Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Week 4

Well, 2 days after I posted TC A x Xmas hermie’d, she blew up and in a very rapid noticeable way. At first when I saw it I was thinking is this going to be a problem :thinking: Sometimes I don’t think we shouldn’t throw out baby with the bath water when it comes to hermies showing up. I think this depends on how profusely the sacks appear from pistillate clusters. When I look from a few days ago, I see clusters filling over the few sacks now and don’t see new sacks growing.

I sort of have a theory here. The first 3 weeks are slow, so perhaps sex is meandering right up until it’s ready to go into rapid flowering phase and then it shuts off. To me I didn’t find loose stamen flowers, evidence of opening and dispersing, so it’s an evasive hermie trait. So maybe it isn’t as big a deal as perceived, that’s brief and harmless until 26 days in and then gets overwhelmed by more cluster growth and covers it over.

Aside from a confused identity, it’s really taking off. Tops already frosted, numerous sites blowing up. Lowers starting to build up more, so it won’t be long until we see multi clustered nuggets in the top areas of the branching. Anyway, despite the showing I don’t think it’s that concerning to throw out.

I believe NL2 has taken…

And now I have close ups to show :drooling_face:


Corn B

Another NL2 just about a week in

Been awhile since you’ve seen the 2 new stars…probably closer to 2 months now…ready for a shocker

CripXmas B

It’s stayed so short I need to get a 6” pot now. Also what I’m about show isn’t normal

That trunk is bigger and fatter than most of my other mothers. And this is what I first noticed about this particular plant, it’s girth and the stems very firm

CripXmas A

This one is fine in the current pot. You can see the growth is incredibly compact to stay at 15” for 2 months and nope, they don’t stretch. Node growth is very compact up the stem, maybe too much, which I’m hoping the NL2 balances out for a bit more space in between nodes so growing out to 18-24” + doesn’t take as long.


I agree, the 2 A’s I have aren’t disappointing in the least. The growth is just about to take off anfter 2 weeks and still short. No real critiques yet. All positive :+1:


Had a photo fem do that before early on and I just plucked away the few sacks that formed and it was my second successful grow ever and turned out great and after the third week of flower it stopped throwing anymore the rest of the grow

glad I didn’t abort it right away!


Well there we go then, it does happen briefly and can just go away. Thanks @DrGonzo13 just proved you can’t be too hasty :grin: I think the difference is the plants that sex hermie, from those that show up in the later first phase of flowering.


Today I checked on the flat of seed’s almost all are above ground. Two of the three northern lights have tails now. It’s looking good in the neighborhood, you can barely see them but they’re there.


Outta curiosity @Greenfingers what size pots do you use when you transplant these into and are u or anyone else doing anything with the amount of veg time before you’re going to flip them I am gonna start trying to get down to 45-50 days of veg time and flip because I wasn’t going to 12\12 until 60ish days and I now have a lot better lighting so I am just curious and am feeling like a kid on Xmas Eve LoL but I am happy and stoked that the little ones are coming along for everyone so far and that’s a Big deal and I bet it’s rewarding to see the time and efforts put in paying off with solid germination rates IMO @OriginalDankmaster96 ! :clap:t2: Happy Growing The Doc


Oh yeah, I see their heads. Happy to hear everything started is coming up :+1::grin: I know I am more than happy with what I’m already seeing in both versions.


Generally 1 gallon is standard size. I like to use 1/2 gall for SOG/super crop smaller plants. It’s not really about the size of pot or length of veg. It’s height, because of stretch usually, but CripXmas could veg to higher clearance height from light since there won’t be the necessary 12-18” allotment to light top. To know how much height, measure from top of pot to light, subtract 12” from the top and that’s the height limit to grow to. If you grow more than the height limit, it’s risks burning and bleaching tips. So the trick is to grow height just enough before the height limit to light intensity is reached at flowering. Understand how it works ? :wink:


Im start alot of stuff in little starer flats, then when they look like they’re getting big enough I put them in pots just about as big as a solo cup. Ill let them go in those until they take water every day then I transfer them to about a gallon or 2 pots and flower them in those. I have some square pots im using at the moment, I like the fit in my closet.
Oh yeah, I opened the paper towel NL#2 and two have tails and the last is cracking open.:green_heart:


I see what you mean and it’s been a bit of a learning curve with top lighting only after using the phototron for the first year and a half but with the 4 2ft hlux LED lights I will be replacing the current 4 4ft t8 LED tubes and the one 2ft hlux LED is as bright as all 4 4ft t8s it’s gonna be a big difference LoL but good


Final count on CripXmas A - 110

7 slots are available, one of those going to @BeagleZ so actually 6 left. The rest of A’s will be reserved for EXCEPTIONAL grower skill. I may explore random member diaries to seek out the right testers. If DM is sent requesting to be a tester for A, I will review your previous grows and determine if it can be brought to full potential in your set up being run and skill shown.


Very nice :+1:t2: about the NL 2 seeds and I hope they give you something special! So I’ll be at least doubling my light output !


Yes, it takes adjusting to. Also you might want to think about getting a PAR reader to learn umol levels to get the maximum possible. I’m about 1800 at the top of TC x Xmas.

I have this which is a very economical reader compared to higher priced readers


Very much appreciated especially since I technically have grow lights and u always think u have enough of everything untill you just gotta get a new toy LoL but I would be very interested in seeing how much the actual difference is between them!:face_with_monocle::thinking:


Yes this will help you determine the space between the bulbs to keep the light from plants to get most efficiency. It is kind of necessary for learning LED intensity, otherwise you’re blind and guessing output.

1 pack of B w bonus NL2 all packed is ready to be sent tomorrow. Unfortunately shag had to drop out due to personal circumstances. If anyone wants to get a jump start from the next time I send out, now is your chance.


Anything is probably better than a phone app, but for those on a budget this may be a good choice.


Thanks for adding that @shag Very useful without anything for sure. I certainly wasn’t aware of an app, but it makes sense since the tech and market is expanding.

The CripXmas A is nearly gone. Just a handful of fine shake to sprinkle in. It NEVER fails. The entire time there is 0 tolerance. Smashes through everything and even mixed in, a small amount is easily discernible once you hit it. The fact I couldn’t get a tolerance is telling me to get both buds tested, either lab cannabinoids/THC%/terpene analysis profile done OR Highgrade cam attachment/app, which I realize isn’t scientifically accurate but a rough idea. I get the sense it’s near top levels, maybe exceeding Quatro Kush at 35% and if that turns out true, this is a catapult to the big league level. So next harvest of A and B it’s either lab analysis if it can be found for not an arm and a leg, just the arm :laughing: or if too expensive, I’ll do the Highgrade cam/app so we can find out if this sucker has done a moonshot to top THC strains. I think I’ll be shitting myself silly if it’s real :scream::dizzy_face:


Just about 2 weeks

Alright, time to update the pic. No stretching still. There’s also a consistent uniform appearance. One B runt was pulled. It’s shoot stalled out. The other one is slightly smaller, but I think passable. Definitely 5 strong vigorous sprouts going to cups :grin: Happy as a clam here. I just love it and nothing more I could want.

A clone just getting settled in….


Put the three northern lights in dirt this afternoon, two were growing into the paper towel lol I tore out the roots with paper towel still connected and planted the whole enchilada. Should be above ground tomorrow.


Type A pheno need to fill the cups up the rest of the way. then its cruise Control…kindda bummed I’m.not gonna be ale to use my usual medium this grow