Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yup, covering w wrap is an easy fix for humidity. I have to do that or use domed tray. It’s nice to see you’ve got them up and going. I don’t think you’ll have to care too much. @Rabeats2093 is right, these grow auto-pilot. It’s just time to get to maturity to sex. Sorry to hear bro, been there and other than dire wilting, I just let things go until I can return. Take it easy, takes a few days for a plant to get critical dehydration so rest up and recover :wink:


Well I’m feeling a little better today and so are CripXmas B all 3 are officially upright and started growing the new leaves

2 of them are doing great but the picture of the one will just need a little more dirt added today and plastic will be removed!:partying_face: I’m just a little late to the party but I’m officially here now just been noticing that it’s been a helpful tip leaving room for stretching seedlings so I’m able to add additional soil so just happy to see silky white taproots and not one of them had any issues with helmet head and took 3 days to germinate CripXmas B x3 and here we go, pine Hunt commencing thankful for the opportunity @OriginalDankmaster96 and I have a health GIRL Lifesavers x Sour Strawberry cross on the grow room and I’ve been able to get the temperature at 78 and relative humidity is averaging 53% which is great for the dry ass air it’s just 22% Rh in the house and I usually don’t have any issues but bigger grow space just needed a couple days to get it dialed in so it’s finally consistent and I don’t do anything else special other than calmag and I use reverse osmosis water for seedlings and I had to get a bag of perlite for drainage and then they will go to .7 gallon pots after they get established roots and I will be keeping an eye out for a great pheno and cloner is cleaned up and ready just in case I find a special one TTY later Happy pine Growing!


Week 6

So it’s decided to add another layer of nugglets underneath this last week, but pretty much done. The glands now look much more like CripXmas A in appearance how it sparkles like a diamond. It also has the purple hue. This one stinks too, almost burns the nose like an astringent. Trimming will be light here. I’m going to flush for the next 3-4 days then harvest. I would think all the nuggets off branch will add up to decent weight. I’m thinking close to 2oz for 45-46 days isn’t going to be bad considering it’s slightly faster than the first

Don’t these look kinda familiar :thinking:


Corn B

Another NL 2 (very symmetrical beach ball)

Tent overview


That shot of the purple hue makes me feel warm inside like when the holidays are approaching.
As soon as I wrap get through my current grow, we will have liftoff. Thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 :fire:


Yup, it’s nice contrast to the bright green. Same kinda hue from the Blueberry. Arrived early…nice to see :+1: Looking forward to see you join in on the party when ready. I know @420noob will be ready in March

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Here’s my seedlings day 2 above ground and I have to add a little more soil but CripXmas B#1

CripXmas B #2 and CripXmas B #3 and that’s all folks!


Those look ready to put on a show for us.


#2 is the one that’s being fussy but it’s expected with the newborns LoL but seriously I think they are very nice as far as color and only the one has stretched up n it’s #2… I sure hope so @HumblePie420 thanks


Dude those look fire a hell! I can’t hardly wait to pop these seeds just cant right now. Do you have a pet is that pet hair that I’m seeing on the buds? Doesn’t look like web from spider mites. I was thinking of maybe running sog at 12/12 so I can get more candidates going at once. What do you think of that difference between 6 to 10 plants idk ideas just running through my head. @DrGonzo13 those little guys look like they are ready to play. @Kabuddha
My first grow half my tent was a “reflective” grey tarp and foil glued to cardboard covering paneling and my girls stretched crazy my 2 Bruce banner #3 where 6’ + at harvest thankfully 8’ ceilings give me a max light height is 7’ so I had the room but wow.


Week 4

So I’m now in .5 gall bags. I’ve topped and removed the leaf set under. Now to let them fill out, top again after recovering, then I think they’ll be ready for sexing. Stalks are swelling up. One thing to note is the petiole, which longer ones are from Xmas, and shorter are TC. One A and B show slightly lankier node, but the rest are squat. No increases of ppm other than standard 500 ppm. About it for now. Enjoy the glimpse into the future

For reference all plants are less than 12”

Longer node of A and B

NOTE: This is only 1 of each. The other A and rest of 4 B’s not like these nodes, so it will happen but few.


Very nice looking plants you got there.

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Yeah it’s cat hair lol….I got a screen in front to minimize it getting inside


Did you trim those so is just main stalk with budsites or is it that lanky?

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That’s exactly what I’ve found efficient for TC, especially smaller cluster budding plants. With TC it’s not how big, but how many. I think many more smaller a can add up to a big top and more in weight. I’d say the A is better suited to be multiple tops. I believe B will give the fatter top so maybe not as many tops. I tend to go 4-6 sometimes 8 then flower, since I do have height restrictions I need to get in at about 18-24” max to account for stretch but yeah love this mini crop-sog style, and WITH BBP all those lowers fatten towards the end :face_with_monocle:


These pics Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log - #778 by OriginalDankmaster96 or is that what they looked like before what I see in tent?

Other than last set under the topping, I’ve left them be. They just got settled from up potting from cups, so just getting ready for the transition…

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This is actually good, because both mother plants take forever to get cuts long enough from, so the distance helps here. Too short from what I’ve experienced takes longer to get cuts and grow the plants enough.


So far nothing really new but a little bit of stretch and round leaves and first set are still not worth updating pictures but I have to turn the lights on shortly and I have been trying to figure out what was causing the temperature to get 4-5° colder on average and then I realized that my heat mat is just on it’s last leg and I am just glad to have it figured out and it’s now up 7°F average temperature so I will have some happier seedlings after they had a 4 hour period of 65-67° :flushed: and they are at 72-73 with lights out so I do have a lifesaver x Sour Strawberry on Day 19 of flower and it is the first time growing in space! Instead of the phototron I had to adjust to top lighting only and I just added 2 hlux 2ft led bars and I the other one is a t-8 4 4ft LED tubes so it’s definitely helped out the BOG cross so I can’t wait to see the CripXmas B getting double the light of the first grow and here’s the big girl

just over 3½ ft tall and wider than the doorway LoL but sorry for going off subject @OriginalDankmaster96 just excited for the chance to get some great bud to get by while I get the babies off to the races TTY soon The Doc


Remember I had low temps around 65 at night and as seedling’s they weren’t affected, so don’t fret. They’re hardy plants. The lifesaver x ssd looks nice…got to get you learning to defoliate from shoots being blocked and covered up :face_with_monocle:


Just fyi I found I got better light reflection from the grey side of the tarp. Looks like yours is blue on one side and grey on other.