Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

It’s VERY interesting you say that and I could agree. I learned buying dispensary buds, I got 2 different buds of Acapulco Gold once and it’s extremely confusing as one appeared Indica not sativa. I called and even asked why I got different looking buds and they said different farmers. I think there may be “modern” versions that don’t exactly resemble pure sativas and more inbred versions floating around. Though it looked Indica, both tasted the same just about, so I gained new perspective :thinking:


When I first started growing, a friend bought some seeds through one of the big European seedbanks; most of them were from World of Seeds’ so-called “Pure Origin” collection, because he wanted landrace seeds. He gave them to someone else to grow out, but after seeing pictures of his Columbian Gold and sampling the bud I agree with what other people on here have said; their landrace seeds are crossed with Skunk, or at least that one is. They’ve done some fairly good selective inbreeding and it’s not bad at all, big buds with decent potency and taste across the board - but they’re not landrace seeds. Could be the same situation. I have something called Lambsbread as well, but I’m pretty sure I don’t trust it either. I got it from some dude on Strainly as a freebie. If given the choice, I’ll take @Upstate’s immaculately documented preservation of a well-researched breeder’s line over “some dude on Strainly” any day. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a big name, so people are gonna capitalize on it.


I get what you’re saying here. Not true “landrace” and inbred hybrids that are favorable at producing to supply dispensaries, though if you aren’t in the growing community that could easily be deceptive thinking what your buying is real landrace. Guess some saw $$$ in getting those names on their menus.


Here’s where we are today. Nothing on the NL yet.
Cripxmas A

Cripxmas B

Cripxmas A n B bx


Good to see you got most of what you started :+1::sunglasses: I’m sure those will pop too…the CripXmas C was already dropping fresh dust when I hit the lowers of NL2 and that’s what took. I actually have 6 NL2 x Xmas A.


I put them back, I will let them get a little more tail, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: maybe tomorrow. The other morning after I started these the moon looked like a big cannabis seed in the sky. I tried to get a pic of it but I was driving, I thought it might have been a sign.


Just to let everyone know I’m staying in my own lane from now on. If anyone outside this thread contacts me privately about someone else and that I need to look at their feedback drama, don’t do it! I won’t even respond to your private msg or the thread. Trust me if there is questionable experiences, I’ll just decline their testing and be done with that individual. Back to GROWING!


Whats that Greenfingers up to this morning? Since you asked, I’ve been potting up all the Cripxmas A, B, and AB bx. Had 100% of all the Cripxmas seeds with at least 3/4” tails. Still waiting on Northern Lights, im a patient man.


I guess I need to put a few of the NL x CripXmas in to test myself. I thought I wouldn’t need to since it was live pollen. I do apologize if nothing pops :pensive:


No worries, they may take longer than the other ones, I used the heat mat with a towel on top of it. First two days I turned it off at night, left it on last night and woke up to those long tails. We’ll see if the northern lights pop with the mat on.
By the way, you don’t need to apologize for anything my friend. If anything im indebted to you for sending me seeds to test. Thanks again my friend.:evergreen_tree::green_heart:


I told you, patience my friend lol :joy: one of the three NL.


Yup, those stubborn harder shells at it again. I’ve just sent 2 floating to see what I get. Maybe @Rabeats2093 has the right idea to germinate than what’s traditional, by pre soaking then the towel bed, opposed to skipping :thinking: He definitely got the tails showing faster than I did. Well it’s a let down for me when I think pollen took and is supposedly viable and the seeds still have issues as I’ve seen before with TC. So it’s clear there’s more to work out and test. Perhaps a select male of the 4th crossing to NL will result in a thinner shell. I’ve noticed grinding up after I think I’ve cleaned all the seeds out, there’s one I missed, a couple get crunched up but a number didn’t. It’s a plastic grinder so the teeth aren’t tough. It indicates pretty hard shells to me on most.

Ha I spoke too soon :crazy_face: That makes me feel relived :sweat_smile:


I have started soaking in water for 12-24 hours and then paper towel and heating mat or on top of the hot water heater but is it true that scuffing the shells can help thicker husks or something not to do and great job with those little ones @Greenfingers and it’s looking great so far for them nice taproots also! And what can you add to the water to help stubborn ones @OriginalDankmaster96 ?


Here’s the Lambsbread seedlings. Narrow leaves on them…and while not definitive always be wary of fat leaves in strains not know to hsve them in younger plants.
Exotic Alchemy has an heirloom version. Not sure its pure( likely not) but it still flowers for 12-14 weeks


Yeah i think so unfortunately


The nl might just need to cure a little more for better germination. Some seeds I’ve done germ fine from the start. Some need a period of time and than the rate goes up


Yeah it can be easy to forget about that. I sometimes think by the time you’ve gone through what’s seeded all the seeds have been drying and are ready. Most times they’re ready to go, in others more time needed to cure than realized.


The only thing that helps seeds germinate is GA3 known as Gibberellic acid. Yes I’ve read scuffing helps too. An Emory board would be good for doing that,…


Very interesting! I know I wanted nothing but sativa/sativa dominant strains, and I thought that’s what I got, hence bag seed, but quickly becoming apparent even bag seed from a dispensary offering can’t be trusted nor can the resulting plants. Sure look sativa at the top to me but yes I know it’s not pure slender style. It would be interesting to see if anyone can ID the flowers once I get it there.


The Pheno type As r coming along nicely! Will update soon