Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Hey bud love what your doing,been following around here and other forums.
Just read that hot pepper wax. Way back guy makes just water and cut up 3 habanero and boil for 5 min. The capsaicin in pepper is enough to fry them bastards and keep away.


Thanks appreciate it :facepunch: I remember having to consult the growers with extensive knowledge and experience to eradicate the stubborn infestation, first it was DM spray (diatomaceous earth) then to the neem soap, peppermint spray, specialized mite sprays etc, but resistance continues. I refused to just live with it, so keep trying and asking about something else different they aren’t resistant to. It was definitely a laundry list and months of fighting/treatments, but finally getting the bottle of hot pepper wax at the grow shop did the trick. Yeah I had no idea how it was made in late 90s, I just picked up a bottle of ready made spray and was astonished how effective at frying them dead it was becoming. I was happy to have something that worked because practically everything else was futile in attempt over and over and only made them more resistant to it, but I was like to myself ‘don’t forget the only product’ that did work in case it ever happens again or sharing that knowledge, so it’s why I can recall the treatment that did work. It was at least 3 months before I did get to it, so my lesson learned was I tried treating with other products longer than I should have done in the first place :face_with_monocle:


I’ve decided to move forward with new seed to pop

3 Romulan F2

2 Pinetree Haze S1


You know im grabbing a chair to watch this. Ready to soak up all these details


We’ll see, the last seed I did of Pinetree Haze was weak, spindly and ended up sick. Hopefully it’s a one off, so I can see what this one is about. I do know if I need to shrink it down, I’ve got the BX2 to fix that issue. Hopefully not an unruly ‘haze’ :wink:


Haha,my buddy gave me a bag of his SSH seeds, his grew into his light,that stretch,lol. Love that pine! :yum:


I have to admit, I did get that one a few times buying and did enjoy it. Yeah I had the sativa Maui pheno that grew past the light in a corner, way too stretchy to maintain as a mother. Good but the more important plant is the Indica alpha pineine Maui which is rarer to find generally. Which reminds me, how was your Maui @Greenfingers ? The one I got with PTK just sat mostly. Too floral for my taste. What I’d like to hear is a Maui and Xmas mix :yum:


yeah you know some strains click with us crippie for smoke for me, but growing has been tough. You did a great job on that. A lot of these plants like chem can get picky early om I notice and really excellent growers like dank just make it look simple. The maui seems the strongest in seedling stage from my limited crippie seed popping. I had a nice tampa male. Should’ve kept pollen. If I focused in and didn’t pop a million beans at once I would have some form of crippie mom. The maui seems good actually. Anyway, if I run out of beans or when I do I’m definitely supporting Dank and investing in more. Thanks everyone for keeping the crippie going it’s up there with the best of the best strains of all time as a 30 year smoker and will always be in my rotation. I still got a dozen or so various crippie left and I will pop them all.


I appreciate it brother, but what I’m gonna do is let you run the Sigma Crippy and I’ll get some of the fem A2 CripXmas to you as well. So just let me know when you’re ready to go :facepunch::wink::pray:


Yes Dankmaster! Thank you. If you ever want any snips/clones or seeds of something I have - I got you for life as mentioned in past - offer always stands just let me know. I silently went back and forth in my head of how to price your beans reading this thread the last few months and I think stand by your conviction. I think crippie in some ways is designer weed, not branded designer, but breeding designer weed. Out of all the threads on OG and I like many, your growing notes really blow my mind - also it’s funny when you get roasted my friend - I can’t speak for all of obviously - but I think we like those videos they’re hilarious and that shit is strong and rocks you hahaha - also the tranpserancy is an inspiration and a great way to learn to grow the special strains, which we are… @OnePassionateGrower 6.5/10 maybe 8.5/10 for crippie Dank 11/10 working towards 21/10


I’ll definitely let ya know, cause when the time comes that I have stop I’ll have to depend on the fam to help me. I feel pretty confident fam won’t let me down when I need it :green_heart::hugs:

Much like G13 is the same, although G13 doesn’t have the seed development defects the Crippy has. I think in retrospect that’s why IF you did get a seed in a 1/4 oz or half it’s why there were maybe 1-2 but I understand this seed extremely well now, tracing trait interrelation back to it. Personally I think the Tampa Crippy is easier than the Corn is. Probably the most fussy to Ph and Mag swings.

