Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Perhaps my micro quick steam dry will help you get through the spell. This will allow the bud be to dried in a steam heat in under 3 mins. It protects the glands from rupture and still has flavor. I do this to potency test AND when low by using the smaller under pieces that haven’t developed as well. This drying method is all over the web and proven many time over to work the best.




Oh wow! I’m gonna try this tonight when I get off of work! Thanks brother


One thing, smaller buds don’t need to be cut up. I don’t use large buds anyway, but there’s shrinking during evaporation. Also wet paper towel is sealed around the edges and should be tight, that ensures steam is sealed in and dry piece on the bottom keeps the bud from too much moisture. Lower power setting can do it slower like 30-40%, also in intervals of 30-45 secs. Don’t go longer than 90 secs without checking to give it rest. Also prevents from possible burning at the branch. I tend to set timer for 3:00 and open every 30 seconds in quick bursts, longer does make it drier, but it’s possible to get a slightly moist piece done before all the way dried out. It’s timing. Too little results in slower harder to burn and too much results in faster incineration. I tend to like a slight snap on stem and then I know it’s enough but not too much to be overly dry. Let it rest like 10 mins as it will help air drying too.


I think I have the picture of how to seal it with the wet paper towel in my mind. I’ll know for sure tonight huh?!!


Yup its pretty simple, just mostly in proper timing bursts. Most people don’t realize how fast 20-30 secs of heat for bud is, but it takes it bit by bit, allowing the steam to protect from drier heat. Variable’s such as size and current water content determine how many cycle bursts to be dry enough to burn. I’m sure you’ll get it down after a few tries :wink:


Remember I said B4…the veins match mom’s


@HumblePie420 so how did the steam dry go for ya ? I am curious what you thought of it.

I have a sneak peak and 2 plants that need a bit more training, and I’m about to explain where that may be needed


Here ALL 4 first main tops had to be secured down. They have stretched a bit overshadowing the 2nd. Securing tops to their own branches allows the 2nd to get the length needed to meet the mains. This is what may need to be done on taller pheno’s for a better profile


This one is micro short node growth . You can see the 2nd toppings are stubby.I think the best solution is to defoliate the entire main stems so that no foliage is blocking light below. While I think this will one be closest to its mom, the micro short node growth isn’t ideal for quick growing times or cuts. B3 has slightly more, and you can see it’s grown out better in a bush. Same A2. So plants that show nodes something in between like those are probably better for cuts and growing times. I will taking cuts of the 3 to hold until after budding and smoking to determine which is the better plant that may stay for better growing rate. Probably start the B3 and A2 after I get cuts and they’re good to go and will root.


Worked like a charm my man. Got myself so stoned. I’d never heard of this method so thanks so much brother!

Yeah, your canopy is getting pretty dense in there. Is there a certain number of weeks you’ll wait to defoliate or just do it when it needs it? I’ve heard some breeders like Mass Medical Strains say they only defoliate after day 24 of flower. I don’t quite get how he got to the exact number but thats why I’m asking. Should I be counting days? I kinda hate growing that way but if it actually ups my game…I’ll start counting.


It surprisingly does. I was just a kid trying to figure how can I get bud in mins dried. The nature of the microwave unprotected is snap crackle and pop. And I thought “inside” a container and wet towel and presto steam dry was born. I tried to tell everyone but being so young I didn’t have credibility, but slowly it got used and someone made a template of my method. You never know when a post made and the content in it ends up literally immortalized. I’m happy I’ve stoked a lot about it and most USE this for the purpose I’ve intended it for. There’s been ridicule by some that think one would dry an entire harvest and thankfully no one has been that impatient to do it. There’s a camp of believers that try and a camp of the dubious when threads come up. Why it’s so controversial after 25 years I don’t know. Now you know you don’t have to PAY for bud when you have a plant that’s 1-2 weeks away from being ready when dry :face_with_monocle:

It’s when the center is getting overshadowed by leaves. The growth underneath is getting less direct light, so thinning out allow the shoots to push up. Generally plants from seed aren’t ready until about 5th week of growth, then it’s needed to promote more tops, unless the grower is just doing main shoot than laterals tops, defoliation shapes the tops and shoots so it’s a bushier top profile. After all we want shoots that grow into branch top buds :wink:


Hey so first did you use clips to secure your tops if so what degree? Also the germ rate is good out of 12 seeds only 2 didn’t tail in paper towel. Now the rest is all on me. I used jiffy plugs for the first time wow absolute garbage! They are just coir packed into cloth so no real air flow and holds to much water. They managed to snuff the life out of 11 seeds by suffocating them and rotting the the tap root tip. Sorry @originaldankmaster96 I tried something new and I put to much into an untried product. I know better bad me I’ll have my girl spank me so I remember😉. Anyways I have 4As rocking good also 1B and 1C. I have another B I pulled out of plug and pulled cap off put back in plug once they open up I can keep them living in the jiffy plug not really expecting that one to take but we will see. So I have 4A that will be 10-14 days ahead of the rest of the pack. I’m gonna drop some more A,B,C into water and get more of these going. I’m really pissed I screwed the pooch with those jiffy plugs oh well live and learn. Everyone’s plants looking good.


There is definitely a learning curve to using those jiffy plugs bro. I’ve had to learn it but I probably live in a different climate than you.

