Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Looking good! The size of rhose fan leaves are crazy big can’t wait looking good growmie :+1::seedling::fire::call_me_hand:


Here’s a few pics of the CripXmas B tester’s on Day 12 and I lost one to stubborn round leaves that never opened up all the way but 2 CripXmas B seedlings are happy and healthy getting ready to start the next one and I dropped another CripXmas B seed and it’s I’m soil and just peeking through so here’s the 2 little Dude’s or Dudette’s

and the new one and I will have more to update later on just in between the hospital and home looking good :+1:t2: and I can’t wait to see what I can do with these Happy Growing The Doc


TC A 55 days and ready. Not as much leaf coloring this time, but still gorgeous lime green sugar appearance. I truly love her odor over the Corn. Anyway, time to get busy trimming AGAIN lol. I almost have my perpetual cycle operational from the cloner disaster, as long as I keep plants going in 3 stages, something is always close to ready :face_with_monocle: I’m clearing out just in time for CripXmas to join. I’m thinking mid month…


Doesn’t look like too hard of a trim job. I like that in plants. Help get you outta trim jail faster as well.

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What’s your average yield in those 1gal buckets? Looks like its pretty decent the wayvthose buds look.

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About 30-45 g per


About 2 hrs…hands slightly numb. Don’t think I would’ve gone 3 without a break :relaxed:


Good afternoon my Mom is home from the surgery and is doing good :+1:t2: and here’s the difference between one day and I just wanted to see if anyone has any idea what caused the leaves to get crispy on the tips of the single blades but they are looking happy today

and the other one CripXmas B Day 13… things were going slow and the last 3 days have been showing that they’re finally getting established roots and I am excited but I’m bummed about the fallen one :innocent: and the other one is breaking the surface so it’ll be 2 weeks behind the other 2 but I want to get at least 3 of them for a chance of getting a female!


Think you might need to back off the water a bit…too wet, although I kept mine fairly wet to test them to overwatering. Let it dry out some before you wet them again :wink:


2 things to do : first pick up cup, if heavy don’t give any until it’s light

Second, wait for top to be bone dry, then wet it down only


Sweet I have been trying to figure out what the possible causes could be and I had to much H20 or light intensity and I just wanted to let you know that the second one is actually been through a lot of stress accidentally knocked it over 4 days ago and had to replant it and it’s definitely recovered and I thought it was a goner !..I use a spray bottle for the little ones and I will now that they’re growing so definitely cutting back


Took the words right out of my mind lol

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Nice and frosty, nice job!


Hey so thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 I appreciate it they’re doing much better since they are getting some more light and I just gotta can’t help it but here’s my first BOG plant and she’s getting a chunky cola and it’s just been happy and stoked about getting the new kids to the grow room soon but week 3 of flower and

and I have just been busy with my mom and sister both being down with broken ankles but I think for the first time growing up in a top lighting and actually have some space is doing good and then I will be able to keep getting it dialed in but it’s gonna be fun ! Happy Growing The Doc… pictures are from 3 days ago but this is now crappy camera but it’s the (melon)Lifesavers x Sour Strawberry!


The BOG plant shows you’re doing well adjusting and you cut the right fans so all the light is getting to the lower sites. All you gotta get down is the watering/dry cycle. Slight wilt is best then you know it’s time. Roots grow in SEARCH of water and breathe OXYGEN , remember that :face_with_monocle::wink:


Couldn’t agree more with @OriginalDankmaster96 100% @drgonzo13 ihad a huge issue with my first grow and over watering. I live in high plains desert so low rh high temps so everything needs water constantly. Apparently my weed plants didn’t like it and I couldnt figure out what was wrong. Then I was told about the pot weight and that’s the only way I water now! It takes a couple weeks to get use to but its easier in flower since the pots get dryer faster. Also solved my fungus gnat issues. That’s how both my girl and I water almost all our plants is by how light the pot is. Looking good. You can cut those fan leaves you are still early enough in flower it will replace them with smaller less light blocking leaves.


Good morning doc!
So what r your views on Flipping 12/12 to get some preflowers to determine sext then flip them back to 18/6 ASAP
You ain’t lying when you say barley any node spacing …I have had them under multiple intensities of light …they r staying tride and true

Remember the one statement you made about nanners …I wish I could find it …I had a chocolate trip throw one pod of nanners normally I woulda trashed them but I remember you saying something along the line of "jumping the gun and tossing them …well to say the least I cut the pods off and havent seen any nanners and she’s almost finished…makes me wonder if I jumped the gun tossing them 4 purple kush over a single nanner


I had my second grow I did throw manners @Rabeats2093 and I plucked them and this is what I was able to get and I had no more nanners and it’s just hard when you first start growing and I probably would’ve pulled it out right away so I’m kinda glad to experience it early in growing but I can definitely say that I won’t be questioning what nanners look like and this is the one I pushed through and it turned out Great!

"Black Eyed Katy "( Black Eyed Katy (The Bank Genetics) :: Cannabis Strain Info ) Happy Growing The Doc


Everything is looking great! Getting excited to start these!



Done it plenty of times. It’s helpful to do it as a few days as possible than an entire week, especially reverting back to veg. The quicker it shows the better. Maybe wait until the fourth week for maturity to reveal :thinking:

The males have more spurt than the females. So that could be an early giveaway to who is who.

Yeah, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water metaphor. I think we react too hastily at the sight of a single nanner rather observing and removing to see if it’s just a one time occurrence or lulls in the early flowering stage