Yes the structure is BETTER than original because it’s not so tight blocking air and light. Yes that stacking is the trait I noticed first about CripXmas, so you see why I jumped to get seed done of it. Even though I couldn’t see it yet when pollinated I had strong vibes there’s “something” unlike anything experienced. I’m really happy it’s been fun and interesting experience to run. The IC male definitely sounds like the Maui phenotype sun god plant. Never seen anything like that either so I’m glad he got used when I started noticing. I believe the Corn is DEFINITELY better overall but we’ll see how it can do with the Chocolate Haze Xmas coming up. I guess you know after you get done, there’s MORE to come :grin:



It’s OVER! :sob: There is NO WAY enough people will use Cash App to generate me $2500 to “qualify” to offer and pay for the convenience of using credit cards…does ANYONE see the enormous difficulty. I won’t OPEN until there’s enough demand to pay by Cash App and if it’s NOT there, I’m closing up because I won’t waste money if not going to be used, especially to generate $2500.


Damn you Libby Vevers!


What about like square trade. The thing people use in food trucks? Or in bodegas. You kniw, shady places

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Oh yes, they only have CBD vendors, no hemp or cannabis/paraphernalia/manufacturing products. The restrictions are INSANE. Makes think there’s some kind of monopoly on seeds now making it this hard to get payment methods. I’ve told boss man I have no choice but to pay the 150 to Tasker, unless they have the same volume requirement, I just throw my hands into air if that’s the case. I don’t know what to do except lay down the ultimatum show me DEMAND to USE Cash App to REOPEN or I CLOSE IT UP and ALL GOES AWAY…

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