Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Sometimes we get those seeds that just wanna be hermits and never leave the damn house haha …
Don’t worry once they find their grove it’s on .
Should be relatively quick !


Also the little Dude or Dudette in the bigger pot is only 4 days above ground so I will be curious about the difference in the bigger pot compared to the smaller ones that the 2 are in and I have never used jiffy pots before and I kinda don’t like the roots growing through it and I have to transplant the whole thing or not? So I also haven’t fred them anything never used nutes or ferts before and I have supplements like fish emulsion , super thrive, calmag and some Dr earth flower girl blossom booster and the 3 part kit hasn’t arrived and it is on F’ing backorder and I was gonna see what I have available locally that isn’t gonna be $$$


So its official, just dropped 5 CripXmas A F4…:grin:



Good to see you’re ready and I see why you waited until you could get a new light :+1: I often wonder when mine will start go after 17 months of use. Hopefully I get another year and half. I’d be happy w 3 yrs before needing to replace.


Fix farms isn’t to expensive and lots of garden stores have it also jacks321 is popular.

@originaldankmaster96 I should be dropping beans next week or 2 :+1:t2: I can’t wait but ill screw myself if I don’t lol


Yeah…:slightly_smiling_face: So the ones I dropped earlier have already sunken! I decided to drop the remaining 7, so I will have 12 CripXmas As going. Looking forward to the grow. I’m thinking I’m going to take my time and run them in a large bonsai :smiley:. I should be ready to graft in a few weeks once the plants are ready. Looking forward to this!



Hell yeah, I’m happy to see you’re going for the first full commitment grow of A :clap: and it will be unique for sure w bonsai grafting. Can’t wait to watch :smiley: I just had to root trim 4 mother bonsai’s that were way over due.


Hey I haven’t dropped any yet. Do you want me to run one pheno or some of both or all 3 A,B,C? Let me know if you have a preference. I’m chommping at the bit to drop these beans. Today is day 35 for me so in a week or so they are taking the plunge.:crossed_fingers:t2::star_struck:


Not really a preference, but I think doing some of each allows us all to see that continuity of uniform plants of both from tester to tester. I know, and I saw your recent budding plants, and knew I made the right choice :+1: Can’t wait to watch :grin:


Id like to get involved here

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Great to see you here…as you can see the results have become far more than I had expected so now I have something I’m confident, and even better than Crippy to send you. I’ll be doing another round of sending soon. I may get corrugated plastic since the flips didn’t make it past customs last time I tried :canada:


Sounds good to me glad to be a part of this. Customs can be an issue i use a bubblemailer and tubes of beans in mylar. Havent had any issues


Well I do have centrifuge tubes and Mylar heat seal bags, so I guess that will be fine to send there. If you can commit to a full grow I’ll send out both A and B

And IF anyone else in :canada: wants to join, now is a perfect chance to get in. If @Florida_man_genetics is ok w sending whoever else wants in w him, I’ll combine packs to be sent out.


I can do that how many roughly will i need to prepare for


Just throwing out there for who else might be considering…it may be you alone if there isn’t. I’d rather not have to send to Canada multiple times at 15 bucks a pop first class package :wink:


This is why a service like PayPal would be great. I say like because PayPal needs all you personally deets TO ONLY pay a simple invoice…wtf kinda bs is that…you want my credit info to pay a bill??? That’s like asking me that to pay a bar bill…c’mon…talk about a downward spiraling stock…:thinking::shark:



Well that’s pretty cool of you to hopefully get some more involved with a great test grow and show! I wish I could send you some shipping supplies I’ve got PLENTY!? And I will be looking forward to seeing another member join the party!


My god you all have been busy!
Final count
CrippyA 7
CrippyB 6
Nl crippy C 2
Nl2 -2
Crippy sfv-4


Whoaaaa. Thats what Im talking bout. This should be interesting. Definitely gonna pull up a chair. Carry on. @OriginalDankmaster96 @Emeraldgreen


Have you dropped your beans yet ? It’s definitely better than what Xmas does. I think I saw a couple balls but far less. I don’t think there will be concern. You will definitely get a good TC pheno w only a few starts.