Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

All plants made it through the 0° temp so the next week should bring on some much appreciated size and weight.


That’s excellent to hear they endured such low temps briefly :grin:


Keeping their feet warm really helps out in this department


Heres something found on 1 of the Dankmaster Crippy plants i have growing in my earthbox sip system. 3rd node from the top of canopy both fan leaves across from each other did this.

I checked anove and below this site and leaves are normal. I wonder why it did this just at this 1 point


Yup Ive seen that before, it’s sporadic in appearance. Part of the TC lineage, and I can even see the crinkle in the blade :wink:


:evergreen_tree: :fire: Exhale on her is like eating an icebreakers menthol mint then breathing afterwards. :cold_face: :dash: Think I like her better in soil.


That sounds amazing to me… but I love me some menthols… hahaa

What’s the high like?


Heavy hitting sativa with a high that creeps and comes in waves. I personally like flower I can shut off a joint on after a few tokes… there’s a smoke report somewhere on here for it.


Absolutely beautiful :star_struck:

Just take it to 52 days next time, you’ll get more of the body effects than head. Ready to try your hand at the Chocolate Haze Xmas ? This one not so much sativa, keeps knocking me ou coldt. It definitely needs cure too. I didn’t like it so fresh, but finally smoothed out the bite, now all the terps blend well LIME :evergreen_tree::fuelpump:


Thank you brother for the compliments. :man_bowing:t2:
Honestly though I like it a bit early as a personal preference. My chronic pain soaks up the high pretty well and allows me to give my full focus to the task at hand. There’s plenty of sleepy flower out there…Not that there isn’t a place for it. This definitely gets better as it cures as well. CripXMas is my daytime preferred herb so I’m pretty sure Chocolate Haze will be my preferred unwind afternoon smoke. :wink: :fire:
:chocolate_bar: :dizzy:


Yup I do love the productivity of the effects. It was incredibly difficult to find productive energizing highs when I bought, one reasons sativa effects are a staple for daily preference use. Not to mention fast flowering, then it becomes a scant few that measure up without the 10-12 week time. I just checked the Corn x Chocolate Haze Xmas, almost done, so you’ll be getting those too.


Looking awesome @OnePassionateGrower !

Got a quick update on my attempt. Lost track of weeks, ill have to go back and look into it. I think the cripxmas is finishing week 5.

Second pheno is a bit more frosty, still battling mites too. Cant shut down, so we power through. Now that the summer heat is gone, i crank the lights a bit. It will be interesting to see the difference with the light intensity on the clones.

Dankmaster’s crippy is looking sweet. Getting heavy sticky pine and skunk smells. Gave her a light defoliation today. I think shes finishing week 3 or 4. Here she is pre defol


CripXmas clones, found some mites on these… fuckers

Pressure skunk seedlings

Lastly, i put the dankmasters crippy and a cripXmas clone in my other cabinet right after they rooted. No mites in this cabinet yet. Faken smert bud, youbetcha yaaah.


Oh you’ll know, she’s capping off fast from those pics, so not too much longer. Look less than a week so I’d say it’s about right time wise :+1:

Yup, pheno’s 2 has more A look than NL2. The less frostier is NL2 expression, but as you know sativa isn’t predicated on “frosty appearances” but it will be interesting to hear HOW they vary :grin:

Dankmaster Crippy looks to have the Corn showing in those buds, very interesting :face_with_monocle: Oh yeah , she’s definitely got that jet fuel pine going on and has stayed pretty darn short too. I just put mine in a few days ago. I’ve got 2 more in the pre-veg area still in cups from June but they endure.

Maybe you should get a bottle of hot pepper wax :thinking: I swear that’s the LAST product I had to buy to end their reign of terror permanently when I was given them as a ‘gift’ :smirk:


That’s the one pheno I kept right there bud hoping you cloned a few if not I’ll send over a clone or snips once those mites are obliterated
:boom: dealt with them a grow and half was a shitshow. So I had to do a double whammy Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger and raw mighty spray. Then I finally won.


Looking great on the crippy grows all around. Definitely something special in these genes.

What I’m particularly interested in is just how light sensitive these plant are. Not by the hitting them with too much but on the shaded side that is limited. The plant portions that get the light truely are productive and impressive the light limited side definitely lags behind which is to be expected but the frost I find is a bit denser and the scent produced is much stronger due to less degradation again is to be expected from less light exposure.

This is based on the outdoor crippy i have running specifically the CripXmas A2 due to poor positioning on my part which limited sunlight.

Honeslty the more I grow and learn about these lines the more fascinated I am with them. Im documenting everything in a personal jounal im keeping right now as things change very quicly with these plants

When i compare the outdoor cripxmas to the ones i have inside they have similarities but with that extra bit of light its amazing how they respond differently. Its like theyre photosynthetic response it attuned to a different more sensitive level. Quite unique


Back side of the tent ALMOST done

3 A2
1 Pressure Skunk
2 Corn


Was looking at the top flower on the DankMaster Crippy and noticed some slight color.


Look familiar…the IC BX2 C reversal plant


I am usually not a jealous person, but that crippie looks delicious. Nice work with a tough strain to grow.


Thank you @MikeyMeteor :call_me_hand:t2: but in all honesty I still feel like a novice. If I’d rate my grows personally I’d probably say I’m at 6.5/10
But I’ll keep striving for better, growing medicine has opened my eyes to so much it’s unfathomable. :100: Hoping that Sour Train your on goes phenomenal as well. :pray:t2: :fire: