Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I was at lowes last year and asked what they do with the old pots laying around, the girl said they recycle them. I asked if I could recycle some. I grabbed a bunch of smaller ones. I have alot of pots, but not big ones I could use some 7/10 gallon tree pots. I’ll check my local nurseries.:peace_symbol:


Just jarred

@BudBusterPro I’ve increased my record :trophy:

MW A weight

MW B weight

Averaged 2 oz per. Good news is the heavier yield is the pine luscious


Well folks it’s official, we’ve reached a milestone here 1000 postings and almost 10k in views and I have struck gold again. Maui A is INCREDIBLE! It’s stronger pine than NL2, and I’ll go on a limb to say this is the alpha pinene terp. Why ? It’s soothing floaty and calming in affects. Real strong pinene is very anti anxiety inducing. I love this stuff, like hooked how it relaxes me. She has earned her spot as a mom. Maui A and Xmas (if not C then A) definitely going to happen and eventually crossed into CripXmas, though the first cross may already have happened. I left the C pollen on the bud of the TC A x NL 2 (yes I did get a few seeds. I swear it’s hard to know if you will or won’t w TC crosses) and may have hit both Maui as well. Xmas seeds are gray matte color, which I think I found one. I expect to find more from 2 saved. I may have several spots to try out the Maui C x Xmas ? after I see what’s there. I said this may be yet another project, and oh hell yeah all my pine lovers will rejoice their classic desires here. Hawaiian sativa pine, we are blessed brothers :pray::innocent::evergreen_tree: I can’t wait to get this one to all of you


Fantastic news my man. Pine is the reason I jumped into your Project Evergreen in the first place brother. I smoked a Hawaiian that blew my mind in terms of terps but of course didn’t clone her because I was such a noob at the growing game. So incredibly awesome that we get to relive the old pine of my teenage years again via you my friend. I tip my hat hermano :tophat:


Yup, it’s that ONE, smells of loud pine too. Glad I saved those 4 seeds 2017. Had that feeling of finding just a few in the oz worth growing in the future. Like a dream come true. There will be a day when I have to shut down, so I’ll need committed stewards to preserve these special plants :wink:


Thats my middle name brochacho


Is that running straight 12/12 in one gal?

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For Maui ? Seeds started in late Nov and flipped on Feb 7, so about 8 weeks vegging time. These have the potential of being a good yield flipping cuts to 12/12 w little veg time.


Week 11

I’m taking out each plant since it’s hard to tell by a group shot at this point. You’ll notice deformities in some of the leaves. Kinda doing their own thing, so thinning the dense growth of leaves now and then. Drink a lot. At least 32 oz a day per plant


This one is the closest to A mother. You can see it in the structure not just the thinner leaf sets. Has that slightly taller growth but still within the others.


You can probably see it here too, but it’s like 98% for A1, but relatively consistent appearances


You can see the weirdness of B leaves, holes, half formed blades white chalky areas. Some plants will do this more than others.


Like A1 is it’s closer to its mother, but you can see B3 is relatively consistent to B4. There’s variation but I see it as minimal

Thought I’d add the B1 male. I’ve kept it around to see what it would do, formations, stretch, size etc and gotta say not shabby of the 2 males. Stayed short. I haven’t collected. Even though its height stayed short, there’re elongations and sparser branching, but a nice top of flowers. I think there could be better so I’ll probably not end up collecting


So weird about the half formed leaves and chalky white areas. And that male looks like a stunner for sure! I’m starting to notice the male plants and all they bring to the table after avoiding them for so long lol. Very nice work brother, very nice


I know, all get the same water and supplements or tea so I know it’s the genetics how the leaves get weird like it’s deficiencies or calcium residue, but that is actually far better to have a few areas, whereas TC is a mag monster and twists leaf blades on every branch so high mag isn’t required. So I see that an improvement over the original. Perhaps I should consider collecting and hold on to it unless a better plant is found later. Thanks, appreciate the kudos and can’t wait to see your babies growing just like what I’ve been showing. I did pollen collection last night so got 2 bags ready to be sent soon, one for you and @Greenfingers


That’s awesome of you, thank you for your generosity my friend. Ill put it to good use.


Definitely get the pollen in the hands of people who will put to good use and have done great work with you so far!


Probably a stupid question, but are you sure the chalky white powder isn’t PM or some other mold/fungus?

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What’s your feeding/ light routine for your mothers !
One of the phenos smell like dog shit…
The other two might be two early too tell but I’m getting a menthol smell from a stem rub.
I took cuttings of the dogshit pheno lol

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That’s hilarious @Rabeats2093


I literally gave it a good stem rub I was disgusted then proceeded to have the woman do a sniff test …
She was not impressed lmao I was like if I had to experience it so do it ! :rofl:

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To funny :laughing: It’s just the stems so far ? No flower. Out of likes​:disappointed:


Barley two weeks Into flower just starting to form the poof balls !
Yet a diff strain has no smell at all

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Blows my mind how different plants preform in different environment and growers. Truly fascinating