Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I’ll do a quick update shot…


Well, I have news

Corn B WINNER :trophy: at 64 days

Curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to quick dry a couple pieces. I wanted to find out if the mellow mossy pine and fainter lemon translated to flavors terps….YES, the lemon isn’t pronounced in B. It’s that gas/pine funk, I even taste that exact same aftertaste in the cough. Crippy is very signature for that “aftertaste” and it hits like CripXmas too, however I can definitely say not stronger. It’s good, it’s better for certain and COULD be introduced into CripXmas to build into the master line of Crippy that adds the best of all into ONE. It’s spacey and heavy, a mild version of A CripXmas. There isn’t any of those WTH is this thoughts, nevertheless it’s a building block or as @Budderton says “ingredient” to the mix. I’m thinking the NL x Xmas to Corn B then BX best male to F3 base plants. It’s same mix without TC but then Corn is crossed into the line similarly to be the addition of all in one CripXmas. More to do after the grow of CripXmas F4 and get THC/ Terpenes analysis of base plants done. There’s even the Pine Haze to find out IF that’s another further addition. So it’s still gonna be ongoing into the fall more to look forward to see unfold.

PS @Hunter I like you dude, but stop it. You’ve been straight up lying about 808 genetics. I told Suprakaui he would be vouched for by me if authentic, and now I DO!


Today it just happened! 6a, 4b, 2c I’m expecting 2 to be duds and 4 males. That will leave 6 if less ill be popping more to cover. I just bought 12 2gal pots I’m gonna copy @pigeonman speed cup concept. Hoping root 2 shoot ratio will at least double. Meaning the plants size would be equal to a 4gal normal pot. Plus the extra waterings and feedings I have a good feeling about this grow. With these f4 genetics that @ originaldankmaster96 carefully selectedI dont think I could screw it up. So buckle up I’m all in committed. I know I’m not following the plan I had kinda laid out but I go with my gut. I ate some shroom capsules this morning and couldn’t stop thinking about this grow. So once the shrooms wore off and I smoked a couple bowls with my new made hash on it I jumped up and just did it. I’ve learned the hard way to trust theese feelings so AWAY WE GGGOOO!!!


Weigh in Corn B

Average 40 g per


The 2 c and 4 b are in jiffy pods the 6 a are floating in water ATM.


You’ve got a solid plan, and I feel ya on trusting your gut. This is what I’ve done with what you’re about to grow now. Definitely doing the bigger pot than me. I’ve got my 4 in 1 gall now. Just waiting for all the shoots to push up about 5” to 18-20” total and I’m ready to start. I am learning with shorter nodes, these require a little more defoliation to promote upward growth.

Looks like everyone is up and going, except @BeagleZ which I hope to see soon :eyes:


2 females 3 males one unconfirmed…I took them out of 12/12 and put them back on a 18/6
Soon they will get transplated to a one gallon and flipped to flower!


First pic on the left, looks to be the best and thickest stalk :+1: Hopefully the late one is a girl. Wish you got a better ratio. Still all look great. The males kinda give themselves away, not so thick and slight elongation.


I’m happy with the ratio! I am fricken jammed packed as it is haha …
The males are deff almost dead giveaways !


It’ll be a couple more months for me, I need to get the COPA tester round out of the veg tent before I can pop these.
But it will be this year for sure


Week 7

Well I have my tops done. Should be about 12-14 on each. I will take cuts of B4 and A2. These 2 have the thickest and hardest stalks. Currently at 13-15” so time is coming up fast to flip. I may do 2 next week and then 2 more in 2 more weeks after I get the NL harvested to get space freed up to let the shorter 2 veg longer and grow their shoot’s up more



Stalks are the only way to tell possible best plant for now. We’ll see if that holds up at the end of budding


4 of 6 A sprouted 2 went directly to soil in solo and 2 went in rapid rooters. 2c and 4b still haven’t popped through jiffy pods. My auto went into 2 gal but these 1or 1.5gal tops so I can get more going.

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Harder shells may need a bit more time. Greenfingers had to wait a few more days for the NL’s pop. I know the germination has been high since starting so shouldn’t be issues. Definitely decent at the least. Thanks for letting me know :+1::wink:


They arevstull waiting in paper towels not given upvuet. I had seeds take a week to open.

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Yes I have the CripXmas a and they germed very quickly…all but 2 that is. :smiley:


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Still have 2a in papertowel @58hrs but dropped 2 more just in case.

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Week 5

@Cyr_grow @Smooth

Both getting really sticky now. The C plant is doing what I thought, as it fills in it will get fatter and dense in the center. I believe it’s also higher calyx to leaf ratio. She also smells like the NL2, so I’m thinking this may be a good combination of flavors. Getting this budding structure into CripXmas is what I want to see. This will drastically increase size and yields from standard formation and structure.

TC A x NL2




Those look so delicious. I mean this is what its all about!
I made an observation the other day. I was running out of my personal stash since I had to take a few months break from growing and had to reach out to a friend that works in a dispensary. Had her bring me several different strains to get me by until I harvested. DAMN, that crap burned the living Sh*% outta my throat! I mean I’ve smoked pounds of my stuff through the years and never had that happen. What they hell could they have grown that stuff in to cause this?


Usually harsh flavor is loaded w nutrient…is it poor burning ? Darker ash ? These are tell-tale sign of no flushing excess out before harvest. Also the difference in chemical WITHOUT flushing from ORGANIC is worlds apart too. I do it regardless but not as crucial than chemical. One more thought, rushed drying that hasn’t been flushed enough can be hayish-lawn taste ‘green’ and it can be rough on the throat. I know it sucks to pay for some yahoo’s mistakes. If it’s a small amount I live and learn by never going back there but if it’s a few oz’s I’d be calling to ask to make it right and if not, find where customers have written reviews for the dispensary and post one. I’ve seen dispensaries go away once enough negative reviews get posted about poor quality and service :face_with_monocle:


Yeah, I have a strong feeling its loaded with nutrients AND not dried correctly. It doesn’t taste like hay so I could have been the non flush that added to it. I’m afraid to smoke anymore and am hitting the only thing that came down last night which is sativa dominant. Even though it still hasn’t had any time in the cure jars, it’s day and night with the smoothness. The taste isn’t there yet but I’ve been growing this cut for over a year now and know what it’ll become. STILL way better than that crap.