Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

LoL I actually have just went through it with @Mithridate the other day and I will be cutting :scissors: the bottom set of preflowers needle branches aka suckers lol but I also need to get rid of the upper crown of fans to get some growth to slow as it grows back it’s fans to get the better bud density and structure throughout growing and I have been growing up nothing but auto’s for over a year and a half of the 3 years of growing and I have been in my phototron until I had an amazing Big Dude gift me the 4 hlux 2ft 80w LEDs because I only had the fixture from a construction job that has 4 4ft t-8 LED tubes so the 2 hlux LEDS are almost ⅔rds brighter than the 4 T-8s LoL because they are actually grow lights so it’s going to be fun to see the difference with the additional lights

and it’s got removable shields pretty cool for a space my size


Very good to hear :+1: I keep bottom flowering suckers since BBP fattens them near the end, but without I’d remove. Just look at where a bud site is being shaded and remove the leaf. I tend look at the profile of the plant from a distance. Anywhere it’s crowding and shading the leaf needs to be removed so light is filtering down. You’ll eventually get a feel for it after doing it a few times :face_with_monocle:


Being in early flower and basically just stopped stretching is it okay to get rid of the upper few fans and I just want to get rid of some because I did snip off the bottom suckers and here’s the girl n seedlings and the red lines are ones that are blocking the most light n no need for the bottom set??

looking a bit taller and vibrant green round leaves so there just getting rooted but one is a little bit behind otherwise happy!.. unfortunately @420noob it’s not grey it’s duct tape LoL and I have a roll of mylar for the walls but I am going to wait until the one is done flowering and the little ones are going to get the royal treatment before flipping them to flower gotta add in the other lights and mylar for the walls!


The lower marked don’t appear to be blocking, but the one in between the marks is covering the branch right side. Some plants can regrow their leaves fast after even a partial defoliation, so don’t worry too much. It will have plenty of food to draw from.


OK gotcha like your emergency parachute cord bracelet. Me and old Lady have a couple. I agree with @OriginalDankmaster96 onnly a couple of those fan leaves are covering spots bit they should pop out more fan leaves with shorter stems pretty quickly.


I’ve still gotta get that procedure down myself.


Another trick that works if you don’t want to remove the whole leaf you can remove the 1 or 2 fingers that are blocking any bud sites.


I like this approach as it still leave behind plenty for photosynthesizing.


I plant looks perfect imo. I wouldn’t do anything to it at all.



Week 2 TC A x NL2

@Cyr_grow @Smooth every Tues will be the update

The good news here is NO HERMIES :tada: So that should also mean the same for CripXmas. Plant C has the formation of fatter cola tops I’ve seen before than plant A, which looks to be more of the TC style budding. So far I like what I’m seeing in both.





Big time digging those dark leaves and the neon on the tippy tops.


4 females and 2 males

B1 and B2 are the males. B3 and B4 are the females.

A1 and 2 are females

Remember I made the call on B3 B4 and A2 :face_with_monocle: A1 is lankier but you just never know which until it shows

This should mean since I didn’t have to flip to get sex, means everyone won’t have to, and will clearly pre-sex at the 4 week mark automatically.


Nice ration of m/f. Pretty cool that it shows sex by week 4 without taking extra steps. That really slows my process down. Wish they all did this


I can’t wait to they get that big. Still little seedlings :blush:


Yes, I agree, no complaints on ratio lol. Hopefully that goes across the board. I know what you mean, taking that extra week just to get sex to know if you want to grow the plant much bigger or if it’s a male that isn’t of use. Such a waste of time. Getting distinguished clear pre sex make’s planning much smoother :wink:


So I’m getting ready to drop the crippy beans. Should be in water in a couple days. Looking forward to it!



Awesome… been waiting for ya to join in on the party :tada: :+1:


Well look at this crew you’ve got together to see what magic is in them there beans and I’m just patiently waiting on the part of growing I hate n love LoL seedlings and I was REALLY good at over watering the first few grows n then I always get the boost of confidence and renewed energy for the beginning of veg time and new pots and I just wanted to say ,wow-oh-my those are some good looking guys & gals @OriginalDankmaster96 and I have 2 seedlings doing well and the other one is growing up and it’s just being finicky and hasn’t opened up the round leaves all the way and is slowly getting there but … quick pic of them before bed early this morning

and I took 2 big fan leaves and trimmed some blades off another one at the crown of the Lifesavers x Sour Strawberry and she was Happy and it’s stretched another 4-6 inches easily and all the preflowers that were covered under the canopy have DOUBLED :partying_face: in the width an is getting a very gassy/diesel with a little sweetness to the stem rub so I am glad to have her as a “first patient” and it’s gonna take time to get used to the top lighting but I am not worried plus it’s gonna make me get even better results from these little ones! Can’t wait for everyone’s to see what is the more dominant phenotype or even spread but that’s what we’re testing for! HAPPY Pine Hunting The Doc


Yeah it’s GROWING for sure :grin: I suspect more will be joining as they see it’s getting better. Seedlings are doing well. Yeah don’t I know…did everything for the one Pine06 and it failed. Found it dropped over. My 3 A Xmas BX ‘s are doing well though. Yeah, that is much better :+1: I can see there’s more exposure below your bud sites. You’re learning and that will keep that confidence going. I don’t give up easily, and that’s proven by the ability to correct the cloner from 6 months of bacterial algae that most will would toss out the cloner and use VP cups/ RW instead. I was always learning 25 years ago and STILL even with the amount of experience I took away then that continues on today :wink: I have no doubt you will become proficient in time. It’s the patience part that wears thin in all this, but that also gets easier as you get older too, not to mention a stash supply built up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


“The Dude Abides”… and I have a question, how many hours of light do you give your seedlings or do you just start with 18/6 and I’m just curious?

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