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Sorry to hear about the bad luck bro. I’ve been there “trying out” new ways, especially DWC hydro, which didn’t work out too well at the end twice. I may try again later down the road. Never been a fan of jiffy plugs or any heavy medium, and I learned the hard way using 100% HF and it was far too heavy and wet. I called it the lazy gardeners watering soil mix, so it had to be cut w something lighter and airy, that’s why I use the the BG and extra perlite. I’m glad to hear that you will have some plants. So not all lost and good to hear you’re dropping a few more😉 We all do if the first starts don’t work if not too behind. I am using twist ties. I take the taller top below the growing shoot and bend it towards its own branch below a node, then secure it. They can get out of this and pull it up, so has to be slid or moved back down to be held in place. I’m only holding it for secondary tops to grow up and meet those, so not intending for main tops to grow into horizontal S branch.

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Ya I have been using rr plugs and they are great sponge like so they hold water but very loose and airy so seedling do great in them. If just using dirt fill my solo 2/3 up with ffof with 3:1 perlite added. Then the top third( a little less actually) is any seedling soil mix. Also do this with my rr in solos. That way top dries quickly so I can water for first week or 2 with just a spray bottle so I don’t over water. By the time they have been in solos for 2 wks or so roots just start to hit ffof and getting nutes but slowly. It has been very successful for me and plants never have issues with being to wet in the beginning or shock from the ffof. Also mix my old ffof back into my soil mix. After harvest I’ll run a couple gal of water through the pots to flush the dirt a little more let in dry and save to mix in my pots this also helps with leveling out ffof cause can be too hot.
So I dropped 2 A, 3B, 2c, and 3 nl#2. These are going straight to dirt once germinated no b.s. going trying and true old school after this last upsetting debacle I found myself in.lol
Heres an A in a rr getting out in solo snapped quick root pic.


I am pleased to report that I have 10 CripXmas A seedlings coming along. They are just pushing their 3rd leaf set, all are very healthy. I have an 11th one that is slowly making it’s way…not sure if it will make it, still only has the cotyledons. Things are looking good, strain seems uniform so far and they are healthy and vigorous!! :smiley:

Cheers!! :beers::beers:

Oh @OriginalDankmaster96, is the IRC mj chat still going on?



So got 6a in solo 1b and 1c. I dropped 2 more a 2b and 3c and 3nl#3 and 2 Jenny kush and have 7 more seeds in pods going so all a sudden I have 28 seeds going 3 FEMS 2AF andbrest regs. Wtaf am I thinking? After losing those couple lite a fire under my ass I will not run out of weed again. I have my stunted sog drying but that’s be awhile another plant coming down end of week

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Week 8

A1 and A2



They’re now 15-16” I’ll say it again, the plants that start thickening their branches fast are the ones to watch. If you’re topping, watch to see how it swells up there and below. Notice how B4 has thick and compact branching where it was topped at, this is what tells me this plant is the closest to its mother. This also confirms little variation because of the low number of plants to get a representation of the mom. Anyway, almost there. Plenty of tops, just need the outward growth to push up, and then it’s time.

@420noob Its GOOD to always have something in the various stages going. Less time wasted waiting for the next plant to be ready. I’ll probably start more seeds once I cycle again. NL2 x Xmas A and Pinetree Haze so it’s ready to veg when CripXmas is nearly done and I’ll be moving 4 clones of A and B all vegged and ready if my timing is down. Yeah I’m 0-3 on RR. For me they just dry out completely fast then I have to dip and pour water to get it even wet. Doesn’t seem to work well in drier conditions. I know everyone raves about them, but can’t say I’v had great success. Good to hear you’ve got a nice selection going. I don’t think you’d need a lot to find a keeper.

@Kabuddha its a good Q. I mostly use iPhone and I have a Chrome book when I need a bigger screen or actual need to use computer interface. I ran a Dell desktop during the IRC/ICQ days. I don’t know if #smokers_lounge is still there. Ironic there’s a section for chat threads here named after this. My guess is no, because Subcool was a large and intricate part of how it functioned to bring the crew on and probably linked to the OG take down, so everyone that came on most likely scattered and went elsewhere after feeling unsafe. Of course some have passed on and I’ll even bet others went underground from internet chat use entirely in respects to growing before reforms started happening. On one hand I’m curious if anyone is still around but on the other it’s the past. Not even sure it will run on a Chrome book, but if it can’t there’s no way to get on to see.

Good to hear you got most going. Yeah, seems to be the straggler seeding here and there. After all its live material and natural selection will always play a role regardless of intended germination quality. I definitely feel positive hearing your seeing the uniformity as it keeps going across the board from each tester. I do think everyone is going to be quite satisfied with the end results.


Week 6

@Smooth @Cyr_grow

TC A x NL 2



Samples taken today. Both are as I suspected. A is TC and blends well of gas/pine flavor. Definitely the potent one but smaller nugs. C is more NL but w added potency of TC. Has the NL fruity smell like but pine flavor. Not better or stronger than TC x Xmas, but still enjoyable and flavorful. Maybe later end will be stronger. They are looking close to finishing. I think it might be one more week, but it could still be going. I’ll be switching to more flush than feed from here on out


Gotta love those red hairs over that neon green. At what color trichome do you start to flush?


Definitely bright like TC. The moment I see amber coming in, it’s time to flush to meet the peak window. And yes amber is starting on these.