Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Small nug almost dry, I’m tearing into smaller underdeveloped pieces while waiting, but WOW what a looker it’s drying into. Notice the dried unopened nanners ? I told ya they don’t disperse…

You will bro @Carty :+1: Wish I could’ve made the Pine06 work out but unfortunately nature decided here. After some more plants come down I might try to pop the punna clean x PTK and hope I get lucky


Week 5

Now it’s time for notations… so I’m right, it’s the meristem thickness and swelling you want to be watching for in these. Really tough and firm, definitely not easy to crush. Other than this, I can’t tell WHICH is the better plant. Clearly 3 show the thickest, while one is thinner but may be playing catch up. Height is unchanged, which means it will be stubby. I can’t tell anything by fans, some blades thicker but relatively the same. I think these will grow wider than taller and here’s why…NL2. Notice what I mean by the compact bud bush ? This is what I’m already suspecting, which would mean nicer size overall. Anyway growth has just about recovered, once I see clear shoots those 2 tops will be split again. It’s really coming along and feel confident everyone is going be extremely pleased in the months to come :grin:






Stem thickness on B4


NL2 bush

NL2 next to 4 CripXmas to visualize how the plants might go


Oh yeah, love that structure. Plenty of room for stacking nugs.


Yes, love the way the NL2 buds out. Just added 2 more cuts. I just emptied the jar… 1/4 lb just wasn’t enough :wink::joy: You get to enjoy this one too. Both parents are prime!


@BudBusterPro weigh in TC A x Xmas, and AGAIN is a testament to boosting small nug yielders. I’d say HALF less the weight without using BBP…the scale never lies :smirk::star_struck:

It’s dry enough to smoke so now it’s dry weight. One more night than into the jar to finish


Sorry I went back through but couldn’t find the answer. Those pots the nl is in a 3gal and the others 2gal maybe 1.5? Thanks those are looking amazing!

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Thanks! Which Q are you referring to ? NL is in 1 gall cloth. The 4 are in .5 poly bags

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Oh ok I way over estimated buy size. Thanks that also makes sense for the size of the plants. They look amazing really. I’m planning my runs and I was thinking of keeping to a 1-1.5 gal pots so I can fit more in my tent. I can get 6 2gal pots in no problem just can’t train just top or will get to wide. I was thinking though if I stick to 1 gal I should be able to run 10 plants no problem. Thoughts? I’m chomping at the bit over here so I want all planned out so I can hit the ground running and fill my space.


Well, here are 2 Corn plants that have been growing in the back for close to 6 weeks at least, maybe 2 months. You can see plants get sizable in even .5 bags. This is part of the reason I like smaller bags, and as you said about footprint that fits more in the space. We’re about the same area tent. I fit 10 1 gall max, but at least 15-20 .5 and if I grow those w at least 4 tops, I think yield can be more than using the larger container. I’m not convinced root bounding significantly affects yields. The 2 A and B were both done in .5 and gave a great yield SEEDED. I think if you were to top at 4-5th node, then top again after regrowing a bit more, and let those tops grow pre-stretching (which will be minimal) that I’ll give enough tops for a mini super crop SOG style profile.


Wow I estimated what I could hold pretty well. Do smaller pots smaller plants flower faster or no that’s the same? So I might go with .75 gal and drill holes like @pigeonman speed solo cups. Works like air pots where it will air trim the roots so won’t get root bound. That way will have denser root ball so = bigger plant root2shoot. Thanks so yay if I can get 5as 5bs 2cs and 2 of nl#5 but we will see.


No, it’s equivalency and maximizing penetration of light to the whole plant. Say several 18” could be the equivalent of one 4-5ft plant, however those several smaller could yield more because light reaches the entire plant, whereas the taller is about 2/3 and bottom 1/3 can’t be reached and is weaker…see where I’m going w this :face_with_monocle::wink:


So im going with 5 gallon pots again for outdoor, I might put one directly in the ground. The col. gold Xmas grew fine in the 5 gal. @OriginalDankmaster96 I hope to get a couple nice shrubs like last year, and some indoor because its always different than outdoor or so it seems, maybe its just me.
5 A’s

5 B’s

3 A n B bx

2 nl #2

That’s all for now.


Hey @OriginalDankmaster96
How long you usually wait to sext them ?


@Greenfingers looking very nice, and yes I’m very interested in seeing how the OD does on CripXmas

@Rabeats2093 usually around the 4th week if not shown by maturity or pre-sex.


Sorry everyone been at the ER since 1230 this afternoon my Mom fell and broke her ankle and it’s the same place as 2 years ago she is going to be having surgery first thing in the morning and I will send updates tomorrow after I get home from hospital hell TTY soon The Doc


Hope she gets well real soon.


Sorry to hear @DrGonzo13 Wishing her a speedy recovery. No rush, update when you’re situated to do so.

Week 3

TC A x NL2

The C plant has developed a nicer structure, a lot more and bigger calyx. They’re actually puffy like a seed inside. Getting more of the NL odor here. I’m thinking of hitting it w Xmas and see if it takes…




That makes perfect sense! So just a little training to open everything up will get you fatter buds because whole plant get s light and no larfy. I’m leaning this way more and more. I wanted to manifold one but after doing it to my afghan original #1 no way I’ll have room lol if I wanted I could stretch her out to take up space if two plants. Anyways are your points and reasons are solid and I believe you have me sold!


Sorry buddy, I hope she has a good surgery and a speedy recovery my friend.

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Quick shot of what I’m planning for my 4. They’ve been topped again, top leaves removed to allow the for the lower shoots to meet up, then I’ll top those 2 sides and let all 8 grow out a few more inches and off to being flipped