Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Wow for being small you can really see the indica in the leaves already,nice!


A whorled phyllotaxy, cool.
Did it start ‘right out of the gate’?

I’ve had a couple but they usually switched on about node 3 and off about node 7. Mine was Bog’s Sour Strawberry (IIRC).



I’ve been taking a break. I could sense a lot of stress and pressure was building up again, so instead of committing harry carry on myself as I’ve done in the past, I decided I needed to stop for a few days. I’m waiting on approval of a business bank account before I can finish the E debit application and begin that process…

@Fortman420 I’ll be watching to see how things are going during this critical period you’re entering. Hopefully resilience wins out :crossed_fingers:And yes, even EARLY as I’ve done testing has proven decent potency, but I’m hoping your hoop house gets them close enough. I said it when we started “you’ll be a proving ground” for these lines. IC does have a strong GAS odor, it’s the same one in the TC I’ve told ya about that like ammonia :dizzy_face:

@GregOG Nice! I think the pressure skunk will definitely fit your males nicely. These show a nice amount of sativa, minimal stretch and girthy stalks and a rigid structure.

I tend to think whorled phyllotaxy CAN offer more growing tips/bushier profile. Looks interesting with its stubby leaf :smiley:

@Gpaw Yup I’ve seen it switch off, then one time I saw it switch back on IC BX2 C. The way these DM Crippy plants have turned out has blown me away. Especially the surprise plant. So far another “good” call made

@Cannabiscrusader So did ya get pine and pepper notes from your bean stalk tester ? The smaller budding plants DO represent the A more than A2. I think the one with the gnome hanging on the pot is the likely A2 pheno. Both do, but the one looks fuller if that makes sense. :facepunch::fire:

Chocolate Haze Xmas starting to cure


@OriginalDankmaster96, Looking forward to the days and weeks ahead. As long as we dont have Frost or Snow the plants will be standing. The Dankmaster Crippy is starting to thicken up. Smell right now is mossy earthy with a very mild funk underneath those scents but the frost is looking great and so is the flower density. Im particularly enjoying the solid dominant structure. Definitely an eye catching plant truely.

I’m hoping with these added temp swings from day/night will cause the plants to push the resin a little harder but time will tell. Keep you posted :slight_smile:


Ill also be clipping off a couple lower branches of these 3 plants and hopefully rooting them out. My mind is sitting very restlessly wondering what they could have become of being able to finish out so Im going to test this though over the next months as a side curiosity project


I had crippy buds drove up from Florida to Atlanta back in 97’-99’. Crazy fire nostalgia moment; thanks for the read!


Looks like tonight will be the test to see if my make shift hoop house will help take my plants any further into October.
Our forcast after tonight looks good just need to get over the hump

All the plants are just starting to thicken up more so its exciting and stressful. Today will be part 2 of the shanty shack and a big part of this will be having a reliable and safe heat source that will go thru the night. Either a osolating heater or a terracotta candle heater at 1 end. I will set up still with a fan to circulate the warm air.

On that note a bit of an update on the smells finally starting to get good resin production and last night in the dark I was getting a pleasant sweet musky smell from the lite breeze passing over the plants. The Pressure Skunk was starting to kick out the strong Nose Funk. Absolute :fire: smelling. When i was working above her I just remember saying to myself “DAMN, you smell Good”. Not much on the sweet but tons of intensity of funk from 2’ away.
Fingers crossed they make tonight.

Unfortunately I will have to leave out of town for work this evening so wont know the outcome till i get home Friday Evening.


Good news :white_check_mark:


Congratulations @OriginalDankmaster96 :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: buddy, I know you have been waiting on this to work its self out. I could not be happier for you! WTG! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::ok_hand::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:


Just closing it will build up heat. Should not even need heaters


Appreciate the insight.


A closed hoop will be 20+ degrees warmer than outside temps. Neighbors have one that you can’t open up to much. Ground doesn’t freeze during winter


Buddy found a big snot of Rot on the main Cola this a.m., chopped, and its all there is.

Your CRIPPY B4 was Harvested proudly on the 49th day @OriginalDankmaster96

I’ve also passed the news on to the Owner of the LARGE version of the Crippy B4. Take this Sunny day today and Chop it tomorrow!


The plants are coming around but the cold temps have slowed things.

@Emeraldgreen it wont be super sealed due to location but will definitely be better than nothing. I do have my fireplace that vents out into covered spot so this may assist in the warmth as well.


Oh you know how real and long the struggle has been BUT I believe I’m home free now :confetti_ball::partying_face::clinking_glasses:

For anyone following along with seed shop plans of your own. I highly suggest you START with this payment method, once you have 3 months of 2500 sales balance THEN go for a CC MA. Don’t APPLY for a CC MA like I’ve done, you’ll only waste time and be aggravated trying. Learn from the curve I just undertook :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I suppose it’s better progress NOT having the whole plant turn to rot from a section of cola getting it. Sounds like it held up better than what the F4 would’ve done :pray::facepunch:


I got the pepper notes and a bit of earthy funk. To be fair… she was only vegged a few weeks, not topped, chopped early, dried way too fast and only in a jar for a few days. I also have a bad cold so im all stuffed up and cant taste anything. So, its not a proper test. Just rushed along for farmaid. Not to mention the brief mite battle.

That said, i didnt get much up front. But i did get the creeper effect 15 to 20 minutes later. Nice little head buzz you would expect from an early chop on a potent plant.

Really looking foward to taking my keepers all the way and getting a proper cure on them. Still battling mites, but thats the way she goes sometimes


I think the Pressure Skunk is having Fun @OriginalDankmaster96
No hurry to shift into Flower. She’s getting the job done. 7’ for reference

Not the most Flattering photo, but Crippy B4 is Down and hanging @1.8lbs

This part of the Crippy adventure is on to the next part.

Thanks again, ODM


Ah, yes, when I get a cold all taste goes out the window. Almost feel like I’m wasting it but does help dry up the snot and gunk to breathe. Ugh time to STOP all fast food. I’ve noticed when I don’t fall for temptation, I don’t get sick or less occurrences. I always got a bottle of colloidal silver when throat is getting raw, and I slam it hard and frequently. Gone in 2 days MAX, sometimes 1 day.

Yup that’s the Xmas bud side, the better pheno’s have the pine and mint mixed together, which I’m guessing you’ll get in the other 2 plants when finished. Sounds like a preview that’s got you excited for full reveal :yum:

Oh I know how it goes, nothing goes according to how you want it. Always adjustments along the way to finish :laughing: Just hope she’s everything you’ve been wanting when a proper test is done :sweat_smile:


Stage 1 E-check/debit complete

Stage 2 underway : descriptions re-written for Google crawling/ranking, also will put back taste, potency and effects, reactivate basic subscription, OG sponsorship and start marketing funnel campaign.

I made a BTC sale from Spain last night, which was SUPER easy and smooth. All anyone has to do is follow my instructions on the front page and it works like a charm. Dankmaster Crippy has its 1st public release as this person is wanting to grow outdoors too. It’s clear there’s a chance of rot at the very end, but not like last season. I believe emphasizing defoliation helps lower the chances of being wide spread to a localized area of bud of CripXmas. Cartoon told me on X his A2 got an under bud rot but has shaken the excess rainwater off and has kept the tops clean of it. So all this tells me there’s practices to keep it away, but it ALSO tells me the plant isn’t ideal for a lazy outside grower either that doesn’t do enough to prepare the plant to weather the elements for the season.