Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Looking good @HumblePie420 And I’m sure they’re not going to stretch sativa style even at a distance from light. They’ll balance out as you put it

Now if everyone thinks I’m going to say every male smoked is good flavor, this where I say B2 was total shit and harsh leaf burn, zero flavor…what do you think happened to that dust…:wastebasket: Any stamens/dust that show little to no flavor terps get trashed immediately. If the Maui smoked like that there’s absolutely no way I would’ve waited. I still need to try B1’s after collecting but it may end up where B2 did.


Very interesting observation. I must admit, I’ve never heard of smoking the stamens/dust. I wanna try it now.


IF the male plant is quality breeding, it will have SOME discernible flavor, hit smoother as it smokes and feel a buzz to it. IF it’s not, it will be harsh burnt leaves all the way, no flavor can be made out and/or weak buzz. B2 had NO pine/menthol so that said to me it’s NOT the Xmas traits.


It really is like taking a college class all the things you learn that you here.


Right, but it also has to do with the heightened senses :wink: Someone without the heightened senses may not be able to discern aspects of the smoke testing for flavors beneath the ‘burnt leaf’


Week 12

Day 1 flowering 4-17-23

They’ve been boosted w early bloomer to start. You can see how dense the foliage has become from compact growth. Needs defoliation in the center after the first week. Starting height is 20-22”

Any tester who’s between 2-3rd week of flowering please report if sex has remained stable. I seriously doubt there will be reversals but I just can’t say it’s certain until I hear from each of you as confirmation that sex has stayed true past that 3rd week.

@Greenfingers @HumblePie420 mail goes out today. Pollen is good to go. I put it in the freezer to see if it would clump up after being collected. Nope, all dry flowing powder :+1:

Left to right A2, B3 and B4


What are yhe droopy looking plants in the back row of first pic? I hopefully will flipping in couple weeks just up potted to one gal.

those are all A 3 to the right and 2 in front of hand
the 3 to the left are B 3 to right are nl x crip C
those 3 nl#2


The shocked Corns that are pollinated with Maui for OG fundraiser auction in the summer


Sweet auction goodies!

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Yup, and that’s why I said to let the plants adjust to that up potting before flip. These never adjusted, so now I have to use moisture meter to know when to water because of the perma-droop. Picking up the pot or using the slight wilt doesn’t work like normal.

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Thanks for that I was gonna follow your example. Glad I stayed and you shot down.:+1:. I topped a couple about 5 days ago so they are starting to grow separate tops up potting these babies should shoot up in about a week I hope.


Well I just stem rubbed B3 and my fingers stuck together :astonished: Feels like literally glue and no give to that back and forth rubbing. Yeah I think this is a sign to watch out for :eyes:


This is gonna be the year of pine stank.


Little update since I’ve been slacking. So far im seeing three or four girls, one ab bx 1st pic, I think two As and one B. I had two NL#2 One showed boy the other im not sure yet.

I have a few more that need to show something. One way or the other we’ll see some Cripxmas this year outside.


Ill be getting cuts for indoor :+1:t2::peace_symbol:


Doing well @Greenfingers I see the Xmas coming through. It’s funny how this BX is turning sativa dom from its Indica parentage. Slight spindly stems but relatively manageable height.

So I just rolled up B1, and this one does have menthol and smoked smooth to the end, so definitely has terps. I had a feeling it was the better plant of the 2. Developed nice tops near the end too. My intuition was right, this is why I say a particular plant has potential as it grows from seed.


Im sure once these get outside under the sun, we’re going to see some bushes again.:+1:t2:


Looking great fellas
Check this out dankmaster

Now I’ve heard of nugs on petioles but not the stem leaf !?! Only one plant portrays the characteristics


Yes I have heard of nugs that grow between the petiole and node, but definitely a wild mutation to be on the petiole. It’s from Xmas for sure. There could be something unique so 1 to watch.


That wild! Never seen anything like that before