Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Quick update on the CripXmas type a

Less then 36 hrs and we have cracked shells on 5/6 tomorrow we will have tap roots I can almost guarantee it !


These arrived today!!!image

Thank @OriginalDankmaster96 can’t wait


You’re very welcome @Emeraldgreen All the looking, teasing and waiting is finally over. I can’t wait to see how you show OG the special treat you’re in store for :grin::eyes:


I’ll be putting them in a towel tonight :grin:


Almost a week…NO stretching

I am impressed. Usually seedlings show it immediately within the first week, but these show 1/4 inch at best. And it makes it more difficult to cull, although the 2 smaller have smaller leaf. I plan to grow these in the cells until I can pull out the plug by base of a full root ball, and plant 4-5 of the best into cups before I get started on Pine 06 and CripXmas A BX to Xmas male A, which I believe will be a more stable Xmas bud to use than original stock. In fact seedlings show better uniformity than what I saw w original Xmas bud seedlings


Hey @OriginalDankmaster96, its on my friend. Ill have to get busy growing pine trees.:evergreen_tree:
Thanks again my friend.


Nice mail today I got the personalized poster for the fundraiser and it’s just awesome

but I’m jealous :star_struck: and more determined to see the beans landing so I can join the party :tada::partying_face: Happy Growing @Greenfingers “The Dude Abides”


@OriginalDankmaster96, I gave a guy at work a joint of cg x xmas last Friday, I asked him how he liked it. Him and his daughter only got half way and they had to put it down. :joy:


That’s definitely a testament to the potency of that CG. I’m glad I have the back up seed. She didn’t survive the root trimming and cut too close to the tap. Learned my lesson. Also taking off too much before regrowing was bad. It was a good inaugural for me before the real kick off began :grin::tada::exploding_head:


Its really top shelf smoke. They keep coming back for more. Im doing all four of these. A & B and the others too. I haven’t grown northern lights in ages. Matter of fact it was the first thing I ever grew indoors.


this sounds very pleasant!!!..anything with a kryptonite orientation in the story I love to hear…be interested in seeing these perform…grow forth brothers!!!


Get ready to go back to that “time” w NL 2 my friend. It’s definitely the one you’ll be very glad to have. NL 2 is permanent mom for me now. I’m glad I have more original seed of it for back up, but it’s definitely the pine McCoy. It was a gamble but since Krippy Kush didn’t work out, I said to myself let’s find if that’s the suspect and IT IS and the reason why most everyone got 5 NL 2 seed to experience that old school and then the revised version in CripXmas, which nukes IT. Pretty much nukes everything at this point!


I guarantee when you have CripXmas, they will call it ONE hit evil!!:smiling_imp:


Had to celebrate tonight and got the hint a steak dinner was was wanted

Potatoes Dauphinois w diced mushrooms and asparagus, caramelized smoked Gruyère cheese

Filet steak encrusted w Kinders buttery steakhouse and McCormick bourbon and brown sugar. Butter A jou from drippings

Is it perfect ? :thinking:

Yup :drooling_face:

Last one…creamed peas, carrots and corn, just a bit of cheese wiz and corn starch to thicken, sugar, smoked olive oil and rubbed sage

All gluten free… intolerant/sensitivity

And ask yourself was this all done in 5 star gourmet kitchen….NOPE. It wasn’t even done in a “kitchen” IT was done in an upstairs master bedroom. Nina Foodie and a rice cooker. I have to switch back and forth or two running at the same time will trip the breaker, but surprisingly I coordinate it to work just as well as any well equipped kitchen :wink:


Making me hungry


Made my palette sing a symphony…now that might begin to make sense why I can detect flavors extremely sensitive in cannabis smoke :grin:


(Video link removed for security)

The video speaks for its self! The two ground up, smelled like fresh cut PINE TREE NEEDLES :evergreen_tree::drooling_face::tada:and the flavor too explosive. I couldn’t stop laughing to hold it but my eyes again show the explosion :boom: and it was very strong pine and gas. Maybe I make a fool of myself or maybe I don’t, but I played it back and it made me laugh again :rofl::joy::rofl::laughing: so I think this shows that fit of uncontrollable laughter I mentioned.


Looks like some good eats bro! I myself can’t even digest starches…lol only meat, dairy, and sugar…I can definitely eat some veggies though, love salads :wink:!

I keep looking at the veggie stew…what’s the sauce made from? (Ahh I see now, creamed…)



Wow even intolerance to corn…wasn’t aware that existed. Yeah, salads can be tasty than blah, if most people only knew to season w a bit of salt and pepper their perspective would be like it does taste a lot better than without. I buy a couple chopped kits every time I shop and try to eat them before it goes bad and watery :rofl: It’s stoners luck if I get to the kits in time…


Yup…no corn, wheat, etc. It’s not that I am sensitive to it…if I build a tolerance I can eat it, but I don’t digest it…like swallowing bubblegum.

It’s a tolerance really, if I go a while without “eating” bread, just the smell of it can make me nauseated.
