Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Yes, it seems TC hybrids of NL and Xmas are faster flowering. Both CripXmas mothers were the same time. So it’s pretty consistent from hybrid to hybrid. Could be the same for your SFV :sunglasses:


I am looking forward to growing them out. But first I really want to do that last run with the Tampa Crippy IX seeds I still have. Hoping for 1 more good female.


So I had 100% germ rate B, C, and NL 75% A


I just up potted the NL #2. Cripxmas A n Cripxmas B no particular order its kinda chaos in there right now :joy:


1St pic A
2nd B
3rd C
4th NL
I’m probably gonna drop a few more beans since I lost a few plants.


Great to see things are on track @420noob :+1: By the C you mean the NL x CripXmas C ? Just want to be sure that’s what I’m looking at. Anyway, doing great. Won’t be surprised to say they’re consistent as w @Rabeats2093 and @Greenfingers plants :face_with_monocle:

Now the MW A has developed a lovely eucalyptus/pine/mint odor w no fruit. It really has my attention. What I want to do here is grow another cut and dust w Xmas A to amplify the mint and shorten flowering…not done after CripXmas run. I said this could be something else, turns out one has the right profile for CripXmas. I believe everyone would like this pheno a lot just based on odors. Could be the better choice over Corn, but that’s why there’s two more test runs before crossing into CripXmas which is better suited.

Nug MW A


Look nice! So they c is the nl x cripXmas pheno c. Which cripXmas pheno was the nl crossed to A or B or both? Gonna drop my last 2 As now that I know more seeds of this strain are out there. I was ready to horde these last 2 lmao just how my mind works. They are looking good though got them spread through 2 wks of germ and all are above ground at this point. Thanks for pointing that out about the C.


That would be Xmas bud C male that had distinguishable mint-funk flavor. One of few males that were palatable to test. It’s the one male the seed from both mothers came from. With that said, I believe it will be it will a boosted NL 2. I’m already getting that metallic pine on the back half of a roll from the TC x NL 2 C. The whole combination in CripXmas is going to mind blowing perfect. Can’t wait until we are all smoking terpene bliss :grin:


Man, I can’t wait until these Oaxaca I’ve got going finish so I can join in the fun guys!

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Ahhh! So how far in ? Hmmmm I think you may be getting some of this MW pollen to hit your next grow of it, unless it’s just from seed and no mom.


Hell yeah, I’ll hit it with that! I’ve got moms and 1 dad so far. You know what, screw it. I’m gonna germinate a few this weekend. I just can’t stand it any longer! Thanks for letting me grow along with you guys.


I am getting blue kush pollen and plan on a Oaxaca run this summer🤔


Thats sounds epic my man.


Pleased to report ALL cuts of CripXmas A2 B3 B4 rooted fast and flawless within 14 days. Seems to have the NL speed and rate. TC is almost 3 weeks to root. Definitely a plus! :wink:


A and C weight. Although I’ve been picking at both it’s probably 35 each and a little drier, which I’ve been waiting on more rubber seal jars, so now it can rehydrate from getting crispy dry.




Preliminary impressions are both have the Crippy gas pine hit and that flavor in the back of the throat. NL seems to bring it out like Xmas does well. The hybrids seem to have the strong old school taste, like I was saying about CripXmas B, especially the funk aftertaste that lingers in the exhale. Strong and expansive, capable of causing chunks to come up. Definitely has punch of Crippy, intense head high. To be clear it sorta hits like CripXmas but not as hard and definitely not the wild potency affects I got from CripXmas. Even the TC x Xmas is similar, but the CripXmas nothing matches it. I’ll certainly tell if I encounter what CripXmas did to me from anything else, but I doubt it…



Week 10

Not the day I expected. Noticed ants running around underneath trays and painters tarp, lifted it all up and there was a colony :rage: Had to remove everything out, spray down w my orange bug spray, pull out the tarp and sweep all the debris dead leaves out. Put down new tarp, ran out so had to use large garbage bags to cover corners up. Then I looked at the dirty mylar and said it’s time to change it out. Now I had to remove lights and fans to get in the closet to put it up, ran out of that too, so had to use a few foil sheets to cover rest.

Nothing much to say, except they’re full bushes now. About 19-20” Definitely ready, however the male is in full bloom now so waiting is still best. The Corns are in the 2nd week, so about middle of the 3rd week to hit them. Hopefully mid month we can start flowering CripXmas and I can cycle 4 A and B cuts, the 3 Xmas BX’s to veg

Oh yeah, those who don’t know I’ve entered CripXmas A F3 for OG pic of the month 🫰🏻


Beginning to collect your MW dust @HumblePie420 @Greenfingers

Has exploded and developed nice top heads


So exciting! I’ve got em’ in the dirt since this past Sunday. I wanted to see how they sprout without doing the soaking in water or paper towel thing. I wanted to wait to report back until I saw some action but might as well start posting the progress now.


I think it will be interesting to see how long they take to break the surface without pre-germination :thinking:


I just found MW pollination has already started on the Corns, so I took both in and shook tops over them. Several times over the next 2 weeks I’ll redust what’s new and hasn’t taken. So it’s in full swing now