Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

I remember when I use to compare my 2 week old plant to other growers 2 week old plants to see if I was doing alright :sweat_smile:


That’s a double edge sword! One side helpful and the other not so much. I’ve watched plants completely change from one location to another
The real question is are you still checking with them or are they checking with you!

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Nl x crip C



Took a break trying to finish a game and see it got busy around here last night…

@Redrum92 Not a stupid question, I can see how you would draw that conclusion. I’m far too dry in humidity for any kind of fungus or PM. Most likely it’s still the variegation showing but it’s not as prominent as the A mother.

@Rabeats2093 Dogshit :thinking: Perhaps it’s the funk
I mentioned of Crip and Xmas. I did rubs on mine to see what I could pick up, mostly menthol, although one didn’t have much of any. Remember when I grew the 2 now mothers out the budding smells during the time didn’t correlate to final dried bud. What you pick up now can be different later. I’ll be interested to hear how it keeps going. The mothers are 18/6 and 2-3 plain BA waters then feed w tea 500-700

@420noob Doing nicely. Might need to up the feeding slightly. They do feed, just not as heavy as TC does that’s up to 1000 and over. Watch for twist as that will indicate Xmas.

@Emeraldgreen is right. The SAME plant can yield varied perspectives from each person describing their experience to it in smells and flavors. What I think matters is similarities as a consensus


Thanks I used ffof at the lower of the solo so was probably a little hot that’s why the yellow bottom leaves. Been giving mycos+ 3-0-0 and organic fish fert 5-1-1 they have taken off little shock first week until established. Thanks they made it through the tender times.

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Ahhh, the hotness I forgot about that. That’s why I like to cut with black gold. Don’t get that on seedlings now

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I have started adding inert ffof from previous grows to cut a bit but ya I think I might add black gold the price is better.

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Wonderful, thank you! Gonna be a great year!


They have deff some size and it’s a hot mess in the room rn lol


Maui stamen and pollen test…

Smooth menthol and a bit of clove. Not as harsh smoking. Ranks next to the Xmas male. Nice buzz. I’ll have to try more tomorrow when I’m sober to get a better read on potency.


Well I got something to make pollen sifting from stamens a lot easier, however its actually a kief shaker and I have about 2lbs of trim I’ve been accumulating over harvests so been running it through and it’s about as good as pollinator did, but I just ran it through again brushing over the screen back and forth, and pretty much cleaned all the bigger bits of plant matter out, made it much more golden and cleaner. Since a canister no worries about spilling or air blowing on it. Been over 20 years since I’ve had enough kief to roll up, I’d bowl top it back then having the lungs for the punishment. Just thought I’d pass it along, though back then it wasn’t as clean, even the first roll of the drum would be 50% green. This sifter looks about 80% to me.

For 14 bucks this is nifty. I made a dull foil bottom so scraping isn’t so hard and dumps out cleaner

4.5” Aluminum Pollen Shaker https://a.co/d/htAMfwD


Gentlemen, start your engines! Nice haul you’ve got there brother

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Thanks :blush: Yeah I was stunned how much a first trim shake produced. Handful of hydrotron rocks to the shake are perfect for an agitator. Even though it’s manual, the slow cranking I had to do to keep from centrifugal forces at faster cranking is far far better and less tiring, although the 2nd cleaning was tedious to brush over.


Great idea. I’ve got a pollen shaker as well. Very nice idea

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Is this pollen or kief? Haven’t finished first cup of coffee yet so not quite running at 100% yet.

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Had to put one outside …shit is getting crazy in here
It was the dog shit pheno …I plan on taking it in every night to keep the 12/12 going


It’s kief screened twice

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You can see the longer leaf petioles, that’s Xmas doing it. Very dense branching like the A does but squat height. I think it will change to menthol-pepper later. Thanks for updating


Oh yeah the other ones in the tent their leafs r so jagged it looks crazy deff all three look the same in stature though .no problem I’m here till harvest bro ! Only downfall is my new phone is not very good quality


Just screened pollen from the male stamens and rolled them up lightly buzzed…shit faced now on THAT! Smooth, that burnt leaf taste very minimal. Picking up strong menthol and slight clove. Proving to be quality. The dust is so laden in the air my allergies are haywire. Need to get this wrapped up soon so I’m hoping it’s nearing its peak production. One thing I can note about male flower smoking now, is the stamens/pollen vary in harsh and smooth aspects. Xmas and Maui are both the smoother and distinguishable menthol flavor, whereas the NL2 was lighter (said like Xmas) and PTK was the harshest of them al when comparing to Xmas. This is why I do this testing because I can start to sort out the indicators and rank them best to least than guess which is better and I think should the test grow of CripXmas prove to be as potent as I’ve claimed the mothers are, this will be a more a efficient, accurate way to select males and should be paid attention to :face_with_monocle: