Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Now moved into the bigger space. Ideally I don’t want much taller, maybe 6-12” more

I have taken 2 clones on 11-5 of the queen to see how long it takes. Maybe I’ll stick them in the hydro if not too far in flowering

Anyway that’s it for now. I’ll keep updating growth, but until mid Jan I’m in a holding state

The Krippy Kush is back on. I just got 1 replacement yesterday, and bought 2 more. Got to be honest I’ve never spent so much on one strain ever, close to 270 BUT I’m hoping the male selection is choice

After the harvest, I’ll start Corn and Krippy Kush


10 days to root


Crippy 40 days

And the other

Also the newer seedling

The flowering Xmas bud

Xmas bud C

Xmas bud B


Looking good making me look forward to doing my crippy IX seeds.


Sometimes growing is like getting hit w a bean ball… the Chocolate Haze C turned into a doppelgänger male. So was the Colombian Gold B. So I’m short 4 plants I was counting on for part of a crop. I’ve decided to root 5 more Crip to fill the holes, however I may be too late, having to grow those out separately and flower next cycle. So it means I may be pushing out to mid March. If that’s the case and I can’t stick them in for SOG sticks, I’ll do a full set of Crip and after that I’ll begin this project, but to start I must have enough stash since I’m sure you’re aware seed takes up 90% volume of what’s smokable

The Xmas bud I was flowering showed it’s self…it’s a male too. The other 3 I’m putting in to ID positively now. Relying on questionable pre-flower wasn’t smart to do. However the best Crip is a confirmed female thankfully


So this is how it worked out…

BOTH Tampa Crippy are females, however the recent start may be a nutter. Not sure yet

Xmas bud, ALL 3 are confirmed males. Good thing I decided to trigger to know for sure. At least I now have 2 parents to begin the crossing… I said Crippy x Xmas so looks like this is going to be the path, however I’m not choosing this alone. YOU will be part of a consensus of the 2 males (B and C) and whichever it is will be the candidate I choose. I will take pics as the flowering continues and track the progress, now isolated to a bathroom alcove that can get afternoon direct sun light which also a lack of intensity to show how much stretch happens. I will stress test lack of water and nutes, to see which stays hardy and healthiest while the pollen sacks open up, but I want to see which plant is chosen the most as each progress through full flowering and shedding of pollen

Xmas bud C

Xmas bud B


Cool sounds fun. Take pics of stress test please. I like the plan. :fist: :crocodile:

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Oh yes @OldGator you will see how each plant does away from their former growing environment, and that will show if or which one endures to keep going, dumping lots of pollen and staying resilient to stress. By next week we will see how much it’s starting to affect them…


I found an interesting grow report of Xmas bud 79, and what I took away from it is for terpenes breeding primarily and not stash it’s self. Xmas bud 79 is going to do what I intended, and if it does pass more pinene I am not sure if there needs to be multi crosses involved. Could be all there needs to be done is that BX Xmas to the Crippy several generations to stabilize to arrive at stated goal. That’s where I want to keep the focus rather than multi line crossing and being too much, but if it needs more to be the bouquet that hits the flavor profile I’m prepared to do it

Xmas bud grow report

The aroma and flavor could probably make for some incredible combinations and unprecedented funk given the right partner

1 week later :

Defoliation at the bottom to clean up weaker growth

Xmas C

Xmas B

Side by side

Xmas bud A

Not a bad top. It’s a week further into it so it’s developing still. May be still considered

That last seedling Crippy is a male

Crippy 50 days now defoliated some. Also wants stronger N, which I’ve fixed at 1000 ppm



I believe A is the real find here, but I’m going to see both when I do a full set of 8 each. So stay tuned when I post the thread diary for the start of that


Looking good, nice to hear about the crippy needing more nitrogen. Crippy is known for needing extra nitrogen and or cal-mag. So looks like we might have honest to goodness crippy seeds.


@darkillusion Excellent to hear there’s a correlation for strength of nutes to the strain, which means if the other seed strains are related I should see the same need for those appear. The more identifiers are found will help correlate what’s REAL


Well I have good news to report. Both B and C when main stalk is rubbed gives off forestry like smell. No it’s not strong and is faint, but I’ll be damned if it’s not there.

A has a fatter top, thinner stalk but doesn’t have any odor when stalk is rubbed. I think A could represent some yield increase. I intend to collect the pollen for future use.

Overall C remained short, thick stalk, a better fuller top of flowers and does have a faint reminiscent of forest odor.

B stretched more, structure uneven growth, doesn’t appear to be as full a top but does have the faint forest odor too. Eventually I’ll do a test cross of this one if not the one chosen.

My vote is for C at this point, so which one do you pick ? I thought about mixing pollen too, but loosing the identity isn’t something I want. So I am going w only one male donor. I have decided w the crop I’ll do upcoming, to live pollinate a branch top of A and B Crippy to maybe possibly dusting an entire clone of each. I haven’t decided about making that large of a sacrifice yet, though I want to donate this first cross and enough to be available for next solo cup challenge. It’s a good way to get broad testing done and insight otherwise impossible done alone.

I think getting a jump to having progeny grow out for next back crossing will cut down on time to complete it fully. And yes I do want to grow out more for a better selection for cycle 2, that’s why I’ve said doing this one exclusively will allow me the space for a higher number of plants. So I’m thinking around Feb this first crossing will be underway. Until then, each member gets a vote on the male donor that’s kicks this all off

Note : pollen is dropping now, so I’m leaving them still to take pics, so may be slightly dark

Xmas bud A

Xmas bud B

Xmas bud C


C definitely seems to look most like a Christmas tree, so if Xmas tree is the pheno you’re shooting for that’d be my vote. B is close, but the bottom isn’t as wide and it’s stretchier as you mentioned; less of a cone shape.


@Cormoran Exactly! I let each grow it’s natural structure without interfering to see who performs best.That’s why I didn’t top or FIM. Each plant got direct sunlight too. C did it’s own thing showing the best characteristics overall. Could there be a better plant in the batch of seeds left, I suppose but I think overall is making the best educated guess here. Thanks for sharing your observations :+1:


Dealers choice. If your gut says C then go with that. It’s looking great nice work. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Thanks @OldGator. I thrive off perspective and helps what I may not notice

Pollen from A is extremely copious

Pollen from C has been cleaned of stamen flowers and flour added, lightly diluted 1:32 much less than 1:4 and helps what’s sticking to the foil. It’s definitely heavier than B too

Now I decided to roll the flowers up. I’m sure you know it’s mostly hay, but I did pick up notes and the cool sensation on inhale. As I grin and bared, it hit me, super stoney, there’s definitely kick. So I’m really happy w C. I still have enough to roll one more but I’m going to let it sit dry some before I see if that helps make things smoother. I will post if I get a stronger note of flavor, but 85% confident this is the ticket. When I started Xmas bud I wasn’t too sure at the time. I was hopeful. That’s now more certain and assured


Tampa Crippy XI A : 2 months

Massive trunk now

Tampa Crippy XI B :

Remember the seedling…so I thought it was male. Nope, fooled again. I’m putting this out on a balcony in spring to have an outdoor grow. For now I have to reverse the flowering


Your back yard reminds me of my children moms house that looks at zmt Rainier
Love all the trees :deciduous_tree:
You project looks pretty good :+1:
Other then problems outside of your hands loved reading threw it


Thanks for stopping through @Osogreen. I’m in the burbs of N Va, and they keep it natural woodsy here. My bathroom is like a greenhouse w large window to let light flood in, so it works great. I already got wood planks and rails to make a 5 ft shelf along here. I’ll be able to keep 10 males or if I need more moms for clones.


Were living in our so cal house, no trees really just palm trees at this house.
But out houses in Los Angeles have big oak trees