Thankfully, I already had an extra clone to replace the slowing dying mother with. Seems like everything is coming due for the replacement clone mothers, but yeah, fast flowering, creeper effects and pine terps profile I know what I have can’t be found anywhere else. Crippy didn’t creep but that’s all changed for the better. Now seed can be properly bred WITHOUT the intersex using CripXmas and develop without defect switching to NL2 expressions. Price for all this factors in. I’ve made the necessary fixes Sunshine failed at, so I believe it’s worth all the improvements and tweaks, but my policy is the more bought gives dollar cost averaging.

That was/is a trademark of mine, the details when documenting strains as an information base to use as reference. I won’t be here forever but that information will serve generations of growers to come, especially now we have compdendium for the Crippy, which until I made, never existed except for controversy and speculation surrounding it.

I don’t like my face too much out there, but from time to time all the words or descriptions can’t accurately tell “how high” one can get. I think that’s subjective, but a video showing what going on in the face/eyes and reaction tells far more than I could even dig out of a 5000+ word vocabulary I can reach into.

Making a video has to be “special” not ordinary, but yeah I’m gaining a thicker skin with roasts going with the territory as I’ve known from the beginning it’s not going to change, but I connect with A LOT of amazing people in spite of it, and that’s the BEST part of how I express myself I won’t lose. Most people that have met me, doesn’t take then long to realize I’m as authentic as they come in a world full of :lying_face: :ox: :poop: and pretense :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Cripxmas bx2 down and dried final tally, 11.26 ounces. Waiting for Maui to dry to get a total.


2 Corn with Chocolate Haze Xmas DONE. Soon available! See how spindly those branches are. One reason why F2 of Corn won’t be made available. Like G13, she is a hybrid only offering in better structure. The Island Crippy isn’t spindly. This one will always need a better structural counterpart to be suitable to grow.


Yesterday the plant stand was removed and 7’ Pressure Skunk is swinging in the breeze.
Tomorrow she gets chopped

CRIPPY B4 below, is almost ready for that combustion test


Looking beautiful! Cant wait to get one outside next season. Using the rest of my tester cripXmas along with some black triangle to make some coconut oil brownies. I have a feeling this is the kind of bud that will put you into orbit when made into edibles


Good morning buds

All I have to say is

The more crippie the better!

Hope everyone is well in the sunshine state.


Good morning to all you Hozers there Eh’ we had a couple days of 20-21° (68-69°F) and the girls put a little bit of size and frost but the days are numbered for them all sadly. Tomorrow night will be down to -3 (28°) so we’ll see if my temporary cover will be enough for them. If they make it thru that I will have about 1 week of ok weather before the highs slope into single digit temp and beyond.

Having them along the house has provided some radiant heat and my fire place vents onto them which I periodically turn on for a bit of extra heat. Heres a couple pictures of where everything is this morning.

The order is Dankmaster Crippy, CripXmas A2, Pressure Skunk.

Over the last 2 days noticeable changes have occurred and starting to push density out but time isnt on my side for this.

I’ve immensely enjoyed these plants growing in my yard as they provide me much happiness. The appreciation for the efforts put forth to create these strains and gratitude to @OriginalDankmaster96 for getting these into my hands. Honeslty I feel blessed with the opportunity to work with these special plants


Well I finally got my credit account. Dankmaster has for the last 10 years built his credit to an excellent 843 FICO and because I responsibly managed everything right, I got instantly approved $12,400 BOA cash rewards, now I can finance operations temporarily. Just waiting for my card to arrive next week to get everything open and operating. This also allows me to keep OG sponsorship going without a recurring cycle expenses each month to pay

That’s a nice yeild for CripXmas A @Greenfingers Looking forward to hearing the smoke report :+1:

Those Pressure Skunk main and side stacks are HUGE @MissinBissin ! I knew she was hefty. Even the side nugs further down are large. Turning out to be a yielder for sure. Dankmaster Crippy looks great all trimmed up. Looking forward to smoke report on it. You simply did AMAZING :trophy::star_struck: :pray:

@MikeyMeteor As promised, your fem beans are on the way :facepunch:

@louisellis13353 Yours too

@Cannabiscrusader You saw the post from Humblepie420 so you’ll get there. I could get there a lot IF I wanted but I know all too well overendulgence pays the price too :nauseated_face:

@Fortman420 I’m hopeful you get that week to 10 days, but it sounds like they can handle some low temps. I’ll be curious to hear where you think the threshold is. You’re very welcome :smiling_face: I wished it could have been a few week earlier to get that seed out as it would made the difference to finish before the hard freeze starts, but who knows maybe you’ll get close enough. Getting to 42 is still the harvest window


Congratulations @OriginalDankmaster96 that’s great news!


Thanks for letting me get them dirty!
Pressure Skunk came down yesterday at 3.0 lbs wet
Even after a nite with No Support, she would not Stop fighting