Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That’s a nice stash. So my afghans are at that time I think for the chop. That means all solos are going into one gal pots then sliding into the tent for way more light. Hopefully this weekend then I should be sexing them in the next couple weeks then as soon as sexed the ladies are going into 2gal pots and 12/12 or maybe 12/12 for 10-14 days then up pot. Idk any thoughts on this up pot at the flip or up pot 10-14 days after flip? Thanks all

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That’s JUST the current round of trim…I have THIS to run from probably a year of harvest lol

As far as up potting goes, I’m seeing these girls like root space particularly. Seems growth is slightly staggered once bound, so if you have the space do it, but I think you should give the plants their adjustment period, then 12/12. Corn didn’t particularly like it’s up potting and being thrown straight to 12/12 without adjusting, so it’s budding in a droopy appearance, that makes watering confusing to determine. TC didn’t mind this, but its top shoots could have had better branches in retrospect. Some strains handle that up potting then 12/12 than others that need to adjust and grow slightly more, especially if it’s any topping involved before doing flip.


And we have ANOTHER later occurring male. So from week 4 to 12 A1 showed no sign, but looking back I got fooled on a seeing a calyx that showed no pistil. No wonder. Having been fooled I took a cut, and now it’s rooting. I’m not going to do it’s pollen after Maui but I’ll put the cut into a cup, hold on and use it after I get through A and B cuts, CripXmas and Xmas BX. However we got to see how the Xmas male expresses its growth. I’m curious how close to the grandfather he is. Anyway, I’ll do a few final shots then chop it down. So it’s 3/3 50% ratio.


OK that’s what I was thinking myself.

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That is awesome :raised_hands:
I can’t tell you how excited I am right now haha

I havnt had that terp in a long long time.
Thank you so much for this project :yum:


So under 3 wks and I can smell pine when I ruffle the leaves of my plants I’d say that’s a good sign👍. Your hard work coming through again young plants powered through soil that was a little hot and already have the smell you bred for awesome! Im getting more and more excited chopping my flower tent so all the little ones have a chance to really start to show their stuff! I tip my hat to you @originaldankmaster96 your work shines through!


Very awesome to hear brother! :grin: I was getting worried everyone was gonna say I smell ‘dogshit’ where’s that pine you promised :joy: but I guess there’s cat piss, so I should be honored in some respects. Appreciate your keen observations and look forward to hearing more.


Welcome @HappyTrees23s :grin: Would be glad to send out testers and get you started to join in. Your member lvl qualifies for a full 10 pack of the A if you have the room to do it or BOTH A and B. Let me know and DM address and I’ll get it ready to go out next week.


This message constitutes that I really like all of the above…since I’m outta likes at the moment. :heart: :heart:


Think I’m gonna send you 3 of the Maui A x Xmas C ? w the pollen so we can find what’s there…you game to pop those shortly ? :wink:


Oh yeah, I’m certainly down my man. Looks like I just regained my like powers


Consider it done brother! I’m gonna fish out a few more for 5-6 so there’s a good shot of a few females.


Saweet! Those will hit soil as soon as they arrive. Thanks brother.


Really ?! I was not expecting that !
Thank you kindly.
And after hearing @420noob descriptions of your work after just 3 weeks, they sound like you did a beautiful job :raised_hands:


I’d like to see more update from othwr testers

Just cause!


I like giving updates on the weekends. That way there’s actually changes that are visible.


Yes, just let me know what your grow/space situation allows. If you can do a full commitment I’ll send 10 of each. If space is limited I can send 5 of my A’s and 10B’s along w bonus 5 NL2. DM address and what your choice is.


Time to wrap this up. I anticipated about 2 weeks to get through this pollen drop. Maui is waning. I just got one more bag for a total of 5 not counting what I’m giving. It’s actually one more than the other heavier drops, so this one is a record for yield in pollen. Got about 2 off CripXmas B1 male and the other B2 male would be 1 if I keep it, which I’m not unless the stamen smoke tells me otherwise. I’ll keep the CripXmas A1 to see how the initial stretch goes then it’s being cut down. I think TONIGHT I move the 3 after 12 weeks of vegging in and get this show moving forward.

Maui starting to die

A1 CripXmas


Those are beautiful Males :raised_hands:

And I just saw your message so I’ll send you a PM in a few. Thank you again :metal:


That sure is one hell of a lot of nuts to have to lug around.

Update: Both the Cripxmas A’s are going strong. They tend to stretch in my grow/veg room since I’ve got the lights way up at the top of ceiling because I’ve got different sized plants going at the same time. It all evens out after a few weeks.

After a couple of up-pots and hoping these are females, they will be grown outside until completion slowly adding all the other seeds into the melee. I’ll be keeping a sharp lookout for the most pine stank/taste of the bunch.