Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Seems like lately you have been hitting one brick :brick: wall after another with this payment issue. Have you considered a sponsorship on OG? I really hope this takes of for you buddy. :wink::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


You don’t remember I did pay for sponsorship and only 1 person bought. Even had it for the whole month of Aug unpaid. LJ revoked for Sept. I WAS planning to throw that into my 0% APR promotional financing plan with the merchant account monthly payments, but I can’t do it out of pocket. It’s a high minimum credit card payment basically


Gotcha buddy, I had completely forgot about that.:confused:


You know I am always pulling for you buddy. I know how much time and effort you have put into this. I have learned a lot from just reading :open_book: and following along. Going to run some of your work indoors this fall or winter. :+1::facepunch::blush::partying_face::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


There’s ONLY ONE path, it’s this Tasker. IF I’m not required for a minimum volume processing amount to be approved. $250 (with sponsorship) WILL have to be distributed into products and shipping to cover some overhead. I don’t have a CHOICE to offer cheap seed, so if I hear complaining it’s “too high” I’m CLOSING and giving up! If people REFUSE to understand what it will REQUIRE to offer the convenience to use their credit card THAN Cash App to pay, I’m at at a stalemate and can’t pay the cost to operate just because :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Everyone that BUYS will be responsible for a fractional amount of this $250 to cover expenses, it’s NOT to line my pockets! Understand ? That probably means $10 increase per set pack and $1-2 extra on shipping.


It was a lot simpler in the old days, cash in an envelope…
cash in, beans out.
Now it’s stupid-complicated with all manor of grasping middlemen…



I SUPPOSE I can open a DBA address to receive cash that way. Boss man is adamant about physical connections though to full name. I might have to do some heel digging to budge :smirk: I agree though, restrictive, stupidly expensive and complicated under the veil of being “legal” to sell now.


Still a NO on anything using an ID at physical location so I guess it’s not possible.


That’s how I still do it man… 40 just arrived for his 60 seeds.

I feel for you Dank, I know the red tape to go full on legal and it’s unreal…
I hope you win the battle and that success is just around the corner for ya.


yo Dank

maybe check out all the canna payment companies that attend the various expos, there’s usually exhibitor lists online

I met the guys at Zenco once and they were nice, I lost the guy’s card, but maybe something like that is good and then can switch to a larger one later. I also would try to use cash app or paypal, but you don’t want to get shut down and money frozen at a bad time. Crippie plants posted above all look great, that inspires me to get mine established, so I can show off my crippie, soon enough… keep fighting we need to pop more crippie seeds show the world


All merchants serving is crazy expensive to start. If it’s for weed even more expensive.
I’d put up your site with no ability to order. Just have an email for inquiry and payment options
Than use cash app or money in the mail ttacked


That’s essentially what it is now. MAYBE I’ll add some quantities back so the “sold out” isn’t confusing. I did that so cart can’t be used…not sure how a cart functions without a checkout.

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The wheels lock after the alarm goes off?
…sorry I couldn’t help myself… :vulcan_salute:


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:smile: It’s actually kind of wonky to increase or decrease quantities in it. I originally had the idea it’s all there, just when someone hits checkout button it disappears into limbo :crazy_face:

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Have you thought about accepting crypto? SimpleSwap allows people to buy crypto, Send it to a wallet and All with no ID. All you would need is a wallet to receive funds into. No crypto exchanges/middlemen ect.

Hope you find something. These merchant c**ts are a law unto themselves.


Even thought I’m not the crypto proponent (Austrian Economics and tangibles believer) I CAN take BTC and it’s in the payments when someone goes to checkout page, but NOBODY uses it. All the instructions how to send me the order, splitting network fee to take it and payment confirmation are outlined in the BTC box.

Email me dmoldschoolgenetics@gmail.com with your choices/choice and preferred shipping. Put BTC payment in subject. Please include 5% for network fee (we’re splitting the cost) once your equivalent USD is in the wallet, I will confirm your payment by sending you a screen shot of your transaction then pack and prepare your ordering for shipping. If you opted for tracking, once handed off you’ll be sent tracking number

Silver lining…WE finally have a TOKER sister! Just WATCH PLEASE :star_struck::face_in_clouds::exploding_head:

It’s the RKS she’s hittin


Pressure Skunk almost dried. Surprisingly she didn’t shrink much after 4 days. Slightly sour odor with faint pine.


Chocolate Haze Xmas preview. Smallest buds were dry enough to taste. STRONG LIME followed by pine and mint, rich and really hits hard. What I’m getting is a lot of Xmas effects, time really slows down in a narcotic-frozen like state. I’m buggin while time feels slower if that makes sense :crazy_face::face_in_clouds:


So I remember in 22, the Spring seed boxes were paid by e-check or ACH. Based on what I’m reading ACH doesn’t carry the same restrictions as credit cards. I’ve inquired about going this route now