Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

My first grow I got to witness this what you call a nanner. It was stressed from being to close to light. I just cut a little chunks of bud out. Didn’t know about water deactivating but I got lucky and only had a few immature seeds since it appeared a couple weeks before harvest. Glad I got to see one and dealt with it alright. Now I inspect all buds for the little f@#&ers.


Been 35 days since seeds have been in water so they deff in that range …I put them under Two days ago …will get pics asap


Glad to have a great group to be able to get advice from and after a day of letting them get dried out there A LOT happier

Happy Growing The Doc and there’s a new arrival to the show in the background!


Since you don’t have a current grow log I’ll hit you here.lol my Skywalker x cdlc just got put in rapid rooter barely had any tail slow out the gate but I’ll get here cooking. I hope.lmao looks like 2 weeks or so and I’ll be dropping a selection of group a and b!


Well if they haven’t shown by that 30 mark or past it, I would trigger. I’m going to join ya, A1 is being questionable, so time to confirm before growing it further. Thankfully room is now ready. Yeah I’m looking forward to seeing how they’ve done since your last pic update. I imagine It’s pretty similar. Next leg of this is sex stability and revert stresses. I have stronger sentiments than I do F1’s of TC X’s, which is clear to me doesn’t quite make it out of the woods for intersex to show up, however I think it’s varies depending on which strain is used in the cross along w other factors such as minimal occurrence and low viability or completely inactive pollen. Some protrude out in between the bud, but they never spilt and eventually wither away

@420noob its the early showings 2nd-3rd week that are more of the concern than late. Past the 5th week it’s too late for the plant to fertilize. This is why you got false seed. The early showings need to be watched more closely. Only a few random I’m not worried, if it’s nearly every branch and node, then no it should be tossed out.


TC A weigh in… @BudBusterPro

Upper end of scale 45g per

I’ll say it again, IF you aren’t using BBP you aren’t getting the most out of the time it takes to get the buds :face_with_monocle:


Didn’t you say you usually get around 20grams per with your grow times? That would be 2× the harvest.

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I checked previous weigh in’s of A…for the .5 poly bag I was 25-30 g per on average. So yup double for 1 gall :+1:


Week 6

Just topped the 2 lateral shoots yesterday. Now for the 2nd recovery, once they all are growing, time to head for 1 gall. Some of the lowers are trying to reach the top. Instead of removing the sun leaf I pull it down and push the branch up. Still too short on the very bottom for cuts.


My beans should be going in the drink tonight…I have been holding off starting these till I got a new veg light. So, we should have seedlings in a couple days or so. :grin:



I will get some pics tonight brother for sure !


Well so far deff no stretch lol day 30
All uniform growth …one plants taller then the rest …
Almost wanna say 4/6 female couple more days I’ll 100% know just replanted a couple days ago as well a little happy frog mixed with fox farm .these small pots might be their final resting spot …went through 70 dollars in dirt already
If I find a keeper it’s deff getting clones …crazy they all are almost exactly the same


Well I’m on day 17 and it’s been going a lot better since cutting back the watering and I have a new arrival to the show but CripXmas B tester’s so far I will have to say that it’s definitely able to handle stress during seeding but here’s my couple little ones

going to get some more soil today and then I will be transplanting in a couple days depending on how things keep progressing! Looking good @Rabeats2093 !.. also after the transplant which is a .7 gallon pot and I will be making it the final home and they’ll be moved into my grow room and then the fun really begins! Happy Growing The Doc


Yup, THEY are all growing the same as mine. This leads me to believe it is indeed a new combined plant now. No longer discernible by individual phenotype. I see the thick meristem. Harder, thicker, like impossible to crush or snap are going to be the best pre indicator of potential “best plants” so keep watching how that goes. All of ‘‘em look fantastic. You’re doing great and appreciate the update bro. I have no doubt there’s a keeper or two or might have a hard time deciding if they all turn out great :thinking: Looks to be high female to male ratio. I do have 4 myself. Like I said, sometimes it only takes a few days of 12/12 to finally get a pre-flower showing, so it can work w little interruption.


Agreed grasshopper, you’re doing better and testing how well they handle mishaps and bounce back, which my first impression was hardy. Looking forward to seeing them take off :+1:


Alrighty then, heres my update. 31 days in.
Cripxmas A

Cripxmas B

Cripxmas A & B bx
NL #2
Don’t mind the plants in the back :rofl: one is a will smith punch and my Ice Pie momma.


Been three days on 12/12 showing relatively fast ! …I almost wanna keep one and see how big it can actually get outside! I’m already trying to keep up on everything ! Thanks for the credit bro …

They deff r turning around for you …my advice wich you can Take for a grain of salt …do not transplant for at least a while …all my plants r in 6inch by b inch nursery pots and they can get bigger in it with the right feeding .wich I’m also going to try my hand at during this run …don’t stress out them Littles for no reason let em explore alittle bit till they get bored and need a upgrade …
Have you taken a peak at the roots ?

Nice looking ladies deff a nice shade they got going on there… looking healthy
Looks like youre gonna have a nice variety or the dankmasters work !
Ice pie :thinking:


Week 4

@Cyr_grow @Smooth

TC A x NL 2

A is a TC phenotype I’m pretty sure. Smells like it. I actually I want to focus on C more. There’s a reason. The structure I’m seeing is the same kind I saw in an AK47 phenotype that yielded an OZ cola in a NFT table I had. I’ve dusted w Xmas C and guess what, IT IS STILL VIABLE. Perhaps I didn’t use enough previously times, but it’s taken here. If I’m right, this might enhance structure further to be larger.





This is what I’m talking about….the budding is different from what’s standard. I think this is a larger yielding trait…

The Xmas C soon to be seed :grin:


2nd back black cup actually looks like mom A…watch that one :eyes: NL 2 also pretty similar from what I saw of F1 :+1: All doing great and thanks for updating progress. I’m very satisfied with how it’s continuing to go. I should note the high need for Mg has also been eliminated in these. That was a troublesome issue w TC.


The roots are visible on the sides of the cups and are nice and silky white and the other one is in a jiffy pot (ran outta solo cups and the roots are just starting to come through the bottom of it but they look great and I have been in Auto flower mode for awhile and I have been getting back to photos and that it’s greatly appreciated @Rabeats2093 I was just thinking about it after seeing you and @Greenfingers grows !