Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Wow what a different experience!


I can say you won’t be disappointed. I’ve never had something so brutal and raw that makes me keel over, head buried into the sofa seats gasping for air as it STEALS my breath away to breathe and the punishment of heart pounding intensity that’s is incredibly dizzy the eyes start to roll back in the head and twitch …all the thoughts of “this is crazy, nuts, how is it possible, I can’t believe it” will be swimming in the mind. G13 is RAW but how these strains combined in potency surpasses what G13 is so well known for by 2 fold. Nothing I bought either. I’ve only said 1 called Purple Thai Cheese is close but far surpasses the potency on that. I’ve always heard the UK Cheese strains are potent….definitely but what’ve created is far stronger somehow. For me to say this CripXmas is stronger than G13 is MAJOR and not to be taken lightly. I’ll be letting the testing speak for itself and results to come reveled in!


Yes, and I’ve given IDEAS what the NL2 MAY combine as the 4th. But let’s do another run down of CripXmas B in real time…

The break up is pine needles odor. Light up, first pull is subtly cool, hold it in, eyes and face crunch down in water and hack. Next pull much stronger, deeper, even more of a struggle to hold, I start taking my fist and beating it up and down on my knee, I squeal like a woman in labor to let it out and hack deeper and spit up phlegm balls … now I just took 3 huge drags in one pull, eye balls popped out, burst in tears how deep the cool and ice feels, louder squeals to hold it in and to let it out, which I’m struggling more and then comes an even deeper hacking fit of spit and drool. The more I keep doing it as it gets to the center, it gets more intense as the back half is coated in resinated bud the brutality grows. IF anyone thinks they’re going to take BIG Superman hits and not be phased, you will be humbled and decimated and laid to waste in your attempts!


I’m looking forward to seeing how all the different expressions we find compare


:woozy_face::woozy_face:HELL to the YA
Sounds like a Salvia trip haha …
Shitt enough already when are the testers available :rofl:


Wow. Now thats intense.

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YES Salvia Divinorum I’ve heard of, and I do get the impression CripXmas is on a hallucinogenic level. Dizzy and trance stuck out CLEARLY. So you may know now what to expect here :grin::+1::open_mouth:

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Sounds like a good hash run and some hash slop brownies would have people rolling …
Some of the strongest effects from a strain is in edible form …that’s just me speaking from my own experiences …
…I’ve only done the Salvia once when I was 16…13 years ago and remeber it like it was yesterday…
Mom’s buddy was so pissed he lost his new glasses lol

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Just read up on the Salvia. Sounds borderline…scary. And I dont scare easily.

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Actually your reaction had me rolling like a Joker that would make any impersonator blush trying :rofl::rofl: And yes I agree, I sweat bullets ingesting so it’s nearly too intense as I don’t want to sweat, and my stomach can toss.

As for when, the hours pass and I’m waiting to see A shows tips on 4 shell splits….will update at 12 at the 48 hr mark. Once that’s done, it’s a matter of a box of thank you cards arriving, and when they do (supposedly tomorrow) it’s time for new testers to select A or B to be sent and an address. I could be saying on Fri to choose and send me your addresses :wink:


You said it sounds intense, and that’s what I’m sure you’ll measure it by, the most gripping and intense potency you experienced in a strain you smoked to date.


Glad I could get a chuckle out of you ! …dang ! It’s that close huh! I’m gonna have to read the individual descriptions again …and again… probably one more time …then smoke one and make up my mind …after I flip a quarter to see what one I will choose :sweat_smile:

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48 hrs later B is ready for planting. I’m going to plant in the 6 cells for seedlings. IF something stands out, I’ll then move it to a cup

48 hrs later A has 3 tails. One may split soon. 2 don’t look like there’s going to be action. I’ll add one more. May not be as high as B’s, decent at 42-56% Is that OK w everyone ?


It’s okay with me.


Ain’t no Thang but a chicken Wang brother


60 hours later

See the no tail ? That’s a Crippy pheno. That’s how you’ll know if you have one just by the sprout.

The rest (4)have been put in a separate GA3/saltpeter wetted towel bed. Let’s see if ol Gibberelic wakes up the stubborn ones


No complaints from the peanut gallery.

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Alright here we are here at 72 hrs. 2 are definitely ready to go into the cells. One is a bit brown and mushy, might not make it. One is cracking…

Now it’s clear to me after I’ve made my own seed a trait runs deep. We saw this w the Krippy Kush, which I showed at the very start of this. It’s good I did because this may be beyond a breeders control. Here I’ve popped a shell off, again dormant embryo

And I KNOW there’s ZERO that can stir it. Now maybe those elaborate popping techniques might work or crack then plant .If you’re up to the challenge, do it. Nevertheless there’s still decent viability here than what happed w the Krippy Kush. I may add 2-4 more per vial to compensate.

Playing w some shots of a nug of A…enjoy the tease. Smells much like an old classic sativa haze that’s too surprisingly deceptive in flavor :evergreen_tree::snowflake:


I took the CHALLENGE of rolling A and B together and if you think I’m joking or pulling any chains, just WATCH ME smoke it and how I react….it’s fucking ridiculous what happens :scream:

Smoking CripXmas A and B rolled


Smoking NL#2 UNFAZED


So its good stuff when mixed? That’s the way I like it best…:grin:. Looking forward to growing these!


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