Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

There is an Android app you can get that is everything IRC…it’s called mIRC. I highly recommend mIRC for IRC, tons of functions in the app. Its very easy to start an irc chat with mIRC…maybe a decent move to start a new one if the old one is defunct.



Those look fantastic, I’ll update mine this weekend, they’re all looking awesome.:peace_symbol:


Ya I live in a high plains desert so very dry always. Rr work great can fill a little plastic dish with them and always leave just under 1/4 of water in bottom of container. The sponge likeness lets them stay wet but still get air. Work great for me. It’s funny you could be growing the same thing as your neighbor so same everything (conditions) but things that never fail them will always fail you or visa versa. Whichs proves once again the only right way is the way that works best for you as an individual. Rr 15/15 also batting 100% straight to soil. So :crossed_fingers:this trend stays lol. Of course these were germinated before going in so already new were viable.

So of course go to take a pic and it’s during the one hour of dark time. Anyway get the idea and 5 more seeds still in paper towel.


What do ya think folks…is the mystery sativa Maui Wowie :thinking:



Plant C


Damn C is looking nice! So did a quick count I have 4A seedlings plus 3 more seeds germ 5B 4C 2 NL +1 germ so hopefully get a nice selection of lady’s.:crossed_fingers:

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Yeah it’s exotic. Reminds me of Red Dragon or Utopia Haze. Very nice to hear, and I can’t agree more. What works for one may not work for another, especially in the same kind of conditions. Yep did exactly what you do too, pour water in the bottom. Dried out in days. Ridiculously faster than RW trying to keep warm. I did get one cut close and planted it. I’ll say they helped get a few close when I had a defunct cloner and no RW. Also the way the bottom is shaped doesn’t stand up in slotted trays or even smaller plastic dishes. Anyway, ready to see you rock it :sunglasses:

After 12 weeks of stalling the male, the MW is starting to go into flower. He stands up to my chest. Probably the most massive male plant I’ve done to date. Since I can no longer stall it, which for the females and TC x NL it’s too late to affect them. The 2 Corns are about to get started in their first week. So I’m thinking of collect to store obviously, but live dust the 2 Corns when ready. Here’s where I present another testing opportunity where WE ALL determine IF this cross works for CripXmas in terms of terpenes and a different and exotic version of Crip to try out. I’ll be putting off starting flower until pollination is done AND the collecting process until it’s past its peak pollen production and is waning, after that I feel safer going ahead and flowering CripXmas. They will be much bigger and more than ready but past the pollen contamination. I could just forget about doing it, but it’s the only male of MW, so now or not. I’ll share a few pics and tell me if it should it be done :thinking: I should note, this one won’t require pics. Definitely nice and helpful but it’s primarily terpene profile based on consensus.


Little update four and one on the left
Cripxmas A

Cripxmas B and A&B bx


Everything in the flower room is just starting to bud except for the last sour diesel lemon kush at nine weeks

Grapex x blue sunshine

Ice pie

Island sweet skunk


Molokia Frost


Hey brother I’m still here …
Deff will upload some shots this weekend .
They r getting “huge”…still in veg atm!
Hope all is well


Very very nice :+1: Your A’s are IDENTICAL to the BX’s going. There is little variation showing. At this point I can’t imagine a wide range of differences in aspect traits, so everyone should get relatively the same results in buds. Very nice assortment going….mmm Molokai Frost. Perhaps some MW pollen should meet it :wink:

The B’s also showing the same as mine. Very wide fans and extremely compact. Starting to see mothers traits of A and B in each respectively as they age more. Looking like it’s stabilized so far. They’re still the early stage flowering to get through but I doubt the sacks show unlike most F1’s of TC. Can’t wait to see them hit the outdoors and how they grow there. Just a hunch, but I think they’ll stand out

@Rabeats2093 I had no doubts you weren’t so all good brother :+1: Life takes us away at times. Looking forward to seeing the progress soon.

CripXmas A BX Xmas A


So my flower tent has been weird. My tatoonie doughnut which yields is left to be desired went from all white pistils Thursday night to all orange and pulled in at 53 days my white crack auto is hitting week 13 tomorrow hopefully harvest soon and my to afghans are swelling something fierce. Got pics from last week didn’t upload yet phone took a shit. So recount 5A 1germ, 5B, 3C,3nl and some other fems I dropped.

some still have helmets hanging on so will have better more organized pics. Looking great @OriginalDankmaster96 that mw needed a little foot support for pics uh?:joy:lol @greenfingers you are killing it. Which cross is the bx? That’s backcross right?


Yup, exactly. I’ve stripped the foliage for pollen today, but it’s seriously bound. That’s the half gallon bag by the way.

The BX is the CripXmas A x Xmas bud A. Essentially it’s BOTH Xmas males in the line. Seems to be showing true to Xmas expressions already, except this has potency the original lacks. I’m going to hit mine again w Xmas A and YOU’LL get to run those and compare to the A’s you did :sunglasses:


Sounds like a winner!:fire:

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You growing some kick to the head stuff or is only good enough to get you sleepin?

Oh and bout Pine…

There’s diffent kinds of pine and I hear Xmas and that’s sounding good, but here’s my description, be interesting to ear what you got

There’s pine like walking in a pine forest, softly piney, definitely there, pinene up front, and it’ll get you high and relaxed.

Then there’s lush Christmas tree with notes of lemon, pine, cedar, pepper and cloves, and maybe even some cinnamon should our goddess provide, but pinene ain’t up front, it’s the combination that makes this Xmas magical with the perfect reminescence of not just the Xmas tree but the immersion of the day.

I’ve grown both kinds but the latter was autoflower and sucked in yield and I’m looking around if anyone got a regular version in the works.

Little update on pheno type A
A little stretch going on with them but nothing extreme…soon enough I’ll have another light and more space



@Rabeats2093 Yes, they all have a similar appearance. And the A stretches slightly but not like sativa. I’m seeing the parents expressed more by the day. Seems to be changing after 9 weeks. Doing real well there. Thanks for the update

Week 9

Well they’re ready, but I’m smart to hold off. The first stamens have opened on MW already. Anyway, you can see they have all done the NL2 beach ball shape. I’m done pinching. I’ll just defoliate from time to time. It will keep shaping as a wider bush but I don’t expect tall vertical growth






Both of these show the parent fully expressed in the growing shoots


Stripped down and tied up for pollen…sounds kind of kinky :smirk:

And the dropping begins….


Week 7

@Smooth @Cyr_grow

Done! Even for 49 it’s has quite a bit of amber heads, so definitely not longer than 49.

I anticipate about 30 or slightly under on A and about 45-50 on C




At what point in percentage of amber will you cull your plants to experience the best a plant has to offer would you recommend? I tend to let them get at least 15% amber or so since I have problems sleeping through the night but when I do run these I’d like to try them out at your recommended timing.


The first amber appear on the sugar leafs, but once I see calyx w a few, especially on tops that’s good enough for me. Considering 49 is to seed maturity it would be between to be right in the middle. So I think 45 will be peak window for CripXmas harvest.


That is a good looking fast flowering plant there.