Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

CripXmas A has won a spot on the OG poster :tada::grin::star_struck:


I stared defoliating and happen to see nugs in the pile I grabbed it and a whole leaf came along with it deff odd !
Good thing I got some clones from it in the fridge …just so happens to be from the foul smelling one lol


I said from the beginning not to be surprised to see the WEIRD from A, and here it is true to form.


Hell yeah man!

So glad you did that cause you never know my man.


Managed to collect a 6th bag of pollen. There’s yield here. Anyway, what’s left of stamens coated in dust screened that and have a very small amount left over. Whoever wants it, let me know


Powdered gold my man.


I gotta say @OriginalDankmaster96, these CripXmas plants are great!! Beautiful little completely uniform lush plants. Impressive for sure!! Excited to see where these things go!! :grin::grin::man_superhero:



That’s fantastic!! …:thinking::smiley::wink:



I’m hip to pollen @OriginalDankmaster96
So the plants finally took off from up potting starting to look like a few pistils here and there but not saying until I know for sure.

this one I tried to top but fimmed got 7 colas going it looks like that’s 3 bud spots on top and 4 around those
Also not using ff nutes for veg this time I’m using stinky fish fert. my girl was not happy with the smell.


Happy 420 OG’s

That’s awesome @Kabuddha to hear and happy you’re excited! Would be nice to see pics of your beauties. Definitely appears consistent with small variations. Main tops are much more compact. They’re stretching but it’s half of what TC does

CripXmas tighter compact


I mean it’s easy to see why structure was an issue in the original and didn’t give a large cola. Also flimsier branching that needed stakes. And because that structure is sturdier it will hold the weight upright instead of bending and leaning down.

@420noob Yup, I see the squat bushes. The one with a lot of tops bunched up, that may be your close replica of B. HA you should have her smell Microbre Brew that’s gag city to even whiff it :nauseated_face: I got to hold my nose to dump it into the tea. I’ll get the pollen out next week


:wink: … So I have 4/10 confirmed males…the other 6 are still unconfirmed. Should be about a week I reckon and the others will show…



So far 2/5 A are female 1/5 male rest are still taking their time .:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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So 2 F’s of 5 starts from A, and 1 F of 5 starts from the NL2 x CripXmas, is that right ?

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Too late!! Ain’t got no seedling pics for you!! :grin:


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full grown plants work fine too :wink:


Have you noticed on pheno A during flower move from five to three leafs and one leaf on top…almost like reveg looking back I think I have spotted the same trait on your ladies but hard to tell …I’ll take better pictures to show later

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:writing_hand: Interesting to see more than a few mention how the christmasweed terps are good for nausea and anxiety. Taking notes and keeping an eye on this thread for developments (and dispersals :grin:)

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Nope got 2 fA 1mA 2nl#2m 0/3C(nlxcx) 0/3B so just waiting for most to show them decide then what to do depending on how many males I get to wether I’m gonna up pot again or not

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Yes, that’s the same budding structure the TC x NL2 C showed. This can be a higher calyx to leaf ratio since the blades reduce as it buds, staying mostly as a single blade.


Wasnt it you who told me you start using bbp right away or no? Anyways still no new discoveries on the plants yet.

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